Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 142 - Some New yet Old Faces

Chapter 142 - Some New yet Old Faces

The din and chattering of hundreds of voices filled the air at nearly deafening levels as Lucario and I entered the trading hall, accompanied by the shrill cries of numerous pokemon.

The atmosphere was similar to that of the warehouse where Surge was running his operations, but also completely different in that there was no gloom or doom. Instead everyone was chatting happily as they bragged about their pokemon, compared each others, and discussed what trades they wanted to make.

"I still do not understand what the big deal is about trading pokemon." Lucario said to me as we wandered through the crowds of people.

"It doesn't seem like much to someone like the girls or I, since four of us are sponsored by the professors, and Misty has the Gym back in Cerulean city, all of which can watch over our pokemon while they aren't traveling with us. Other people however can only carry up to six pokemon with them at a time, and may only have a couple extra if they choose to leave some at home with their families.

"Trading pokemon like this can help them acquire all new pokemon that they wouldn't be able to raise otherwise, while also potentially finding a new home for pokemon they may not be able to battle with anymore. Considering the amount of pokemon that are cruelly abandoned or mistreated simply because their trainers don't want them anymore, this is the better alternative."

Lucario was silent as he digested what I told him, while also probably recalling the situation with Bulbasaur. Instead of merely trading him away, or releasing him into the wild, the kid that grew up to become the mayor of Vermillion instead banished him to live in the dark sewers alone for over twenty years.

"So do you intend to trade any of your pokemon?" He asked curiously.

As tempted as I was to suggest trading him(something I would NEVER actually do), I just shrugged while saying, "The only pokemon I have in surplus are Sharpedo and Grimer. All of my Sharpedo are from the same pack though, so I wouldn't separate them unnecessarily. That just leaves my Grimer."

The words were barely out of my mouth when a man appeared in front of me with a pair of glasses that seemed to gleam in the light.

"Excuse me! But did I hear correctly that you were thinking about trading some Grimer? Some genuine Kantonian Grimer?" He asked eagerly.

"Thats right. I caught a small horde of them in the sewers of Vermillion city just a few days ago." I explained to him.

"THATS AMAZING!" The man exclaimed.

"You see I'm something of a specialist of Grimer and Muk! I'm on a journey to travel the world to collect and study as many of them from different environments and regions as possible! According to my research, the Grimer and Muk from different regions have entirely different compositions of toxins and chemicals in their bodies, similarly to how Combee in different areas create differently flavored honey. That is why, if you are willing, I would LOVE to trade for some of your Grimer!"

"What do you have to offer?" I asked the man, as his aura showed that he wouldn't be a bad person to trade some of my Grimer to.

"How about a Muk I got from Alola? I have a few of them, so parting with one isn't that big a deal. Especially if I can get some genuine Kanto Grimer out of it."

I blinked since we had learned about Alolan pokemon, several of which looked and had different typing than Kanto variants, and nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. Three Grimer for an Alolan Muk." I said, and we shook on it.

We quickly made our way to an empty trade machine, and arranged the transfer process while a League associate watched over us. The guy even let me pick from amongst his Muk which one I wanted, so I chose the youngest one that had just evolved recently.

"Thank you friend! And take good care of Muk!" The man said, before swiftly disappearing into the crowd.

"Now let's see if someone else is willing to trade." I said to Lucario, before we reentered the crowds.

Surprisingly, there were several people willing to take a Grimer, namely because of the fact that they would literaly eat pollutants to sustain themselves. In some cases where certain people had severely polluted areas or cities to return to, I ended up trading them several Grimer for a single pokemon, as I knew they would be happy there.

By the time I only had a few Grimer left, I had acquired a Tinkatink from Paldea, a Rolycoly and Rookidee from Galar, and a Whismur from Hoenn. Not a bad haul.

After making the last trade I wandered around the hall a bit more, more focused on finding the girls now, until I spotted one of them within a group of people that made me raise my brows.

