Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 155 - A New Business Venture

Chapter 155 - A New Business Venture

I looked Leaf Green up and down after she introduced herself, accepting her offered hand while examining both her body and her aura.

"Nice to meet you Leaf. Ace Ketchum, but you already know that." I replied as we shook hands.

"That I did! You're the golden boy of Kanto right now, meaning you're also my golden egg laying Chansey~!" Leaf replied while rubbing her fingers together.

"If you're gonna make money off of me, then I want a cut." I said bluntly. But imagine my surprise when Leaf actually pulled out the wad of cash from earlier, and handed me several crisp bills.

"Alright, I'll give you a cut if you help me make more money! With your powerful pokemon, and my mind for money-making, we'll be filthy rich!" Leaf declared while her aura flared at the idea of making money. And though I wanted to shake my head at her wanting to be partners in such a money making scheme, there was one thing she mentioned that got my attention.

"Instead of the scams and cons you're probably used to running(she pretended to be offended at that), How about we discuss a way to make some REAL money?"

Leaf's aura lit up like a wildfire at my offer, though she played it cool to not seem too interested.

"I don't know about following someone else's plans, but I suppose I can hear you out." She said coolly, making me want to shake my head at the difference between her expression and aura.

"Follow me." I said, leading the way to a place where we could talk, with Chloe and Lillie following us while Brendan and Max went to go find someone else for the former to challenge.

I led the way to one of the tables that was located by the pool, which would also give me some much lovely eye-candy while we talked. The rules here were even as liberal as they were back on that beach in(newly named) Azure town, meaning some girls were even topless or walking around in the skimpiest little thong bikinis they had been able to find.

"You have a thing for this?" Leaf asked with a smirk.

"Wouldn't any guy with a pulse?" I asked back, not bothering to hide my interest in skantily-clad women. I didn't even register the men that were also present.

Though I DID notice the pinches I was receiving on either side from both Chloe and Lillie.

"If they're too distracting, we could always find someplace else to talk~?" Leaf suggested, leaning forward as she did so to allow her shirt to dangle dangerously low. I felt as if I would spy a pink tip if she shifted just ever so slightly.

"Nah, I can multitask." I said while maintaining strict eye contact, with the opening in her shirt.

I didn't even have to look up to know Leaf was smirking, though she turned serious as she asked while leaning back in her chair, "So what is this proposal of yours?"

I tried not to sigh too deeply at the loss of the enticing sight, before actually making eye contact with her as I said, "Firstly, are you aware that I am recognized as an official Breeder?"

"That I am. There's been quite a bit of information coming out about you since last night, including the fact that you're a Breeder and Ranger." Leaf quickly affirmed.

"Right... Anyways, part of my privilege as an official Breeder is that I can sell products being produced by my pokemon, such as Miltank milk, Combee honey, Mareep wool, and so on."

"Let me stop you right there. I'm not a farmer." Leaf readily said.

"And I'm not asking you to be one. What I need is someone capable of actually managing the business end of things. Advertising, selling, and managing product. That sort of thing."

Leaf genuinely seemed to ponder my offer for a moment, before asking, "Why me? And what's in it for me?"

"Well, no particular reason aside from the fact that you appear to have actual business sense, and you might not try to betray me or steal from me since there would be more money in it for you in the long term. As for what's in it for you, how about a steady wage along with a portion of the profits you make?"

"Anything else?" Leaf asked, obviously wondering just how far she would be able to push.

"Well, if/when we expand, you would also be the one running my business as the executive manager. Plus I can promise you a Capsule for a mobile office."

"Really? Is that all?"


"Well, I suppose there are SOME other perks that certain employees/partners of mine would enjoy."

"Is that so? Tell me more!" Leaf requested while leaning forward eagerly.

"How about I give you a down payment instead?" I suggested.



I shoved Leaf into one of the changing rooms before latching the door closed behind us, not that it did anything to actually ensure privacy with it being open above us.

"I don't know about-" Leaf began, before I grabbed her hips and sealed her lips.

Despite her attempt to protest Leaf submitted to the kiss as my tongue dominated her mouth, my hands reaching down to grope her ass as I pressed her up against the back wall. Meanwhile her hands came between us as they pressed up against my chest, though rather than trying to push back my advances, she was running her hands over my chest and abs.

"Just remember..." I growled while just barely separating my lips from hers. "You wanted the 'down payment'."

