Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 157 - Taming the Tamer

Chapter 157 - Taming the Tamer

Awe filled the arena from the appearance of my Mega Evolved Charizard, who stood with all the pride and dignity his draconic heritage and visage demanded. All while staring down the Dragonite that stood across from him.

While everyone else looked on in awe, Clair was visibly excited as she analyzed my starter, even without having to look at her flaring aura.

"Then as two dragon trainers, we should battle like TRUE dragon tamers!" She declared excitedly, pressing a button as she did so that made the glass ceiling above us open up to the darkening sky.

Once the ceiling had opened all the way for us, Clair readily mounted her Dragonite before it launched itself skywards to do battle with her on it.

"Well look at that." I said while following their every move, Clair's hair and cape flowing behind her as they darted through the sky.

"Shall we join them?"


I quickly climbed up onto Charizard's back myself, settling between his wings and using the spikes that jutted out from his shoulders in this form for a handhold. Once I was settled we both closed our eyes, channeling our auras as we did so.

There was beat as our auras melded and mixed, before we fully synchronized and opened our eyes at the same time.


Together we spread our wings and launched ourselves upwards, creating a downdraft as we did so that buffeted everyone around us as several girls cried out from billowing skirts. And as we flew, the drone followed us while announcing,

"The third round begins now!"

The very second that the drone made that announcement, Clair and Dragonite rushed us while using Dragon Claw. So we decided to respond in kind.



With feral roars coming from our mouths, our claws clashed against the other's as we did a quick fly by before turning around for another attack.




Again and again we clashed, creating a shower of sparks with each pass as our claws collided. In the next attack though, our claws locked with Dragonite's to prevent either of us from getting away easily.

"Dragon Breath!" Clair ordered, right as we opened our own maw to do the same with Flamethrower.


The two attacks collided from point blank, creating an explosion of draconic energy that washed over all of us and dislodged our claws.

The next thing we knew we were rapidly falling towards the ocean below due to the explosion, so we quickly opened our wings to take flight once more, pulling up right before we could hit the water. We skimmed our claws across the surface momentarily, before zeroing in on Clair and Dragonite's auras once more.

As they flew above us, we saw Dragonite expell a mass of draconic energy from it's maw into the air, which exploded to produce a deadly rain of meteors. Draco Meteor.


With a roar of defiance, we didn't even try to avoid the incoming attack as smaller meteors crashed down into the sea around us. Instead, we glared challengingly at the largest of them as it came right at us.

Blue flames burst to life in our claws as if we were about to use the move Fire Punch, instead we held our position as the meteor came at us, before catching it in our flaming claws.


We roared angrily as we threw the meteor right back at Clair and her Dragonite, forcing them to evade the attack as they dove down and shot at us with Dragon Claws poised to attack.

We flexed our own claws as they glowed with draconic energy, and raised them right as Dragonite passed us by to swipe it's side.

"DRAG!" It cried out in pain and frustration, while we also gritted our teeth at the pain that flared up in our side.

"Once more Dragonite, Dragon Tail!" Clair called out as they swung back around at us. And in response, we similarly channeled energy into our tail.

Iron Tail!

The two attacks collided in a contest of pure strength as Dragonite fought to overwhelm us, and we it. It was a contest that might have ended in a stalemate or our defeat, IF Charizard had not undergone my training.

With strength beyond what would be considered normal for his kind, let alone his age, we sent Dragonite flying with the force of our Iron Tail before following up with a furious blast of fire. The blue flames we expelled from our mouth shaped themselves into a five pointed symbol, before blasting Dragonite and the sea around it.

Fire Blast!

Steam filled the air as the water was superheated, clouding our vision along with Dragonite and Clair's.


We moved to take advantage of this situation since neither Clair nor Dragonite would be able to detect us right now, tucking our wings and diving right down into the cloud of steam at Dragonite's aura directly.

Dragon Claw!

Fire Punch!

Iron Tail!

Flame Charge!

One after another we hammered attacks onto Dragonite, darting in and out without letting up or giving it the chance to retaliate.

"Damn it... Dragonite, Twister!" We heard Clair order suddenly from within the steam cloud.