"Oh Ace! There you are!" Dawn exclaimed as she came to greet me, along with two guys that appeared to be about the same age as us. Two guys that I immediately recognized.

"These two are professor Rowen's other two assistants, Lucas and Barry. And this is one of professor Oak's assistannts, Ace Ketchum!" Dawn declared, introducing us.

"Nice to meet you two." I said, offering my hand to them.

"The feelings mutual. Dawn told us quite a bit about you, like how you're quite the battler." Lucas said with a gleam in his eyes. Apparently this guy was also a battle maniac, but he seemed to rein it in better than Nemona or the guy next to him.

"Yeah! She says you're even undefeated!" Barry exclaimed, also shaking my hand with more enthusiasm than Lucas had. The guy looked like he was about to bounce out of his shoes if he didn't challenge me as soon as possible.

"Sorry, but that's no longer the case. I was barely on the ship for five minutes before someone handed me my first loss." I said to them.

Dawn's reaction was comical to say the least, with her mouth dropping agape while her eyes looked as if they were going to bug out of her head. Lucas and Barry on the other hand traded knowing looks, telling me they must have also fallen victim to Nemona when they boarded.

"Did she at least tell you she was a Champion before challenging you?" I asked with a wry smile.

"I knew she was when we battled, but only because Barry went first." Lucas said with a smirk.

"'She' who?" Dawn asked, not knowing who we were talking about.

"Her name is Nemona. And while she's not the official Champion of Paldea, she's in the running to become the next one." I explained briefly, while both Barry and Lucas nodded in affirmation.

"So if you're in the trading hall, does that mean you're trading some of your pokemon?" Lucas asked as Dawn quickly pulled out her pokenav, either to contact the others or to look up Nemona.

"Yeah. I caught a bunch of Grimer the other day, and was just finding some new homes for them while also adding a few new members to my own team."

"Grimer? Is that a Kantonian pokemon?" Barry asked curiously.

"They can be found in a few other regions, but yeah." I said while pulling out my pokedex, and showing them the page detailing Grimer.

"They look interesting... You got any left?" Lucas asked after reading what it said about them.

"A couple. You guys got any Sinnoh pokemon you can trade?"

"How about a poison type for a poison type? I have a Croagunk, Stunky, and Skorupi that I caught in the Safari Zone shortly before leaving." Lucas offered.

"Hmm..." I hummed while considering which one sounded the best. Though they sounded good, both Stunky and Skorupi evolved into poison/dark types, which I already had with my Alolan Muk.

"How about Croagunk? I could use another fighting type in my lineup." I suggested.

"Good choice!" Lucas said with a grin. "I have one on my main team as well!"

He and I traded a high-five as we made our way to a machine to make the trade.

"What about me?" Barry asked, who's aura showed he felt as if he was being left out.

"Do you have any ice types?" I asked, as the only one I had on my entire team was Weaville.

Barry grinned widely as he readily said, "Of course! How about a Snover?"

I blinked at the offer, since their evolved form of Abomasnow was a pretty good pokemon, aside from their massive weakness to fire.

"I'll take it!" I said, and the three of us quickly made the trades. Now I only had one Grimer left, while the others found themselves in good homes.

"Now that that's taken care of...." Barry began after he received his new Grimer with a wide smile. "How about a battle?!"

Though I was shaking my head at his eagerness, I could not help the smile on my lips at the challenge.


"This will be a three on three battle between Barry of Twinleaf town, and Ace of Pallet town!" The official declared as Barry and I stood on opposite ends of the same arena Nemona and I battled on earlier.

"Send out your first pokemon!"






Two cries filled the arena, drawing more people in to watch this match.

"Battlers ready?"



"Staraptor, use Quick Attack!" Barry quickly ordered. But I had already given Golbat his first order telepathically.


A shrill sound came from Golbat's mouth right in Staraptor's face as it tried to attack her, stunning it right as Golbat ducked to the side.

"What the-?!" Barry exclaimed in surprise, before Golbat twirled as her wings adopted an eerie purplish glow.