I then roughly turned her around and bent her over so her hands were pressed down on the bench beside us, making her watch herself in mirror behind it as I crouched down behind her and flipped her skirt. I then took a moment to admire the sight of her ass as it was clad in a cute pair of white panties with blue stripes, before yanking said panties down to her ankles to reveal their contents to me.

I used my fingers to spread her creamy-pale cheeks, exposing her moist lips to my greedy gaze, before using my thumbs to spread them as well to actually see her pink flesh.

"How beautiful." I said loud enough for her to hear me, sufficiently embarrassing her if the red streaks in her aura were any indication. Then, before she could try to claim cold feet again, I buried my face between her cheeks and licked the enticing flesh.


"Hiiii!" Leaf almost whined as I licked her delicate petals, which were quickly becoming saturated as her taste filled my mouth.

I ignored her whining and wiggling though, and continued using my tongue to stimulate her vaginal flesh while using her aura to determine how to best bring her pleasure. Aura truly was a cheat in terms of bedroom pleasure since it was a good indicator of how my partner was feeling, and which actions they reacted to the most.

For example, when I buried my tongue as deep into her folds as possible, it also resulted in my nose digging into her tight little chocolate-Staryu, which generated another surge in her aura. Something to file away for later.

And while I could have brought her to climax quickly, I wanted Leaf to learn that sex with me wasn't a competition or a race to see how quickly we could make each other cum. So I prolonged the cunniligus I was giving her while also melding my aura to hers, sharing pleasure and intent until the exact right moment. And once it was time, I sucked on her clit to send her over the edge before a flood of fluid filled my mouth and splashed my face.

"HAAAA-!" Leaf cried out as I brought her to a massive climax, regardless of the fact that there were people right outside that could hear us. I could already feel some of them looking this way with various reactions, amusement, interest, and irritation being chief amongst them.

As her climax surged through her I had to keep holding Leaf's hips to keep her shaking legs from letting her fall, before turning her over again so that she was sitting on the very edge of the bench with her legs spread.

"Now then, lets go on the main event." I said, reminding Leaf that that was just the 'warm up' as I pulled out my hardening manhood.

Leaf's eyes went wide as the sight of my cock before her was enough to drag her out of her orgasmic stupor, even before it rose to full mast as it prepared for action.

"No way... Isn't that thing too big...?!" She uttered in awe and disbelief.

"Nah. You'll love it." I told her with a smirk as I pressed the head against her now saturated slit, rubbing it up and down to spread some of the lubricant onto it.

Once my cock was sufficiently lubricated, I used it to part her lower lips while directing it right into her tight little hole.

"Celebi's cunt!" Leaf swore in a very....interesting manner as I spread her open and filled her, and I hadn't even gone more than a couple inches...

"Ngh..." I groaned from how tight Leaf was as I pushed further and further into her, until I finally pressed up against her cervix.

"I can't go any further Leaf." I told her, making Leaf look down at where we were connect to see that there was still several inches that hadn't gone inside her.

"Haaa.... Not even Bulby's Vine Whip stretched me out this much..." She groaned while looking away again.

"Excuse me?" I asked, wondering if I heard right. But Leaf didn't bother to explain further for me, so I decided to shelf THAT particular topic as well for the moment as I focused on fucking her.

To start with I entered a slow and steady rhythm as I rocked myself in and out of her repeatedly, earning me a muffled whimper or moan whenever I rubbed my cock up against her g-spot. But with each thrust into her I picked up the pace slightly as she grew increasingly accustomed to my girth, and I was also able to fit just a bit more of length into her as well.

Eventually I got to the point where I was just full-on fucking Leaf when I was able to pick up the pace, with me holding her calves in each hand to manually spread her open while my balls began to smack against her ass. I also found myself hypnotized by the erratic movements of her breasts once she peeled off her shirt, revealing that she had no bra on underneath.

Soon enough I could feel the tell-tale pressure building within my balls, prompting me to give a few final thrusts before I buried myself as far as I could go inside of her to unleash a torrent of semen directly into her womb.

"Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiT!" Leaf swore as I filled her, and she too came for what must've been the fourth or fifth time.

My movements slowed to allow us both to catch our breaths, though I was hardly winded, before I picked Leaf up off of the bench. I was still buried inside of her as I sat down this time, leaving myself buried inside of her as I settled her onto my lap so that her delectible looking breasts were directly in front of my face.

"Well Leaf, I showed you what I have to offer. Now, I think its about time we discuss your pay and benefits. Tell, me, what do YOU think you deserve?" I asked while leaning back against the mirror, and crossing my hands behind my head.

Leaf stared blankly at me for a moment as the meaning of my words sunk in.

