Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 187 - Team Arceus Aegis

Chapter 187 - Team Arceus Aegis

"Simisage, use Seed Bomb!" Ordered a green-haired young man dressed like a waiter, one of the three Gym Leader brothers of the Striaton Gym, Cilan.

"Sage!" Simisage cried in affirmation as it sprayed explosive seeds over a group of opposing pokemon. Unfortunately it was unable to do much damage towards them due to the fact that majority of their opponents were either poison or flying type pokemon, or a combination of both in the case of the Zubat and Golbat.

"This battle isn't to our flavor at all, is it Simisage?" He said to his pokemon ruefully.

"Sage..." Simisage groaned in agreement, even as it tried to fight off numerous enemies at once.

Not for the first time since they began fighting, Cilan wished he had his brothers by his side so that could support one another. Together they acted as the ingredients to a delicious dish that none could hope to match.

Unfortunately, as Blaine predicted, the young trainers that were unused to genuine combat had all panicked and were trying to flee, only there was no place for them to flee to. So that left only the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Rangers, and a handful of the trainers that were fighting to battle the seemingly endless tide of opponents.

"Muk, take care of that damn Simisage!" One of the Rockets ordered suddenly.


The purple blob surged forward like a toxic tidal wave at Simisage, seemingly intent on dealing with it for good.



The next thing Cilan knew, a Rapidash was flying overhead before touching down on the deck in front of him, it's mane and tail blazing as the girl riding atop it shouted, "Now use Fire Spin!"

At her command, the Rapidash summoned a blazing inferno that engulfed the attacking Muk before spinning into a powerful blazing twister that entrapped it.

"What-?" Cilan uttered in confusion, before hearing a commotion behind him.

"Linoone, use Tackle!"

"Fletchling, use Ember!"

Ryhorn, use Take Down!"


In an instant Cilan found himself surrounded by the very same trainers who had, just moments ago, been fleeing for their lives from Team Rocket. Now however they were swarming forward with fervor to fight back against the rogues, as if they were completely different people.

Of course, someone as observant as Cilan hadn't missed that each and every single one of them had eyes that possesed just the slightest amber colored glow, just like the person who was actually leading the charge atop his massive Onix, before leaping off to actually join the fight himself.

"Ah Lance, one should know that trying to deprive a dish of the most crucial ingrediant means that you are bound for failure." Cilen commented with a smile, before refocusing his attention on the fight.

It was a phenomenon that only a few people across the battlefield noticed, either because they were incredibly observant, or because they themselves weren't actually fighting. And the reason for it was Ace channeling his aura to everyone fighting on the side of the League, not to boost them like he would his pokemon, even his reserves would never be able to keep up, but to channel his will to fight to all of them.

Just Ace using his aura in such a way bolstered morale far beyond what anyone would think was possible after the earlier display of the trainers, instantly changing the flow of battle as Ace himself led them into the thick of it with his pokemon. And beside him were those who also made their names known over the last several days.

Ash charged forward with Pikachu at his side, with Gary also leaping into the battle with his Blastoise and Aerodactyl. Then there was Ethan with his Typhlosion and Lyra with her Meganium, Brendan with his Swampert and Salamence, Lucas and Barry with their starter pokemon, Torterra and Infernape.

Both Hilbert and Nate were charging forward with their sisters at their side, Hilda and Rosa respectively, along with all of their own starter pokemon. Calem and Serena were both riding atop Avalugg with Chesnaught and Delphox fighting on either side, and Elio was battling his way through with Incineroar while Selene supported him with Primarina.

Then there was Victor, who's Cinderace was lobbing Pyro Balls down onto the enemy from above, and Gloria's Inteleon as it sniped opposing pokemon while remaining completely invisible.

The ones causing the biggest waves though were the girls who had been traveling with Ace until this point.

