Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 182 - A Show of Force

Chapter 182 - A Show of Force

"So what do you want to know?" I asked the various professors after we all sat down in a secluded room.

"Where did you discover Ditto?" Professor Elm immediately asked, a pad of paper and pencil in his hands to take as many notes as possible.

"Secret, since there may be more there and I don't want to have people destroying the area just trying to find them. Though if I had to comment on their environment, I would say they don't have a specific evironment they adhere too, seeing as they can simply take the form of the pokemon living there to adapt. Obviously though, I would automatically deduct enviroments that are overly hostile or would require a constant transformation, like volcanoes or oceans."

"Why didn't you report it's discovery to the League?" Asked a certain patch of wall that someone curiously decorated like a dragon tamer, which I pointedly ignore.

"Are there any limits to their transformations?" Asked professor Sycamore when it was apparent I wasn't going to answer the wall's question.

"Not that we've seen. Of course, I haven't tried having it Transform into anything near the strength of a Legendary. The only two limitations really are time constraints and memory. There is a set amount of time that Ditto can hold a Transform, and that time is shortened the more energy it uses. Additionally, they can't use Transform based off of memory. Not only is it far more unstable, but they also leave out certain details and get mixed up. it's best to have them turn into pokemon they can see."

"Do they know any moves other than Transform in their base form?" Professor Kukui asked next.

"No. If you try and get it to use a move other than Transform, Ditto cannot respond AT ALL. We've tried. They only seem to be able to use the moves that the pokemon they're Transforming into know, and forget them as soon as the Transform wears off. In a way, this makes them fairly bad pokemon to battle with since fire type pokemon typically know and are resistant against fire type moves, and so on and so forth. Of course there are exceptions, like dragon types, but it would be pretty difficult to try and count on battling such pokemon every time."

Again and again the professors and wall asked me various questions about Ditto, practically begging me to satisfy their academic curiosity. Thankfully professors Oak, Birch and Rowen actualy knew more about Ditto on the technical side of things, so they were able to answer more than a few questions as well.

But then professor Elm asked a question that threw me for a loop.

"How much do you want for one, Ace?"


I blinked at the question before turning my attention to him.


"I want to buy one from you for study!" Professor Elm declared in clarification, while the other professors similarly nodded, indicating they wanted to as well.

I fought back a sigh as I debated on how to handle this, since I never really thought about what I was going to do with all of the Ditto I had. I mean, obviously I wanted to use them for breeding, but outside of that I never gave it any real thought.

"Ehem!" Professor Oak pretended to cough, directing attention to himself.

"If I may, I have a number that I believe would be a fair estimation considering the worth of such a pokemon." He said, before sliding me a slip of paper, which I opened before choking slightly when I saw the number on it.

"Are you serious?!"

"Completely." Professor Oak said in an uncharacteristic manner.

"Not only are Ditto only recently discovered pokemon, but there are a whole slew of reasons to warrant such an exorbitant price where they are conscerned. By owning one, a person would effectively own every single pokemon in existance, despite what you said about them not being able to make proper Transformations from memory. Not to mention their value as breeder pokemon, which you said Brock has already confirmed. And finally, there is their particular method of reproduction to make more Ditto."

By this point all of us, myself included, were hanging onto professor Oak's every word as he produced a document for us to see.

"I would assume everyone present is familiar with the process of mitosis?"

We all nodded.

"Well, from my observations, I have concluded that Ditto reproduce in a process that is almost identical. As they traverse their environment, they inevitably leave traces of their body behind, similarly to how there are undoubtedly traces of Ace's Ditto left in the arena after it splattered to the ground.

"From my estimates after studying them, 99% of the cells they leave behind die off after being separated from the main body. However, when the rare 1% persists, they too can multiply and expand, albeit very slowly. And as they multiply, they create an entirely new Ditto once they have grown large enough. Meaning this pokemon multiplies entirely on their own."

"I see... That would certainly warrant such a price if buying one now meant we would be able to multiply them without actually needing to do anything else down the line." Professor magnolia said thoughtfully.

