Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 147 - Ace VS Cynthia

Chapter 147 - Ace VS Cynthia

"Why couldn't I go too dad..." Grumbled Daisy Williams, who was busy watching the live broadcast from the opening ceremony of the Inter-League Tournament that was currently taking place aboard the SS. Anne.

Amidst her grumbling she popped another piece of popcorn into her mouth, which was getting cose to the last one. That was why Violet wasn't watching it with her right now, as she had gone to get more snacks from the kitchen, and Lily had gone to the bathroom at the same time. But then, there was a change on the TV as the great hall being used for the opening ceremony began to shift.





Daisy's voice roared through the apartment she and her sisters shared in Cerulean city, to save them from having to commute to their family home every day when they had Gym duties. But that wasn't important right now as Daisy's eyes remained glued to the screen unblinkingly.

"What is it Daisy? What happened?" Violet asked from the kitchen, while both girls could hear Lily grumbling from the bathroom.

"Ace is about to battle that Champion of Sinnoh, Cynthia! That's what!" Daisy cried out.

Immediately a series of noises answered her as Violet rushed into the living room without any of the snacks she had been preparing, and Lily rushed out of the bathroom while struggling to get her shorts and underwear up past her knees.

When she was finally able to get them right, the three sisters sat at the very edge of the couch in anticipation with their eyes glued to the screen.

"Oh my gods! he looks so handsome!" Violet exclaimed as they got a close-up view of Ace from one of the drones that was broadcasting the battle, right as he stripped his jacket and tossed it back into the air.

The three sisters started squealing like a trio of fangirls, even before the battle had begun due to the coolness of the guy who had ruined any chances of them dating in the future.


"Brock! how much longer?" Whined a boy who looked no older than seven.

"Just a bit more!" Brock called back to his younger brother, even as he continued preparing their dinner for the night.

Helping him was Lucy, who was completely hopeless in the kitchen, but Brock was patiently and lovingly teaching her after she asked him to. It was yet another way they could spend time together in their own little world.

Plus Lucy couldn't help but to help Brock dote on his younger siblings, not when they reminded her so much of him with their features, especially their eyes. Admittedly, she had freaked out a little internally when she first met them, as she had naturally assumed they were his own children. Needless to say she was relieved when Brock explained they were actually his younger siblings.

Another cry from the living room interupted them as they were working, but this time it made them pause as they both registered what Brock's little sister had said.

"Brock! Ace Ketchum is about to battle some lady named Cynthia on TV! She looks REALLY pretty too!"



The duo quickly left the food behind as they hurried into the living room to see if it was truly THAT Cynthia that his little sister was talking about. And sure enough, it was as both of them sent out their Lucario.

"No way.... Ace is battling against a Champion already!?!" Brock exclaimed in shock with his eyes glued to the screen, dinner forgotten for the moment.

Even Lucy was watching the screen intently, wondering if this Ace Ketchum was truly capable of going against a Champion despite having JUST gotten his third Gym Badge. If so, then maybe she should send word to Scott at the Battle Frontier?


"Sir..." A Team Rock grunt said nervously as they entered Giovanni's office under the Celedon city Game Corner.

"What?" Giovanni practically snarled, still being a foul mood after the day's events.

"Its Ace Ketchum sir-"

"What about him?!" He practiccally roared as, yet again, Ace was the one responsible for his bad mood.

After all, after they went through the trouble of bugging his room so they could learn about any important intel from him, they instead got a front row seat to the mega-sausage show as Ace performed numerous stretches right in front of their camera. All in the nude.

Then, if that hadn't been enough, he proceeded to invite a group of guys to his room to hang out and screw around. So in all, the work they went through in planting the camera had yet to bear any fruit, and instead had actually shamed most of the male grunts into a depressive slump. The female grunts on the other hand were all paying to have their own copies of the footage of Ace Ketchum stretching while naked, which only served to destroy the guy's egos even more.

"Well you see sir..." The grunt began nervously, before turning on the monitor that was in Giovanni's office.

At first he thought there was actually a development in their hidden camera, but instead Giovanni was treated to a view of the opening ceremony of the tournament that the League was hosting aboard the SS. Anne. And what appeared next on the screen silenced any insults and demands that were on the tip of Giovanni's tongue, as it showed Ace Ketchum, preparing to face an actual Champion in battle.