While both Chloe and Joy were taking refuge in the Pokemon Center, where Lucario and Absol were protecting them, May was blazing a path through the enemies with Blaziken while Dawn was slicing through them with Empoleon. Misty however had joined her father and Nessa in taking the fight to Team Aqua, leading several water based trainers as they all dove over the side of the ship into the waters below.

A certain figure watched them all dive down, his eyes focused on a certain one amongst them as he felt the scar going down the front of his chest throb.

"GO! ALL OF YOU!" Archie roared as he sent out all of his pokemon, a Sharpedo, Gyarados, Crawdaunt, Starmie, Huntail and Kingdra.

No sooner had they been released from their pokeballs though, before several other pokemon appeared as his adversary did the same.

"I'll deal with Archie, you all take care of the rest!" Called out the man riding atop the largest Gyarados Archie had ever seen in his life, one that he had seen several times before.

"Big words, for someone who worships a false god." Archie snarled as Hudson stepped off of his Gyarados and onto the submarine to stand before him.

"You're the only one who cares about things like that, Archie. I follow Lugia due to the legacy of my ancestors, and for safety whenever I sail on the sea." Hudson said as he stood against his old nemesis.

"The ONLY ruler of the sea is glorious Kyogre! Anyone who says otherwise is a heretic, and doesn't deserve to live in the new world He will bring about!" Archie sneered contemptuously.

"If you say so." Hudson said calmly, even as he kept an eye on his pokemon as they battled Archie's around them, as well as Misty as she battled alongside Ace's pokemon. Nessa meanwhile had gone to battle against someone who had a different appearance from the rest of Team Aqua, an admin named Shelly if Hudson recalled correctly. (A.N. cue the fanart of those two engaged in a catfight)

At the same time, Falkner and Wendy were leading the few trainers with flying type pokemon they could ride on in the battle against the seemingly endless hordes of Beedrill, Murkrow and Golbat/Zubat.

"Noctowl, use Psychic on the Zubat and Golbat!" Falkner ordered from atop his trusted partner.

"Nooooooct!" Noctowl cried as it's eyes glowed with psychic power, before dozens of Zubat and Golbat rained down from the sky.

"Staraptor, use Close Combat on the Murkrow!" Wendy commanded, holding on as tightly as she could as her own partner shot forward to pummel as many Murkrow as it could as quickly as it could.


All heads suddenly turned as a shrill cry pierced the air, announcing the arrival of Ace's Pidgeot as he blasted through the swarms of Beedrill, before using Hurricane to entrap as many as he could in the powerful vortex.

"We might actually be able to do this..." Falkner said in awe of Pidgeot's power.

"And you fucking jinxed it, you dumbass." Came Ace's voice through his earpiece.

"Ace..." Wendy said back, prepared to tell him off for the language. But the words were caught in her throat before she could.

Either because the flow of battle had shifted, or because they had finished any preparations they had needed to make, the airship above them started opening their cargo bay doors at that exact moment, revealing the largest pokemon Wendy, or almost everyone else present, had ever seen.

"Is that...."

"The true alpha Beedrill? Yes it is. Blame Falkner." Ace's voice said over her earpiece, transmitting to everyone else who had one as they all stared up at the Legendary grade pokemon in awe.

It was easily over a hundred hundred feet high in height, with a blood-red carapace and matching aura that easily dwarfed anything else in the vicinity as it ran it's gaze over the battlefield. Contrasting it's appearance though, was the robotic armor covering various points of it's body such as it's head and chest, the former of which undoubtedly being how they were managing to control it.

"Damn Giovanni... He never told me he had something like that!" Archie swore as he too looked up at the true alpha, but didn't halt his battle against Hudson as he swung his weapon of choice at him, a small anchor attached to chain.

"No matter how many times I see it, I still get chills..." Remarked the suited man in charge of the ground assault of Team Rocket, Grey.

"BWAHAHAHA! TAKE THIS YOU FUCKERS!" Roared the masked man sitting in the bridge of the airship, one of the officials hoping to be promoted to Admin within Team Rocket after the death of Petrel, Vicious.