Dragonite then proceeded to whip up a powerful Twister of swirling draconic energies, which worked to clear the air around them as they turned right towards us.

"Now, Dragon Breath!"


We expelled a rush of blue flames right as Dragonite did the same with pure draconic energy, which collided in the air between us to begin a deadly game of push back.

The air itself shimmered with the raw heat being emmited by our attack as we challenged the Dragon Breath, which steadily approached us as it traveled down the path of our Flamethrower. Only to go back the way it came as we turned the heat up even more.

"Let's put an end to this..." I growled while separating my aura from Charizard's, who grunted as well as he could through the Flamethrower in affirmation.

Apparently Clair and Dragonite had the same idea, as when blue flames began to flicker to life all over Charizard's body, wisps of draconic energy did the same on Dragonite's.

"Tiniii!" Dratini trilled in excitement as I covered the two of us in a layer of aura for protection, reminding me she was still wrapped around my neck since I had honestly forgotten.

The next thing either of us knew though we were shooting forward at Dragonite as it did the same.

"Hold on Dratini!" I warned her while also releasing one of my handholds to brace her for impact.

"TINIIIIIIIIIIII!" She cried excitedly.

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" Charizard roared in challenge though, right before we impacted each other.


There was an explosion of fire and draconic energies that tore Dratini and I off of Charizard's back, sending us into a free fall while Charizard was also sent flying in another direction.

Though partially dazed from the force of the impact, I was still conscious enough to form a small platform in midair to regain my footing. Once stable, I glanced around to see Charizard also righting himself as he stabilized in the air.

"Where's Clair and Dragonite?" I asked while momentarily going on the alert, before noticing the two in question. Clair as she was falling unconscious towards the ocean, and Dragonite as it too fell while unconscious in another direction.

"SHIT!" I yelled out when I saw them, right as Clair hit the water.

"Charizard, save Dragonite! I'll get Clair!" I ordered him, which Charizard nodded in affirmation despite being both injured and exhausted by now.

I used the aura platform to launch myself forward to where Clair hit the water, thankfully I could still feel her aura to locate her. And once I was directly above her rapidly sinking aura, I braced myself like I had earlier today with Chimchar, and launched myself into the water while also palming a certain pokeball.

Upon impacting the surface of the ocean I was immediately swallowed by an impossibly dark abyss, within which it would be impossible to find anything, let alone ANYONE. Thankfully I had my aura, AND my weighted clothing.

I was rapidly dragged down to the same depth Clair was thanks to my clothing, where I quickly pulled her close to me using my psychic powers before wrapping my free arm around her. I then opened the pokeball in my other hand, and a massive firgure emerged in the water beside us.


With a roar that made the water around us feel like it was vibrating, Gyarados positioned himself under us and swiftly swam for the surface.


I immediately took in a deep breath upon breaking the surface of the ocean, while Dratini simply seemed as if she were having the time of her life.

"To that island Gyarados!" I said, pointing to a spit of land right beside us, and he readily complied by swimming there at his fastest speed.

As Gyarados swam I checked Clair out, finding no serious injuries on her, but she also stopped breathing. With how tight and obstructive her bodysuit was, to the point it was practically a second layer of skin, I readily tore it open to try and relieve some of the pressure on her chest, splitting it in the front from neck to groin.

I then placed my hands between her breasts, and CAREFULLY began chest compressions while limiting my strength. The last thing I needed was to cave her chest in trying to save her.

I continued performing CPR on her for the next minute or so, alternating between chest compressions and assisted breathing, until FINALLY Clair moved as she coughed up the water in her lungs.


"Ahhh... You were really starting to worry me there." I said as she tried to catch her breath.

By this point Gyarados had reached the island, so I picked Clair up in a princess carry and leapt off of his head onto the sand.

"Thank you Gyarados." I told him sincerely, earning me a growl that translated to 'no problem'. I then readily returned him to his pokeball, right as Charizard landed beside us with an unconscious Dragonite.

"Dragonite!" Clair exclaimed, seemingly forgetting her own condition as she checked on it.

"It's alright, just unconscious." I told her after checking it's aura.