"Leave." Giovanni ordered, and the grunt was more than happy to do just that as he quickly fled from the room. Now Giovanni was alone as his eyes remained glued to the screen, studying the man who was proving himself to be his greatest opponent, as well as the Champion he was about to face.


"Would you like something else to drink or eat, mistress?"

"Oh no thank you Gardevoir, and I told you to just call me Dalia."

Dalia Ketchum told the lovely pokemon that Ace had sent to her just earlier that day, already loving the pokemon because of how helpful she was, and because she was able to communicate with her. Despite only being here for a few hours, Dalia already felt less lonely than she had been ever since her beloved sons went on their journey.

Currently the two of them were in the only 'pub' that located in Pallet town, not to drink or anything, but simply to have dinner and visit with the other locals who called Pallet town home. Naturally, there had been quite the commotion when Gardevoir first entered the pub with Dalia, as none of the locals had ever seen or heard of a pokemon like her before.

Gardevoir just ignored them though as she focused on Dalia, who was her master's mother. And as he told her before sending her here, not only was she to befriend and be a companion to his mother, but Gardevoir was to also protect her if the need ever arose. After all, there was no telling if Team Rocket would become desperate enough to even attack professor Oak's town to get back at him.

The two of them were currently enjoying dinner in the pub while Dalia also chatted to some of the townsfolk, trading news and discussing various mundane things. All the while Gardevoir was reading the minds of those around them to learn more about them, and see if anyone was a potential threat.

Thankfully none were, so she could relax slightly until a voice cried out, "Everyone! Look here!"

As one, everyone turned their attentions towards the television behind the counter, which would usually show the news or various battles happening across the region. Well it was showing the latter now, live, from the SS. Anne.

"Its Ace and Ash!" Dalia exclaimed immediately upon seeing her sons, who looked so dashing and handsome in their suits. But then the screen shifted to show them a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, along with a caption stating she was none other than the Champion of the Sinnoh region, who was about to battle her eldest.

"Will Ace be alright?"

"He's battling a Champion already?"

"I hope he doesn't take this loss too hard."

Such comments, opinions and concerns could be heard throughout the pub as everyone watched the television intently.

"Such a lack of faith in my master." Gardevoir said with narrowed eyes, annoyed on his behalf. She may have only been Ace's pokemon for a day, but she knew he was incredibly powerful and capable for a human.

"Its ok." Dalia said slowly, drawing Gardevoir's attention back to her. "Ace will win.I know that for a fact."


"No way..." Uttered a young man dressed primarily in blue, who was standing off to the side along with the rest of the trainers gathered for the tournament, as he looked out at the arena.

Of course his gaze was centered completely on the young man standing on one end of the area, Ace Ketchum, and his partner, Lucario.

Riley was an Aura Guardian of the Rota kingdom, a small city-state located to the north of the Kanto region, independent of the Leagues that ruled over the other regions of the world. Instead, the people of Rota answered to their queen, the current one being lady Ilene.

Rota was also famous for one thing in particular, the Aura Guardians.

They were elite combatants that could use the power of aura, which resided in all living things. But through years of training they were able to hone and use the power of aura, allowing them to use it in combat, to augment their pokemon, and even to heal.

Yet, Riley had never once seen a person who possessed as much aura as Ace Ketchum and his partner Lucario. He was even more stunned to hear his Lucario 'speak' through his aura, something only the most gifted of his species were able to do.

"Lucario, come out." Riley said, calling out his own partner.


"Can you sense what I'm sensing?" Riley asked, even as his partner focused immediately upon Ace Ketchum and his own partner, even as their auras began to blend and combine to make Lucario far more powerful.

"As I thought, we need to inform the Queen and the other Guardians." He said, more to himself than anything, even as he focused on the battle about to take place before him.


"Then begin!" Lance declared, starting the match.

"Lucario! Use Extreme Speed!" Cynthia declared, even as we already began moving.

Everything blurred around us as we shot forward at our opponent, our fists alight with flames.

Extreme Speed!

Fire Punch!

