Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 184 - Rematch

Chapter 184 - Rematch

The tension in the air was palpable as Nemona took her place across from me in the arena, a manic smile on her face as she got her long awaited rematch.

"THIS WILL BE A SIMPLE ONE-ON-ONE! NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED!" The referee declared, as it became apparent that this match was going to happen no matter what.


"Lycanroc, I choose you!" Nemona declared as soon as we were given leave to send our pokemon out.

"ROOOOOOOOOOC!" Lycanroc howled as soon as it appeared in the arena, before leveling a look at me as if to say 'you again?'

"Charizard." I muttered quietly.



A sudden gust of wind filled the arena as Charizard swooped down from above to land in the arena on our side, his nostrils flaring as he glared as Lycanroc across from him.

But then, he closed his eyes and allowed the tension to drain from his body as I fused my aura with his, synchronizing them together in what Ilene referred to as Harmony.

Our breathing became synchronized, and as I flexed my hand his opened as well, while I could also feel a pair of wings attached to my back. Then, we both opened our eyes at the same time to direct a fierce look at Lycanroc on the other side. This will NOT go the same way it did before.


"Lycanroc, use Accelrock!" Nemona immediately ordered.

"ROC!" It barked in affirmation, before vanishing completely as it sped towards us.

We still couldn't see it moving with our naked eyes, but that didnt mean that we were unable to react.

Fire Punch!

Our claws blazed with a raging inferno as we swung around and slugged Lycanroc in the muzzle right as it tried to attack us, sending it flying back through pure strength while still scorching it's fur.

"Woah!" Nemona exclaimed on the other side, before her expression became borderline feral. "STONE EDGE!"

At her call, Lycanroc righted itself near-effortlessly before slamming it's paws down onto the ground to summon a wave of jagged stones.

Rather that try to avoid the attack, we used Steel Wing and wrapped our wings around ourselves to limit the damage the attack caused, right as the massive stone pillars sprouted up around us.

Iron Tail!

A flick of our tail was enough to shatter the stone pillars as we spun around to face Lycanroc as it used Accelrock once more to try and catch us by surprise.

Fire raged around us as another inferno formed in our claws, right as Lycanroc smashed into our side.

It fucking hurt.

Pain exploaded down our side as Lycanroc, a rock type pokemon using a rock type move, hit us and hit us HARD.


We could feel the shock from Lycanroc as we ignored the pain and gripped it in our empty claw, preventing it from escaping as we then swung our flaming fist down onto it.



Lycanroc hit the ground, HARD, as flames enveloped it's body to scorch even it's fur.

"WHAT A HIT FROM CHARIZARD!" The referee declared in shock, while Nemona looked as if she couldn't be happier.

"Don't act like that did you in, Lycanroc!" Nemona declared, right as the ground erupted around us.

In an instant at least half the arena was covered in massive jagged stone pillars from an extremely over powered Stone Edge, forcing us to take to the air in order to escape.


Right then, Lycanroc erupted from a section of pillars to fly at us with it's fangs bared, radiating rock type energy once more as it sped through the air.

"CHAAAAAAAAAR!" We roared while launching ourselves down at Lycanroc, wreathed in flames that accelerated us even more.

Flame Charge!


Fire met stone as we collided in midair with enough force that Lycanroc was sent crashing back down to the ruined ground, and we were sent flipping head over tail into the air.

"Char!" We growled while flaring our wings, halting our movement and allowing us to right ourselves as we surveyed the ground below.


Lycanroc howled from atop one of the pillars it had created through Stone Edge, alerting us to it's presence right as it's energy surged once more. This time it used Stealth Rock as numerous pointed rocks shot up from the ground, not attacking us, but instead hovering in the air around us unseen.

We curled our lip in contempt at Lycanroc, while it glared back up at us before vanishing suddenly.


Suddenly, we were hit from a completely different direction by Lycanroc using Accelrock once again, except this time it appeared as if Lycanroc was using the rocks from Stealth Rock as footholds in the air.




Over and over again we were hit from every side as Lycanroc moved faster and faster, using the spires from Stone Edge and pointed rocks from Stealth Rock as footholds to constantly move and strike us from every direction.

"This was well fought, but time to end it!" We heard Nemona declare from her end of the arena.

"Lycanroc, finish this with Drill Run!"


The last thing we saw was Lycanroc flying at us, spinning as it did so while radiating ground type energy.