"Haaa.... Thanks the dragon lords..." She exclaimed while heaving a sigh of relief, before returning it to it's pokeball while I did the same with Charizard so he could rest, along with Dratini. She then looked back at me said with a bitter tone, "I guess this means we lost..."

"I guess so." I replied, glancing around for the drone that was supposed to be officiating our match, but it appeared as if it probably flew off once the result was clear. Thankfully, since Clair was surrently standing there in front of me with her tits out and everything. Now that I wasn't trying to save her life, I had to admit they were some REALLY good looking tits.

"Ahem! Sorry about your bodysuit." I said Mareepishly.



Immediately Clair blushed under the moonlight as she seemingly realized her state of dress for the first time, as the tear went from the collar, allowing her tits to hang out freely, all the way down past her pussy. I guess I used more strength than I meant to tearing it.

"W-well I suppose I can forgive you after saving my life." She said while trying to act like she wasn't embarrassed. Before adding, "Even if you ARE the first man outside my clan to see me like this..."

"Oh?" I asked while cocking a brow. After all, not only was Clair exceedingly beautiful, but she was also at least in her mid twenties. Hearing such a thing from her was quite....juicy.

"D-don't look at me like that!" She exclaimed indignantly as I leered at her figure and what she implied. "There just hasn't been a single man who meets my standards!"

"Oh? And what standards are those I wonder?" I asked with a predatory grin.

"W-well, first he has to be an amazing dragon tamer! Strong, a skilled battler, and.....handsome...." Clair listed, trailing off as I slowly stepped towards her.

"Is that so? Tell me, do I check any of those boxes?" I asked with my grin widening, making her flush as she backed away unsteadily.

"Possibly..." She uttered, right as she backed into a tree. I then stepped up to her, giving her nowhere else to run to as we stood close enough to feel each other's breath.

"What if I mentioned that I was also blessed by the True Alpha Dragonite?" I asked, to which her aura flared with incredulation.

"Impossible..." She uttered in disbelief.

"Actually, its not. Just ask Lance." I said with a smirk, before leaning in and sealing her lips.

Though hesitant at first, Clair reciprocated the kiss awkwardly before I pressed myself up against her. Pinned between the myself and the tree, Clair was unable to move anymore if she so wished.

My hands went immediately to her butt, groping and kneading it for a moment before gripping the bodysuit covering it and tearing it up her backside as well. Leaving the once whole suit in two pieces that slowly slid down her arms and legs.

My hands then went back to her ass, groping the bare skin now before traveling down her thighs and pulling them up, prompting Clair to link her legs around my waist. As soon that that was done, I pulled my member free of it's confines, and pressed it up against her rapidly moistening hole.

"If you're just lying to take advantage of me, then you can be sure that I WILL send my cousin after you." Clair growled at me in warning.

"Is that so?" I asked with a smirk, before pressing forward and filling her completely with my length.


"Then its a good thing I'm not lying!" I said as she groaned from the sudden invasion, even as her insides coiled and squeezed me possessively.

"By the gods!" Clair cried out as her virgin hole tried to adjust to my size, though she was taking it like a champ. Probably due to all the vigorous training required of dragon tamers, especially one that came from a clan of them.

I gave her a moment to try and adjust, before slowly pulling out of her until just the head was left inside, and then thrusting back inside.






With every thrust Clair's slightly pained groans transitioned more and more into moans, prompting me to slowly pick up the pace as I fucked her up against the tree. She was even beginning to buck her hips in time with my thrusts.

As we developed more and more of a steady rhythm, I turned my attention towards her delectable looking breasts that were jiggling right in front of me. I quickly and silently gave my thanks for the meal, before readily taking one of her lovely nipples into my mouth.

"YES!" Clair cried out as I nibbled and sucked on her delicious nipple, before changing targets as I did the same to her other breast. Soon both pink peaks were covered in my saliva, making them glisten in the moonlight as they jiggled alluringly with each thrust. But while my mouth and hips were busy, my hands weren't idle eaither.

I groped and squeezed Clair's plump ass as I fucked her, before finally sticking a finger into her tight little backdoor. The effect was instantaneous as she came on both my finger and cock, covering the latter with her cream as her entire body tensed up in my arms.

"I take it you like it when I tease your ass?" I asked her with humor in my voice.