Realizing what was about to happen, Cynthia's Lucario crossed it's arms before itself to transition into Quick Guard, allowing it to tank our attack with nary a single strand of fur singed.

"Now Counter."


Immediately twice the force we had used against Lucario was directed back at us, sending us flying back in the air away from it.

"Now use Earth Sphere!"


The opposing Lucario was silent as it placed it's paws to the side like it was about to use Aura Sphere, but we felt ground type energy gathering instead of fighting.

""Interesting!"" We exclaimed with interest at the concept of combining Aura Sphere with different elemental types, which could expand our move pool by quite a bit.

In the split second before it would unleash the attack at us, which would even chase us down until it hit, we also put our paws to the side as if we were going to use Aura Sphere. But we also channeled energy for Ice Punch as well, channeling the ice type energy into the Aura Sphere before releasing it right as Lucario released it's own attack.

Two spheres, one brown while the other was a bluish-white, flew threw the air at each other before they collided, creating a small explosion of ground and ice type energies before the former was overwhelmed by the latter due to the type advantage.

""Thank you for the lesson!"" We smirked at Cynthia and her Lucario, who appeared momentarily stunned that we had managed to copy them so quickly.

"As we should have expected." Cynthia said with a composed smile, before declaring, "Lucario, use Nasty Plot."

We could feel the aura around Lucario growing stronger as it raised it's internal energy, making it's non-physical attacks stronger. So we responded in kind, using Swords Dance to heighten our physical strength even more.

"Lucario, Aura Barrage!"

With it's increased aura, Lucario created numerous smaller Aura Spheres around itself that flew at us. So we did the natural thing, and charged directly in at Lucario with Quick Attack.

Though the Aura Sphere attacks would track us, that didn't mean we couldn't use our heightened speed from Quick Attack to dodge them momentarily as we charged directly at Lucario, before leaping up into the air.

Though it seemed as if we would sail directly, over Lucario, we created a small foothold in midair to launch ourselves directly down at Lucario from behind while our foot was engulfed in flames.

High Jump Blaze Kick!

We put our entire weight and force into our foot as we drove it directly into the back of Lucario, sending it crashing into the ground below. HARD.

"Lucario, use Bone Rush!" Cynthia ordered, switching from long to short range attacks now that we had closed the distance.


Lucario cried out as it appeared from the cloud of dust and smoke, an aura bone in it's paw that it chucked at us.

Bone Rush!

We did the same as we produced an aura Bone Club in both of our paws, using one to deflect it's attack while the other was for attacking it in turn.


As we deflected the aura bone though, we felt the impact travel up our entire arm due to the strength behind it, stalling us slightly as Lucario suddenly appeared beside us, and used Force Palm on us from the side.

We gritted our teeth as we felt the impact rattle our very bones, before Lucario did it again, and again.

With the third hit we went down, falling to the side as if we had lost the strength in our body, but that was just a feint. Instead, we slammed our paw down onto the ground for support, and swept our leg at Lucario's to knock it off balance with a Low Sweep.

I worked as Lucario stumbled slightly from the attack, giving us the opening we needed as we planted both paws down, and flames appeared on both of our feet before we drove them into Lucario's chest for a double Blaze Kick.

Lucario was sent flying back over to Cynthia's side of the arena, rolling once before leaping back up to it's feet, though it was obvious that by this point it had taken some damage.

"Heal Pulse, Lucario." Cynthia ordered, and it's aura pulsed slightly as the damage it had accumulated began to vanish. Though at the cost of it's own stamina.

"I have to admit Ace, I'm enjoying this match far more than I thought." Cytnhia said with a smile.

""Us too. It has been too long since we have been properly challenged."" We replied as we used Heal Pulsed as well, as ever since Brock's Steelix the only real challenge we've had was against legendary grade pokemon.

"In that case, how about kicking this up a notch." Cynthia asked, even as she pulled out a tube of lipstick.

Though we were confused when she began to apply it to her lips, adding a layer of gloss to them, we realized what she was doing as her and Lucario's auras both surged. A sphere of light engulfed Lucario, hiding it from all of ours sights, before it shattered to reveal a transformed Lucario.


Shock and confusion filled the hall, as the secret of Mega Evolution was revealed just like that, and even with cameras broadcasting the battle all over the world.