"I see..." She said, before she began gyrating her hips slowly.

"Well, maternity leave is a must to start with." She said with a wry smirk, which I returned given our current situation.

"Done. Anything else?"

"Now lets see... How about-"


Roughly an hour after we entered the changing room Leaf and I exited it to find numerous gazes in our direction. Some were men that gave me a thumbs up, others were women who looked at Leaf while radiating jealousy, and then a good number of them also looked at us with disapproval. I found that last one funny considering there were women walking around nearby wearing nothing but a tiny triangle that barely covered their pussy.

We just ignored them all while making our way back to the table where we had been talking earlier, only to find that Chloe and Lillie had apparently spread the word about what I was doing. Now Daisy, Misty, May, Dawn, Joy, and even Giana had joined them.

"So, this is Leaf?" Misty said in an irritated tone.

"Yep." I answered while sitting at the table without any shame. "She's also my new sales manager." I added, prompting several raised brows. Though while the others appeared somewhat doubtful, Giana had a look in her eyes that was almost....predatory.

"Why do you need a sales manager?" Lillie asked curiously.

"Well, to sell all of the honey my Combee are producing to start with. And then I also plan to expand once I'm able to get enough space to reliably breed and house enough pokemon, mainly Miltank milk and other pokemon related commodities like Mareep and Wooloo wool." I explained.

"Interesting..." Giana practically purred as she gave me her full and undivided attention. I REALLY wished I could read her mind right now, but all I got was her unbreakable defenses when I tried.

"What about merchandise aside from pokemon goods?" Leaf suggested, while refusing to sit down with the rest of us for some reason.

"I don't see why not, depending on what it is and the production cost of it. I don't want my name being attached to anything shady, or sink a ton of money into something stupid and unnecessary." I told her.

"Well, I have experience running a business. I'm sure Leaf and I would really be able to get yours off of the ground properly, plus I have a few ideas of my own if you don't mind." Giana said with undisguised eagerness.

"You know, the look you're giving me would make a Sharpedo run away in terror." I pointed out to her, which just made Giana's smile widen even more.

"So, do we have any product to sell already?" Leaf asked to break the tension.

"Joy." I said, leaving the floor open to my amazing nurse.

"Right. As we collected honey from Vespiquen until now I've been labeling and categorizing every single jar based on time and location. We have honey from Viridian forest, Cerulean city, routes 9 and 10, Lavender town, routes 11 and 12, and then Vermillion city. Not to mention all of the honey that was produced from pollination from within our own greenhouse."

I blinked as Joy not only detailed the exact location where each jar of honey was produced, but also wrote down the numbers regarding how many jars of it that we had. I didn't even know all of this.

"Does the location where the honey was made even matter?" Leaf asked curiously, which made Joy stare at her blankly.

"Of course it does. Leaving out all of the beneficial and medical uses all honey has, raw honey can also be used as a way to combat allergies if it was produced in the same area as the person suffering from them. Not only that, but it can also affect the taste and quality of the honey based off of the pollen that was used to make it. Honey made in Celadon city would taste better and be much higher quality than honey produced in say, Pewter, due to all of the flowers Gym Leader Erika and her Gym trainers plant and raise."

Both Leaf and Giana blinked from Joy's sudden lecture about the quality of honey, which caught everyone else by surprise while I just watched on with a smirk.

"I see..." Leaf said in contemplation. I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she thought on all of this before saying, "Apparently I REALLY should have caught myself some Combee..."

"We can always expand in the future, but lets focus on the here and now." I pointed out to her, and Leaf focused once more on the honey.

"Well the first thing to do is to come up with a proper company name and logo, since you'll be starting a brand. After that we need to have your honey priced by specialists, since we can't just slap a random number onto each jar." Giana continued as she outlined everything we needed.

"Wow. You really know your stuff." Leaf observed.

"Well I should since Giovanni groomed me to take over Team Rocket and all of his businesses one day." Giana plainly admitted, which made Leaf stiffen as she realized just WHO Giana actually was.

Giana however didn't seem to mind as she made a series of shooing motions at the rest of the girls and I.

"Now you all go on! Leaf and I have some work to do while Ace what he does best, beat ass!" She declared, making me smile wryly since I apparently wasn't going to actually be a part of the decisions for my own company.

Apparently my thoughts showed on my face as Giana said, "Don't worry, we'll make sure to run everything by you when we have a few options. You ARE the boss after all."

"Ugh. Don't call me that, it makes me feel like Giovanni." I said with distaste at the title.