"Still... This price is too much." Professor Sycamore said as they all looked at the number professor Oak gave me. Not that I could blame them. After all, even if the official professors of each region had deep pockets and numerous connections, it didn't mean their resources were unlimited.


I looked up suddenly as an idea came to my mind, and I did a mental count of who needed a Ditto out of the professors gathered, professor Elm, Juniper, Ivy, Professor Sycamore, professor Kukui, and professor Magnolia. And of them, the only one who didn't seem troubled about acquiring a Ditto was Ivy, who appeared busy on her phone at the moment. Which was weird considering she was the one who seemed the most interested in them at first.

Either way...

"There is something that could help bring down the cost for almost all of you if you're interested." I said to them, gaining their attention.

"Oh? And what is that Ace?" Profesor Kukui asked curiously.

"Well, what if each of you were to give me pokemon in exchange, three to be exact? Then we could deduct the cost for them from the total amount, and the remainder can be paid in installments." I suggested.

"And which three pokemon did you have in mind?" Juniper asked. Though by the look in her eye, I could tell she already had an idea which pokemon I was referring to.


"Teeheeheehee~!" I cackled joyously after the meeting with the professors was over, and I mentally tallied my profits.

Not only was I going to be getting a steady deposit into my accounts from all of them for a while, but I also managed to get them to agree to get me the three pokemon from every region that I was after, the starter pokemon.

Starter pokemon were unique and powerful in their own right, not to mention uncommonly rare to find in the wild to the point that a frenzy was usually whipped up whenever someone finds one. Trainers who managed to acquire all three from their respective regions, like Ash and I, were extremely rare.

I had decided from day one that I wanted to collect ALL of the starters from EVERY region as I traveled on my journey, despite how daunting such a task may seem. I already had Charizard, Blastoise and Bulbasaur from Kanto, Sceptile from Hoenn, and Chimchar and Grotle from Sinnoh.

Thanks to my agreement with the professors though, when we arrive in Celedon I'll also be able to get a Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile from Johto, a Snivy, Tepig and Oshawatt from Unova, a Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie from Kalos, Rowlet, Litten and Popplio from Alola, and finally a Grookie, Scorbunny and Sobble from Galar.

This meant the only starters I was missing were Torchic and Mudkip from Hoenn, Piplup from Sinnoh, and the trio of Paldea, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly.

Torchic and Piplup were both probably an eventuality though, considering how much Empoleon and Blaziken both liked Lucario, and the fact that three quarters of pokemon eggs from cross-species breeding are the same species as the mother. I doubt May or Dawn with have an issue with me getting any Torchic or Piplup eggs from them when they have them, especially if they got any Riolu eggs in exchange.

"Ace?" A voice asked,drawing me from my cackling and thinking as I turned to see Ivy standing behind me, accompanied by Juniper and Sonia.

"Oh? What brings the three of you here?" I asked them curiously.

"You should be getting the notification on your phone any minute." Ivy said, right as Rotom chimed,

"Notification! You have a new message!"

I cocked a brow before having Rotom open the message, which was apparently a contract.

"These are the terms of my employment under your brand new company. Ace Amenities I believe? I will move my lab and all of the equipment within from the Orange islands to Pallet town, or wherever else you decide to set up shop, and all of my assets will belong to you and your new company. In exchange, I will be the highest authority regarding any breeding programs your company pursues, especially since I heard you also plan to start by selling things like honey and potentially milk.

"Additionally, I would also like to be able to examine and study some of the pokemon you capture like we discussed before, such as your alpha pokemon, and now especially your Ditto."

The entire time Ivy was talking I looked through the document she sent me, which specified all of that along with a few other things.

"I don't mind working on certain projects together, but working FOR me?" I asked her.

"I thought it would be the best course of action, and I had heard from Sonia how you extended an offer to her as well." Ivy pointed out, to which I had to admit that I did offer her to work with me.

"But moving your entire lab?"