"Get out of the way Staraptor!" Barry pleaded. Except...


Staraptor appeared completely dazed and confused, which was only natural since I had Golbat hit it with Supersonic before. And that was only the start as both her wings became saturated in venom, before being slashed across Staraptor's body for vicious Cross Poison.

"Staaar!" Staraptor cried out in pain, too confused to even register the danger until it had already been attacked, and consequently poisoned by said attack.

"Shake it off Staraptor!" Barry cried out.

"Sludge Bomb, Golbat." I commanded, not letting up as she hurled a blob of pure poison right onto Staraptor. Not only did the attack deal a significant amount of damage to the poor bird, but it also greatly exacerbated it's poisoning.

"Now finish this with Gust." I ordered out loud, and Golbat responded as she flapped her wings to create a powerful downwards draft that slammed Staraptor into the arena.

There was a beat of silence as we waited to see if it would move, before the official declared, "Staraptor is unable to battle! Golbat wins!"

There was an eruption of muttering around us as Staraptor's defeat was announced, probably because Barry had established himself as quite the trainer during his time on the SS. Anne. However my Golbat managed to completely defeat his Staraptor while making it seem effortless.

"Staraptor, return." Barry said, calling his pokemon back. "That's quite the Golbat you've got there."

"Thanks." I replied as she perched atop my head, a habit she had kept even after evolving. "We make sure to get plenty of training in with my own Pidgeot, so she's quite used to battling over avians."

I was going to call Pidgeot over after I said that as an even bigger flex, but then Golbat's body began to shine from atop my head.

I could feel it as she grew heavier by tens of pounds, and saw out the corner of my eye as she grew several inches taller while both of her wings seemed to split into two.

"CROOOOOOOOOO!" My newly evolved Crobat cried out after the light had died down, flaring all four of her wings out for everyone to see. Meanwhile I could see Barry's eye twitching slightly at the sudden development.

If she was strong enough to bully his Staraptor before, then how strong was she now?

At the very least I could tell she had learned a couple new moves, such as Venoshock and Tailwind, on top of the typical boost her physical capabilities got.

"Well look at you!" I praised her new form.

"Crobat!" She chirped proudly, before flapping her wings to test them out.

I watched her fly for a moment as she performed all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers that were literally impossible previously, but weren't now thanks to her second set of wings. Not only that, but her flying speed had also gone up significantly thanks to her new wings.

After flying around for a few minutes Crobat came back and once again landed atop my head.

"Sorry about that. You ready for the next round?" I asked Barry as Crobat made herself comfortable.

"Always!" Barry exclaimed, his next pokeball in hand.

""I choose you-!""




The moment Onix appeared in the arena evenyone was visibly stunned due to his imposing size, accompanied by his kingly demeanor.

"That's one hell of an Onix! But you know what they say, the bigger they are the harder they fall!" Barry declared.

"Float!" His Floatzel cried to express matching sentiments.

Their confidence was to be expected though, since Onix had a dual weakness to water types as a rock/ground type. But they were in for a rude awakening.

"Floatzel, use Aqua Jet!"

'Tackle, then Bind.'

I watched as Floatzel shot at Onix like an aquatic bullet, the water pouring off of it like a raging river. In spite of the water coming at him though, Onix did not falter. Instead, he slammed his entire weight into the oncoming Floatzel to deal what must have been quite a bit of damage, before coiling his body around it.


In an instant Floatzel was completely bound, unable to even move as Onix squeezed it with his rocky body.

"Keep using Aqua Jet!" Barry commanded, despite Floatzel being unable to move.

It was obvious that he was hoping Onix would release Floatzel if he took enough damage from the water type attack. It would be a sound plan if this were not MY Onix who took on my Gyarados without flinching.

"Now, use Slam." I ordered out loud.

Onix reared back while raising his upper body and Floatzel up high, before flinging himself down at the arena to Slam Floatzel into the ground.


I felt the ship shudder slightly under my feet from the force of Onix's body hitting the ground, with Floatzel pinned underneath.