A sinister smirk adorned his mouth, the only part of his face that was visible, as he watched the battle going on below. He then focused on one of the key components that they needed to eliminate, easily identifiable by his massive Onix, and gave the order to Beedrill through the control pad.

"There Beedrill! Start by killing that brat in front of everyone!"


A shrill cry pierced the night as the air itself felt like it was vibrating, and Ace felt the bloodlust being emmited from Beedrill focus onto him.

"Shit!" He swore before quickly shouting, "Onix, throw me!"

The former king didn't even hesitate as he grabbed Ace's bag in his mouth, and threw him skywards right as Beedrill unleashed a devestatingly powerful Pin Missile at him. For a moment silence enveloped Ace as he soared far above the ship, watching the massive needle-like stingers fly at him, before suddenly he was jerked to the side at the very last second.

"GEOOOO!" Pidgeot screeched as he narrowly avoided the attack with his trainer in his claws, before Ace climbed up onto the harness on his back.

At the same time, the sounds of destruction could be heard as the Pin Missile struck the body of the ship behind where Ace had been. Thankfully everyone was currently either gathered on the bow, or at the Pokemon Center.

"Not a second too soon!" Ace stated with a massive smile on his face, even as he noticed Beedrill keeping it's attention completely on him.

"Looks like its time to fight another god buddy, you ready?" He asked Pidgeot.

"PI!" Pidgeot declared, seemingly offended that Ace would even ask as he turned towards the true alpha Beedrill.

"Ace! What do you think you're doing?!" Lance demanded as he too took to the skies on his Dragonite, along with iris on her Dragonite and Cynthia on her Garchomp now that the true alpha had made an appearance.

"Beedrill is focused on me. Use that opening to try and destroy the armor controlling her!" Ace declared, giving commands to the three Champions now.

"No need for that!" Declared a new voice, alerting Ace and the others to a group flying up from the SS. Anne on jetpacks as they headed towards the airship.

"Giana?!" Ace exclaimed in surprise.

"Keep Beedrill busy, we will try and take over the airship and remove their control over her!" Giana stated, not at all answering the MANY questions Ace now wanted to ask her. After all, there had to be at least fifteen figures flying to the airship alongside her, which was far more than just Jessie and Cassidy.

"Alright then, change in plans." Ace decided finally, going along with whatever giana was planning. Now he just needed to play tag with a minor god. Nothing major.

"Let's go, Pidgeot!" Ace declared as Beedrill prepared to attack once more. Thankfully with Pidgeot's speed they were able to get over the open ocean before the attack came, as beedrill used what must have been Venoshock to flood the ocean with a torrent of deadly poison. Ace just hoped that Lugia wasn't going to be pissed about it...

At the same time, Giana and her entourage landed aboard the airship to be greeted by those who had remained behind to crew it.

"Lady Giana! We are pleased to see you return safely!" Declared the Rocket grunt that greeted them.

"Indeed. Tell me, is Giovanni aboard the ship?" Giana immediately requested.

"No ma'am! He has remained back at headquarters!" The grunt declared immediately.

"I see... Too bad." Giana said, before sending her high heeled boot right up between the grunt's legs.


All the grunt could do was gape in pain and disbelief as while clutching his family jewels, even as he fell to the ground. The last thing he saw was Giana bringing her boot down atop his head, and everything went dark.

Once the grunt was incapacitated, Giana stripped off her suit to reveal a skintight leather outfit that was white and gold, and turned her attention to her entourage. "Take the airship in the name of Team Arceus Aegis. Kill those who stand in our way."

"""YES MA'AM!"""

The group of former Rockets saluted before they immediately fanned out to do as she commanded.

"Not you, Meowth." Giana said as the feline pokemon made to follow Jessie and James further into the airship.

"Not Meowth?!" The feline exclaimed worriedly. After all, he and James had only JUST heard about this before they took off for the airship, and they had only been given the choice of complying or being killed. So needless to say both boys were more than a little nervous.