"I was planning to anyways." Ivy said, before adding, "I only based myself in the Orange islands to assist in the breeder programs to bring back the Lapras populations, which we've been wildly successful at. I've only been staying there until the next project I was needed for came along. With all of the.....fascinating specimens you seem to come up with, then it felt only natural that I move closer so that our work would go more smoothly. Also, it would only be appropriate for me to move closer to my child's father."


I had no idea how to respond to THAT particular comment, even more so when Ivy began caressing her belly meaningfully.

I mean, yeah I understood several of the girls around me wanted kids, and I even used 'breeding' as a way to seduce Clair, but I'm pretty sure Ivy was rushing things a little since we only started fucking the other day. I may be ignorant in the matters of child rearing, but even I knew you wouldn't be able to tell if someone was pregnant THAT quickly.

My expression must have been humorous, as Ivy smirked as she stepped closer and placed a delicate hand against my chest sensually.

"If you don't believe me, then perhaps we can go another round or two before the finals? There's still time." She suggested, increasing her persuasive powers by slipping her other hand down the front of my pants to directly grab my cock.

Not only was I REALLY tempted, but apparently Juniper and Sonia were both also interested in joining in, which might have been the reason why they followed Ivy to begin with.

"Sorry, but I can't this time." I told her, making all three women blink in surprise as I directly removed Ivy's hand from my pants and turned to walk away.

"The finals are up next, and then the REAL battle will probably take place afterwards. I need to focus until then." I told them, and made my way to the dressing room once more.

I wasn't just being dramatic, right now, but was completely serious as I mentally prepared myself for the coming battle. Even if I was confident in being able to beat Calem, this was still the final match in a tournament. I wasn't going to take any chances.

I arrived at the dressing room ,which appeared vastly different from earlier due to the fact that none of the girls were present this time. Instead, Lucario was waiting for me along with Absol, who was on guard duty to sense for any impending disasters.

"I hope you're ready partner." Lucario said when he saw me.

"Always. if anything, you're the one I'm worried about." I told him with a smirk, making Lucario snort even as his mouth curled upwards in amusement.

I then went and sat down on the bench, sitting cross-legged on it in a meditative stace, before Lucario joined in as he took his seat behind me.

We leaned back against the other and closed our eyes as we entered a meditative trance, focusing our auras and synchronizing them as we circulated our energies through our bodies.

The two of us sat here, our auras and breathing completely in synch, for a few hours without moving aside from the rise and fall of our chests. And then, as one, we opened our eyes and looked in the direction the arena was in as we felt the people gathering once more after their break.

"Its time." Lucario said, and we rose at the same time.

"Sol." Absol said as she too stood to follow us, apparently intending to be there to support Lucario and I in the finals.

Together, the three of us made our way into the hall that led the way to the arena before I paused while reaching for my bag.

"Come on out."

At my command, ALL of my pokemon that were able to be here with me appeared, as professor Oak already lifted my carry limit in preparation for the battle against Team Rocket tonight. The hall, apparently built with pokemon in mind, was even large enough that my Onix was able to move about without too much trouble.

"This is it everyone." I said while looking over every single one of them.

"I know this isn't a conference, or the Elite Four or anything, but this is our first ever tournament together.

"Normally this is the part where I would be expected to give an inspirational speech about 'giving it our all', and 'doing our best'. But I don't believe in such Tauros-shit.

"I believe in winning.

"And looking out at all of you, I see nothing but a bunch of winners. So I expect nothing less from each and every one of you.

"Now let's go out there, and WIN!"


"Hello everyone, and welcome back to our special episode of Gabby's Corner! I'm live from the SS. Anne, where the final match-up of the first ever Inter-League Tournament is about to commence! Joining me tonight is none other than Champion Lance! The driving force behind this tournament, and the only reigning Champion of TWO regions!"

As Gabby finished introducing him, her camera man panned to show Lance himself to all of the people watching from all over the world.

"Greetings." Said the man who was considered to be one of the most powerful trainers in the entire world, the only man who had brought TWO regions to heel as their Champion.