""HA! In that case, we shall also kick it up a notch!"" We declared with a barking laugh, before I separated myself from Lucario slightly.

I then held my hand up to my mouth, kissing the ring on it before holding it up into the air for show. The stone on it then began to glow along with Lucario, before he too was engulfed in a sphere of light that soon shattered to reveal his transformed state.

This time even Cynthia was stunned, allowing us a brief moment to synchronize yet again, the battle-lust filling us as we faced our opponent, who was also the same as it glared in our direction. By the time we had finished Cynthia was smiling yet again, before saying as she flipped her hair,

"I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised! Lucario, Howl and Meteor Mash!"


Instead of Howling, it was more like Lucario roared to increase it's own strength before charging us, it's arm glowing with steel type energy. Seeing this, we also charged in with our paw cocked back, before flames crackled along it in preparation.

Fire Punch!

The three of us met in the middle of the arena as our respective attacks collided, making us feel as if our arm had been shattered while flames washed over Lucario's to weaken the steel type attack. Yet, despite the damage we had all taken just now, we were smiling widely as our battle-lust dulled our senses of pain.

"Close Combat!"

In response to Cynthia's command, we decided to respond in kind as we and Lucario began slugging each other without any regards towards defense, our mouths curved into massive smiles the entire time.

Our arms turned to blurs and numerous injuries appeared all along our bodies as we slugged one another repeatedly in a relentless assault. Yet none of us backed down as we tried to force the other to either submit, or go down.

The end of the barrage of attacks only came when we delivered a punch to Lucario's chin that made it stumble back slightly with disorientation. Giving us an opening for another attack.

"Quick Guard, Lucario!" Cynthia ordered urgently, and to it's credit, Lucario did manage to get it's guard up before our attack hit. But it was pointless.

Brick Break!

We hit it with an attack designed to penetrate even defensive barriers, like Light Screen and Reflect, so Lucario's Quick Guard was rendered useless before we began to pummel it once more with repetitive Drain Punches. Not only did they deal damage to Lucario, but they also drained it's stamina to add to ours.

Each hit brought it even closer to defeat, as it was drained of energy on top of taking more damage.

Just when we thought we had this battle in the bag...


Upon Cynthia's order, Lucario focused on us as it swung a punch with it's fist coated in fighting type energy. And with us commited to our attacks, we were unable to dodge as it connected with our chest.

We were blown backwards across the arena yet again as the Reversal hit, which dealt more damage the closer one was to being defeated. It was completely a last gambit attack.

"Extreme Speed! Aura Sphere" Cynthia ordered before our feet even hit the ground, and Lucario was already waiting there for us, the strongest Aura Sphere yet already primed and ready to go.

Normally there would be nothing we could do if an attack came at us while we were in the air, but that wasn't the case for us.

Creating a platform to step on, we launched ourselves out of the way right as Lucario fired off the powerful Aura Sphere, making it miss us completely before doing a U-turn to hit us from behind. But we expected that.

Instead of dealing with the Aura Sphere, we shot at Lucario and hit it with a Force Palm combined with Thunder Punch. The result was us managing to paralyze Lucario so that it could not move as well as before, if it could even move at all still, right as the Aura Sphere approached us.

"Get out of there Lucario!" Cynthia ordered urgently, but it was unable to listen as we grabbed Lucario and placed it between us and the Aura Sphere, as the attack was targeting us to begin with.


The Aura Sphere hit with enough force that I was forced back into my own body as the synchronization was canceled forcibly, making me worried that our gamble hadn't worked.

I watched the arena worriedly where a massive cloud of dust had formed from the attack, while everyone else around us also watched with bated breaths.

When the dust began to clear it revealed a crater right where the attack had hit, along two unconscious Lucario, their Mega Evolutions now undone.

"One!" Lance began, starting the countdown before he had to call the end of the match.


'Get up!' I mentally pleaded Lucario to move.

"Thr-!" Lance began, before one of the figures began to twitch, before slowly starting to get up out of the crater.

You could have heard a pin drop as we watched the figure slowly get to their knees, and then to their feet with little to no stability. They then raised a fist up to proclaim their victory, even before Lance declared,

"Lucario is unable to battle! Lucario and Ace Ketchum win!"