"Yes, not you." Giana said, before she suddenly pulled out a luxury ball.

"Eh?" Meowth uttered, right before Giana tossed the pokeball at him.

Since Meowth had volutarily joined Team Rocket, he had never once been officially caught. And he never wanted to be.

But after being sucked inside the luxury ball, any resistance he might have put up faded as he allowed himself to be captured, offically becoming Giana's pokemon.

"Come out Meowth." She declared after hearing the official 'ding', calling him back out.

"Now you officially belong to me." Giana told Meowth as he looked around in confusion of everything that had just happened. As for WHY Giana wanted to capture Meowth, it was because of how valuable he was as one of the only pokemon that could speak and translate between humans and pokemon.

It was just one of the many mistakes Giana felt Giovanni made in making Meowth a basic agent instead of putting his true talents to use.

"But do NOT expect me to show favortism to you just because you're one of my pokemon now." Giana said as she glared down at Meowth. "You WILL live up to ALL the expectations I have of you. Understood?"


"Yep! Meowth understands!" Meowth said in the third person while quickly nodding his head.

"Good. Now let us go." Giana said as she led the way forward, with Ariana and one of their higher ranking officers following her, Domino.

The trio, and Meowth, made their way through the halls of the airship without concern as the rest of the teams they brought dealt with the remaining Rockets on board.

At the same time, Vicious had a furious scowl on his face under the mask as they received numerous reports of a mutiny on board, along with their grunts being defeated one after the other.

"Someone better tell me what the hell is going on!" He snarled angrily, right as the door to the bridge opened.

"I believe I can help with that." Stated Giana as she entered the bridge with Ariana and Domino.

"What is this? Betrayal of the Bitches?" Vicious sneered at them angrily.

"As uncouth as usual, Vicious." Giana said with undisguised exasperation.

"What? Did the dicking you get drive you insane?" Vicious asked her venomously, before tapping a few keys so that the video of Ace plowing Giana's cunt began playing for them all to see.

Giana didn't even flinch though, already being aware that just about the entire organization had seen the footage, and instead adopted an uncharacteristic smirk.

"You could say that. You could also say that I learned what a REAL man is like." She told him, making Vicious' eye twitch under his mask.

"Is that so?"

As he spoke Vicious eyed her, Ariana and Domino while weighing his options. While it was true that he had them outnumbered with the remaining crew that were present, he also didn't like his chances in a battle against Giana and Ariana.

The latter was his superior for obvious reasons, and should NOT be underestimated under any circumstances. And while Giana could still be considered a brat compared to the rest of them, she was a brat that was favored by Giovanni growing up. Not only was she skilled at raising pokemon, but she also had the privilege of getting to choose from the cream of the crop to form her team thanks to her being Giovanni's heir.

So Vicious didn't hesitate to make his decision after reaching the most logical conclusion, and pressed one of the buttons by his hand.


Suddenly a barrier sprung up in front of Giana, Ariana and Domino, separating them from Vicious and the remaining crew as he stood from his seat.

"It appears as if the time of Team Rocket is coming to an end. And even if they manage to survive, they will merely be a shell of their former self. Now then, who here wants to come with me and survive?" Vicious asked the remaining crew as he sent out one of his pokemon, a Claydol.

"I'm with you sir!"

"Team Rocket is done for!"

"Let's go!"

Unanimously, they all agreed to join him while Giana and her group tried to break through the barrier, with Giana sending out a Rotom to try and bring it down from the inside.

"Let's get out of here then." Vicious said as they all gathered around Claydol. Before they could leave though, he picked up the control pad for Beedrill.

"Beedrill, this is your final order. KILL THEM ALL!"

After declaring such, Vicious smashed the control pad and placed his hand on Claydol, right as Giana's Rotom managed to bring the barrier down.

"Rotom, use Dark Pulse!" Giana tried to order. But before the attack could reach them, Claydol used Teleport to escape, leaving them behind with their new airship, a busted control pad, and a rampaging true alpha.