"How does it feel to see the tournament you yourself made such a huge contribution for reach this stage? That we are about to find out who is the strongest amongst the new generation of trainers from all around the world!" Gabby asked him excitedly, as this was EASILY the biggest interview she had ever done.

"It is exciting to see things reach this stage. It has been a true pleasure to see so many promising youth that will take up the mantels of the League in the future." Lance stated seriously, giving her a perfunctory answer without flaw.

"Indeed! And I have to ask, is there a specific trainer you have your eyes on to win the tournament?" Gabby asked, probing about the person who was quickly becoming known all over the world.

Lance smiled wryly at the obvoious probe, and answered, "Of course! After all, I am rooting for a win from Kanto."

Lance felt it would be obvious that he would want Ace, a Kantonian, to win between him and Calem. Even if he wasn't from Kanto himself, Lance still reigned over it as Champion.

"But still, where is Ace Ketchum?" Gabby asked as her camera man pointed said camera down onto the arena to show Calem waiting where he was supposed to, but no Ace in sight.



"What was that?" Gabby asked worriedly, while a few other people also looked around as they felt the ship shudder under them.


This time more people reacted as the ship vibrated even more, before another one followed it.

"Are these....footsteps?" The camera man, Ty, asked curiously as he pointed his camera all over.



By now everyone was looking as they tried to find the source of the noise, before a figure emerged from within the tunnel on Ace's side of the arena.


They all gaped as a giant Snorlax emerged from the tunnel, being the source of the thundering footsteps they had all been hearing.

And it wasn't alone.


The sound of buzzing filled the arena this time as dozens of Combee flew out of the tunnel around Snorlax in V formation, scattering throughout the arena in an organized display before several more pokemon came into view.





One by one, large and powerful pokemon exited the tunnel to gather on Ace's side of the arena, inspiring awe in all of those who were watching.

"Snorlax, Golem, Blastoise, Tangrowth, Onix, Ampharos, Lickilicky, Nidoking, Gyarados... These are seriously powerful pokemon!" Gabby exclaimed in awe of the lineup Ace was showing them, and they all STILL KEPT COMING!

Not only did he bring new pokemon that hadn't been used during the tournament, he also brought out the pokemon he had used against Marnie and Brendan. Vespiquen, Nidoqueen, Exeggutor, Tyrantrum, Mightyena, Floatzel, and many more!

Ace even brought along his so-called baby pokemon, those he only recently obtained before boarding the SS. Anne and the ones he traded for after boarding. Eevee, Grimer, Alolan Muk, Diglett, Dugtrio, Croagunk, Tinkatink, Snover, Rookidee, Rolycoly, Whismur, and Chimchar.

"Is that a shiny Ralts?!" Gabbry exclaimed in shock, as Ty focused his camera on the mother-daughter duo of Ralts and Gardevoir.

They all soon lost count of all the pokemon as they filed out onto the arena, each and every one of them primed and ready to do battle. And standing in the middle of all of them, was Ace, with a shiny Dratini draped around his neck.

"Focus on him!" Gabby quickly told Ty, who complied as Ace's face became the focus of their broadcast.

"Aren't they only allowed six pokemon for the battle?" Ty asked no one in particular as he filmed Ace stepping up to his place opposite Calem.

"Yes. But nothing says that he can't have more with him, so long as he uses ONLY six of them." Lance said as he stepped up beside Gabby, struggling to keep a straight face as he did so from Ace's latest stunt.

"NOW THAT BOTH OF OUR FINALISTS ARE HERE, LET THE FINALE OF THE INTER-LEAGUE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!" One of the referees declared, and Calem stepped with a pokeball in hand.

"I choose you, Tyranitar!"


The powerful rock/dark type roared as it appeared in the middle of the arena, undaunted by the sight of the literal army before it.

"Tyranitar, huh?" Ace said with a smirk, before one of his pokemon stepped forward without any verbal prompting.


Golem immediately stepped forward onto the arena to face against their first opponent, eager to put his strength to the test before the entire world.