I blinked as the connection between Charizard and I was severed, as a result of the sudden and devestating damage he had received by Lycanroc's last attack. Damage that had sent him crashing down to the ground.

"IT LOOKS LIKE CHARIZARD MIGHT BE DONE FOR!" The referee declared, giving voice to what I'm sure everyone was thinking.

"Is that it?!" I called out to the battlefield.








Fire suddenly filled the arena as Charizard roared, his aura skyrocketing along with the temperature as the rocks from the earlier Stone Edge began to glow.


"BLAZE?! I'VE NEVER SEEN A BLAZE LIKE THIS!" The other referee declared as the temperature continued to climb.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" Nemona cried out, appearing every bit as fired up as Charizard.

"Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!"

"Charizard, use Flame Charge!"

We both gave our orders at the same exact time.

"Lycaaaaaaan!" Lycanroc howled while summoning a tidal wave of jagged stone pillars.

"CHAAAAR!" Charizard roared back as he shot forward, with flames and speed unlike anything I had ever seen him use before as he smashed right through every single pillar in his way.

Obviously, Lycanroc could see the attack coming from a mile away with it's own speed. So Lycanroc easily avoided the attack as it duked to the side.


I smirked when I could feel the surprise from Lycanroc as Charizard crashed into the pillar behind it's previous spot, before turning and blasting it with a suped up Flamethrower that swept over the entire arena.

"ROC!" Lycanroc cried out from within the flames, which even melted the stone pillars around it and inflicted it with a severe burn.

"Use Dig to escape!" Nemona ordered urgently, though with the smile still on her face.

"Now use Fire Punch before it gets away!" I commanded Charizard.


Charizard roared while charging forward, his entire body cloaked in an inferno even as he cocked his fist back.


Lycanroc, who was trying to Dig a hole in the burning ground, was sent flying suddenly as Charizard hit it with his full strength.







In an instant the battle had completely flipped from Lycanroc beating Charizard, to Charizard beating it one-sidedly as he repeatedly used Fire Punch and the damage Lycanroc had acquired continued to increase.



"Charizard should still be close to going down itself! Use Drill Run!" Nemona commanded.


I watched as Lycanroc tried to make one last ditch effort to take down Charizard, having taken significant damage from the repeated hits and Charizard's raw strength.

"Fly up, Charizard!" I called out, and Charizard avoided the attack by flying high up into the air.

"Now, use Fire Blast to finish this!"


With one last mighty roar, Charizard unleashed his most powerful attack, made even stronger by his Blaze ability, onto the entire arena.

"SHIT!" I swore as flames bathed the entire arena, even rushing at Nemona and I while numerous pokemon had to use Protect to shield the stands.

"BLAST!" Blastoise roared as he stood in front of me, shielding me with his body while also using Protect.

On the other side, I could see a Goodra doing the same to protect Nemona from the flames.

"WHAT AN AMAZING ATTACK!" The referee declared, with both of them having exacuated to a safe distance on their Magnezone and Aegislash.

I don't know quite how long it until it was safe, at least a full minute, before Blastoise finally moved to the side to reveal what remained of the battlefield.

The entire arena, including even the pillars from Stone Edge, had been reduced to molten slag that was still glowing and radiating heat. And in the middle of all of that was Lycanroc, who was collapsed upon the only section that appeared to have remained solid.

"L-LYCANROC IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" One of the referees declared, while Charizard flew back to my side and landed, completely drained of energy and barely managing to stay on his feet.


I winced at the sheer volume of noise as the audience cheered from the battle and our victory, meaning that I had managed to best TWO Champions in the last few days.

"TRULY, AN AMAZING BATTLE!" Lance declared through the speakers, his voice cutting through the applause to prompt them all to go silent. And when they did, he continued at a much quieter volume,

"Congratulations to Ace Ketchum, for not only winning the tournament, but also for defeating TWO Champions in a one-on-one match. He truly is a shining star for the future of pokemon trainers!"

"Indeed!" Declared Steven, who apparently took over as Lance stepped back.

"Unfortunately it will be a slight bit longer before we can properly award Ace and his fellow finalists for their feats! With the arena basically unusable until it can be repaired, we invite everyone to join us on the bow of the ship in one hour for the presentaton ceremony! This will give us the proper time needed to set up the stands and platform!"

As Steven spoke I could feel numerous eyes on me, making me look away pointedly as they mentioned a few more details, such as how all eight of us were expected to be present for the rewards. Instead, I focused on Charizard beside me.