"Done! We can just add your official title to the list we have to come up with." Giana said wihtout so much as blinking.

"Well, alright then." I said while standing, as the rest of the girls did the same. I wasn't worried that Giana or Leaf would do anything 'bad', as there was nothing malicious in either of their auras, but something in Giana's made me wonder if this was a good idea.

"So that makes how many girls you've seduced just since we got on the ship? Two?" May asked as we all started walking away.

"Three actually. First Ivy, then Giana, and now Leaf."

"Why am I not surprised...?" Misty asked in exasperation.

"I always thought the thing Ace does best is eat ass, not beat it..." Dawn said in an absentminded manner, earning her numerous looks just for saying such a thing out loud.


Giana was estatic!

Though she had plans to make Ace Ketchum the new boss of Team Rocket after Giovanni, once they cut away the dead weight of course, she never expected he would make the first step to create his own corprate empire!

Yes, honey wasn't exactly the greatest money-maker. But everyone needed to start SOMEWHERE.

And that was also why Giana was excited to meet Leaf, who their intel stated had a head for financial gain. She was an opportunist who never passed up a chance to make money according to their reports, having built a bit of reputation for herself selling faulty and shady merchandise to fund her adventure, and make some extra cash.

But the more she talked to Leaf, the more she learned that she had a genuine head for business.

"Honey is an ok place to start, but we also have to have some variety in our merchandise if we truly want to make a name for ourselves, and not just be known as honey salesmen." Leaf said as she wrote down a few things on her notepad.

"I completely agree. Any ideas?" Giana asked, already having some of her own, but she also wanted to pick Leaf's brain to see what she thought of.

"Well capitalizing on Ace himself is the best choice, as his popularity is skyrocketing after his battle against Cynthia last night." Leaf said while recalling everything she had been hearing just about Ace since this morning.

Though there were several stories that were true with witnesses or footage to back them up, though Leaf had no idea how they had remained buried for so long, there were plenty others that were built off of speculation in consideration of Ace's own movements and certain timeframes. However they all seemed increasingly possible with new witnesses turning up all the time.

"Indeed... Ace himself is the biggest and hottest topic right now. That's probably why simple merchandise like posters and such of him would be a good start, to increase our funds if nothing else." Giana pitched, hiding her smirk since she was a part of the reason Ace's name was blowing up.

She may or may not have organized for Arianna to strategically leak all of the footage and information that Team Rocket had on Ace during his journey. Now his part in every one of their failed operations was being exposed, which would also serve to increase his fame further when the people realized that they had him to thank for beating the criminals back.

"Or we can go in a slightly different direction, like a calender focused around Ace and his pokemon. Or hell, we can probably even go further since Ace himself doesn't seem to have a sense of shame, and make one of him in the nude." Leaf suggested, even as she wrote down several more ideas.


Giana was wrong about Leaf.

Leaf was an absolute GENIUS at business!

But there was still something else they needed to think about first...

"We also need to come up with a company name and logo." Giana reminded her. She would also need to do the same for Team Rocket, as she knew for a fact that Ace wouldn't want to be associated with the criminal organization, while the public would probably crucify him if it ever got out.

She already had a few ideas, like Origin Team, or Team Cosmos due to his connection with Arceus and Mew. Maybe they could base the company name off of either of them?

Plus there were options that related directly to Ace himself, as the owner of the company, like 'Ketchum Corp', 'K Company', 'Ace Amenities' and so on. (A.N. feel free to vote on any you guys like for both, or pitch your own ideas. I haven't commited to any of them yet.)

Whether it was Ace's future company, or the future of 'Team Rocket', Giana was equally excited as she continued discussing the specifics with Leaf.


Meanwhile, a certain nurse was enjoying herself in the darkness of her own room as she stared at several monitors that were running before her.

One of them was showing a live feed of the security cameras scattered throughout the SS. Anne, which she was using to follow and watch over her beloved. Another monitor was showing all of the footage that had been accumulated about Ace since the tournament started, such as his battles and even his fight with Paul's Hariyama. And finally the third monitor was showing all of the data and footage that was being slowly leaked on the pokenet regarding Ace's part in the downfall of Team Rocket, including footage of the battle of Lavender, Surge's defeat, and even footage of Ace and his pokemon facing a previously unknown Legendary that the leak dubbed 'Mewtwo'.

"My Ace~💕"

"My Ace~💕"

"Oh my Ace~💕!"

Nurse Joy's cries filled her room as her left hand furiously worked the gushing gash inside of her panties, while her right was busy cutting and editing the footage of Ace for her page on pokevision, 'OfficialMrsKetchum'.