"S-shut up!" Clair groaned as she continued bucking her hips, and I continued thrusting both my cock and finger in and out of her holes.

Though not as intense as the first time, I quickly brought Clair to her second climax thanks to influx of stimulation, which brought me to the edge of mine as well.

"I'm about to cum Clair." I hissed in her ear, which prompted a response I hadn't actually expected.

Clair proceeded to tighten her legs around my waist, holding me closer so that I couldn't pull out, as she whined in my ear, "Inside! Give it to me inside!"

"Are you sure?" I asked her, even as I sped up my pace. I mean, I didn't usually pull out anyways, but it was unusual for my partner to insist I finish inside, a new one at that.

"Yes! I want it! Breed me!"

"Alright then~!" I declared with a wide smile, channeling my blessing from Dragonite with my last few thrusts while focusing it in my balls. I gave one last thrust to bury myself inside her as deeply as possible, and unleashed a torrent of aura-filled semen directly into her womb.

"Take it all!" I growled at her, while Clair could only gasp wordlessly from the heat that was filling her.

All of our movements until now ground to a halt as I filled her with my seed, until I slowly lowered both of us down to the ground, sitting on Clair's discarded cape while she rested in my lap with her chin on my shoulder.

"That was...intense..." Clair eventually said as she calmed down from her latest climax.

"Yeah it was. I had no idea you would have a breeding kink." I said to her playfully, making Clair tense up in my arms slightly.

"I-I don't, but the elder of our clan, my grandmother, kept telling me to hurry up and find a man to impregnate me to continue the clan. I guess I just..."

"Hey, thats fine with me. As long as you don't try to sucker me into child support or anything." I said, recalling the numerous women that had tried to do so in my previous life. Even after I intentionally revealed the medical report stating that I was impotent.

Actually.... Thinking about it, I still didn't know if I was impotent in this life either considering I have yet to hear from anyone about having my kids. And when it came to Daisy, Misty, May, Dawn and Chloe, they were all on a strong birth control that Joy was prescribing each of them after she joined us, while they were also on something similar when we first started travelling together. I didn't even have to ask to know that Giana and Leaf would more than likely be put on the same thing.

Well, if I did have kids out there somewhere then I'll probably hear about them here soon after my name got spread so much in the last day.

But what Clair said next surprised me.

"You don't have to worry about that. I make enough from my position as a Gym Leader to support a family, plus there is my clan to think about. The Blackthorn dragon clan would support me since I'm one of the strongest tamers of my generation in it, aside from Lance of course. Plus if what you said about the true alpha Dragonite is true..."

"It is." I told her seriously, cutting her doubts off. "I met him when we stopped at a lighthouse on the way to Vermillion city. There's a bit more to story, but he blessed both me and Dratini before she hatched. Plus I was also blessed by Zapdos, and my Charizard was blessed by Ho-Oh when he was still in his egg as well. You can check with Lance about all of this if you don't believe me."

Clair was gaping at me in disbelief when I finished speaking, making me smirk as I leaned back on my elbows casually. I could even feel her pussy tightening around me almost possessively as she digested all of this.

"If this is true, then I better make sure I get pregnant while I still can. I KNOW grandmother will want to try and have you breed as many of the clan's women as possible." She muttered quietly to herself, the last part being so quiet that I almost missed it, even with my aura enhanced hearing.

"Excuse me?"


I cocked a brow at Clair as she blushed yet again, though she quickly began rocking her hips to try and distract me. I guess she REALLY wanted me to knock her up, and I had only been trying to tease Lance with that before.

"I see..." I said, playing along as I leaned forward once again with my hands on her hips. "How about we get into a more fun position then?"

Before Clair could ask what I meant, I flipped both of us over and positioned her so that she was on her hands and knees on her cape, and I was on my knees behind her. And once I readily filled her back up, I used one hand to grab her long blue ponytail, while the other caressed her ass.

"What are you-?!" Clair began, before I thrusted forward while pulling her hair back, and also thrusting my middle finger right into her tightly puckered asshole.

"I'm going to tame the dragon tamer, that's what I'm doing." I answered her with a smirk, before we began our second round as I once again channeled the draconic power inside of me.