"You were amazing out there." I told him with complete seriousness.

"Char!" He declared, trying to pretend he wasn't seriously injured.

"Take a well deserved rest. I know you'll need it for later." I said while patting his side, before recalling him to his pokeball.

"I'll take him Ace!" Joy said as she hurried forward.

"Thank you." I said while handing her his pokeball, knowing Joy will make sure Charizard was battle ready before shit hit the fan...hopefully.

"Go with her." I told Lucario, making him cock a brow as I recalled the rest of my pokemon.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. We don't know when they'll make their move, and I want you to make sure the Pokemon Center and Nurses Joy are all kept safe." I told him.

While it may seem like I was sidelining Lucario at a glance, the truth was that I didn't trust anyone else with this. He was my strongest pokemon, so I knew he would be able to protect them. Plus he could communicate with both people and pokemon if need be, and our aura connection was like its own form of communication even over long distances.

"Very well." Lucario said as he turned to follow Joy, with Absol following him as well with my blessing. If she felt something through her horn, then I would know through Lucario.

"Come on girls, let's go get changed!" May declared as she and the others headed back to my dressing room, obviously to change into something more battle appropriate than cheerleading outfits.

As they departed, I turned my attention to Nemona on the other side of the arena, who was looking at me with bright eyes.


"Ahn~! That feels so weird..." Nemona moaned above me, prompting me to remove my tongue from her puckered little back door.

"Does that mean you want me to stop?" I asked her.

"No! I'm just not used to it yet!" Nemona insisted, so I went back to what I was doing before.

Currently we were in my dressing room with the rest of the girls, and I was enjoying the fruits of my victory while they all changed into more practical clothes.

After all, Nemona had been sending me quite the provocative pictures to try and motivate me for a rematch, so I was just enjoying what I thought I deserved, and she was more than willing to let me. However, she insisted that her virginity be preserved for the day someone actually manages to beat her in a full team battle. A one-on-one battle like ours didn't count.

So, she offered me her ass to use as I pleased instead. And I was more than willing to accept.

Now I had Nemona pressed up against the wall, sticking her butt out at me as I prepped it for use and abuse.

"Are you sure about this Nemona?" I asked while retracting my tongue after thoroughly exploring her wrinkled little anus, and using my fingers to spread her pussy open to I could admire the pink interior. I could even see the proof of her virginity inside.

"That depends, do you want to go another five rounds with me?" She asked back cockily.

I just shook my head wryly and stood behind her, aiming my erect cock at her tight little backdoor.


"HAAAAA!" Nemona cried out as pressed my cock against her anal ring, and slowly pushed it inside.

I had already lubed her backside up as best as I could, and I had Marnie lube me up as well to try and make things easier for Nemona, but the fact was that she was still someone with NO sexual experience. And she was fucking TIGHT!

"If you keep tensing up like that, it'll only be worse." I told Nemona, as her bowels tightend around my cock to the point that it was almost painful.

"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa..."

Nemona only panted in response as I slowly pushed into her, inch by inch, until finally I bottomed out as my hips squished against her ass.

"Its all in, Nemona." I whispered into her ear, making Nemona twitch slightly as she glanced back at me curiously only to see there was no space between our bodies.

"This is where there fun begins~!" I told her next, before pulling out at a more rapid speed before thrusting back in.


"AH!" Nemona moaned as I filled her once more, my hips smacking against her butt to make it ripple.

I gave a few more thrusts at the same speed to give her time to get used to it, before sowly increasing my pace as her moans became less of pain, and more of pleasure.

It also helped when I reached around and groped her breasts, playing with her nipples and squeezing them in a way that I knew would heighten her sensitivity and pleaure.

Soon Nemona began to move her own hips in time with my own as I fucked her at an increasing pace, her confidence going up as she grew accustomed to the sensation of my cock up her ass.

"Here comes the first load!" I warned her, making Nemona look back at me curiously right as I unloaded a torrent of semen into her ass.

"AHN~!" Nemona moaned as I filled her butt, but it was only the first load. There was still plenty of time for me to give her a second, and maybe even a third.

Not only that, I was also on a mission to make her cum as well from me fucking her butt. And I knew I was close too, as I intensified my handling of her breasts and continued thrusting once I had released the final drop of cum.


By the time we exited the dressing room I had cum three times inside Nemona's butt, and she came twice from my administrations. But we also had less than five minutes until the reward ceremony started, so we all had to hurry to make sure we weren't late.