Of course, her biggest enemy on pokevision was 'May's Expeditions', which was being ran by one of the disgusting sluts that were following HER Ace around Kanto. AND THEY ONLY SEEMED TO BE MULTIPLYING!

But, such were the woes of being the (future)wife of the greatest man the world had ever seen. And she was such a loving and understanding wife, that she was willing to allow her (future)husband to have his flings, his skanks, his harlots and his booty calls. After all, Nurse Joy had already collected PLENTY of 'research' showing just how much of a stud her (future)husband was.

Nurse Joy's fantasies quickly transitioned to the day they would finally be joined in matrimony. She would be wearing the greatest wedding gown the world had ever seen, and he the most handsome groom the world had ever seen, all at the greatest reception ever, which even Champions from every region would come and wish them a happy future together.

And standing beside her in gowns that would look like mere rags beside her own, would be the sluts and harlots following HER Ace around, who she would MAGNANIMOUSLY allow to be her bridesmaids. She could even see each and every one of them bowing and praising her as the OFFICIAL wife of Ace.

They would say their vows to one another, cut the largest wedding cake the world had ever seen, and then, when night had fallen, he would take her to a secret place and peel the dress off of her. Joy could see it so vividly now, Ace looking down at her from above as they consumated their marriage, with her finally giving her virginity to him on their wedding night like a PROPER bride.

Nurse Joy continuously fingered herself as the fantasy replayed over and over in her head, reaching orgasm after orgasm until she was barely conscious in her orgasmic stupor, only registering when her Chansey would bring her drinks to keep her from becoming dehydrated.

But even as she fingered herself silly, Joy continued working as she cut and edited numerous clips of HER Ace to post on pokevision, and serve to build his name and legacy even more as the world learned just how amazing he was.


"Brrr..." I said while shaking myself slightly.

"What wrong?" Chloe asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I just got a chill all of a sudden." I answered, to which she sneakily nuzzled up against my side while holding my hand, as if she were trying to warm me up.

I smiled at the gesture and rubbed her hand with my thumb, showing her I appreciated it despite it not being THAT kind of chill.

Together the girls and I walked along the deck of the ship, looking for another Gym Leader for me to challenge while they took the time to relax, even as they told me of the different battles they had gone through throughout the day. Misty in particular was all too excited to tell me how her Horsea evolved into a Seadra, while Dawn told them about Prinplup evolving into Empoleon.

And apparently that wasn't all the news either, as May's Spheal had also managed to evolve into Sealeo. Maybe it was us being at sea that was helping their water type pokemon evolve?

Either way, it was nice to hear the girls talk about their exploits, while I also told them the details regarding how I had gotten Chimchar, including how I had dived off of the back of the ship to save it.

Eventually we ended up making our way to the same arena that Cynthia and I had battled on last night, where another battle was apparently taking place now if the crowd was anything to go by.

"Let's go see!" I said while leading the girls forward, sensing who it was that was battling even before we got there. But apparently we got there just in time for the battle to end, as one of the pokemon fell.

"Typhlosion is unable to battle! Dragonite and Clair win!" The drone officiating the match declared, announcing the victory of the very same Gym Leader I had used to tease Lance last night, Clair.

She stood on one side of the arena, her cape flowing in the wind majestically while her bodysuit clung tightly to her body. If I looked really, close, I thought I might be able to see a Camelrupt toe!

But apparently the girls saw through my thoughts as I felt numerous pinches, though I just ignored them as Clair's opponent ran out into the middle of the arena.

"Typhlosion! Are you ok?" Ethan asked worriedly as he checked over what I assumed was his starter, before returning it to it's pokeball. And nearby was Lyra, who was also watching the match anxiously with her Meganium by her side.

"Go see if they need any help." I whispered to Joy, who readily disappeared into the crowd as she went to do just that.

"Is there anyone else?" Clair suddenly asked, drawing my attention back to her as Ethan left the arena while returning to Lyra's side.

"Does anyone else wish to battle me tonight?" She asked once again, but no one readily stepped forward.

It was understandable though, since Clair was usually the last and strongest Gym Leader that trainers challenged in the Johto region. In fact, it was often said that if her cousin wasn't Lance, then she would have long since joined the Elite Four.

"If there is no one else, then I will retire for the night and expect no one to disrupt my downtime." Clair said one last time to us. "If you want a battle, this is your last chance for tonight."

As expected, no one stepped forward to accept her challenge, except for me as I exited the crowds.

"Sure, why not?"