There was a moment of silence as everyone waited to see what had happened, before Onix began to move as he lifted himself up off of the ground and Floatzel, who was now unconsious.

"Floatzel is unable to battle! Onix wins!" The official announced.

"No way...." Barry uttered in disbelief at his second loss.

"I think you said something about, 'the harder they fall'?" I said with a smirk.

"Don't get cocky kid! This isn't over yet!" Barry declared with a smirk, turning his attitude around as he seemingly got fired up from the challenge.

"Alright then! Lets go!" I declared, matching his enthusiasm as I returned Onix and pulled out my next pokeball along with him.






The two starter pokemon cried out as they glared at one another challengingly.

"Sweet! Isn't Sceptile from Hoenn?" Barry asked as he admired my pokemon.

"Yep! I got him from professor Birch right after I started on my journey." I said, to which Sceptile appeared indifferent to. Though I could feel the pride and honor he actually felt in being one of my pokemon.

"Battlers ready?" The official asked as we prepared for the third round. "BEGIN!"

"Infernape, use Flame wheel!"


Immediately the flaming monkey curled into a ball like it was going to use Rollout, except it was engulfed with flames as it shot at Sceptile.

'Double Team.'

Before Infernape reached him, dozens of illusionary copies of Sceptile appeared all around the arena, making it impossible to determine which one was real. Even the Sceptile that had been standing in my end was no longer real, as Infernape passed right through the illusion.




Infernape cried out as every single Sceptile copy used Flash, blinding it along with just about every other member of the gallery, and Barry. I, of course, had closed my eyes before he used Flash, and opened them just in time to see Infernape crash to the ground from being blinded.

'Leer.' I commanded Sceptile next, and every single copy showed an evil look in their eyes.

When Infernape leapt back to it's feet, it was greeted with a Leer attack coming at it from every single direction. The intensity of the Leer intimidated Infernape to the point that it dropped it's defense, making it so that each of Sceptile's attacks would do more damage.

"Gah! We can't let them bully us like this Infernape!" Barry declared as he blinked rapidly, probably trying to clear the spots from his eyes. "Use Taunt!"

Though it couldn't tell which was the real Sceptile, Infernape adopted a cocky demeanor as it looked towards one of them randomly, and said, "Fern fern ape, Infernape!"


"Wow..." I uttered at the insult, not quite knowing how else to sum THAT up.


Sceptile however roared in anger from the insult, showing what might have been the most emotion I had ever seen out of him. Immediately all of the illusionary clones vanished as the Taunt took effect, which rendered Sceptile unable to use any attacks that didn't deal direct damage.

'Give it a Dragon Claw.' I ordered him as Sceptile charged Infernape in his anger.

"Infernape! Use Fire Punch!" Barry commanded as Sceptile's claws glowed with draconic energy.

We all watched with bated breath as the draconic and fire type attacks collided, creating a small explosion that led to Sceptile receiving a face full of flames.


Barry and I ordered at the same time, and again the duo attacked the other.

This time however the attacks missed each other as they directly hit their mark, with Infernape getting Dragon Claw in its side, while Sceptile took the Fire Punch to the face. Of the two Sceptile was far more suceptible to Fire Punch, but he had been able to dish out as much, or most likely more, damage with Leer and the type of training he had done with me.

"Again." I told Sceptile out loud, and he delivered another Dragon Claw to Infernape's other side.

"Hit it again, Infernape!" Barry cried out, prompting his pokemon to hit Sceptile once more with a Fire Punch.

The two of them then entered a type of rhythm, one hitting the other before they would be hit in turn. An endless competition that would last until one of them was down. Or maybe not...

'Sceptile, after the next hit I want you to...'

I communicated my commands to Sceptile via Telepathy, who gave no outward signs of affirmation that he heard them, but I could tell he understood.

When Infernape tried to deliver the next hit to Sceptile's already scorched face, it instead lost it's balance as he dodged with a slight shift of his weight. Then, before Infernape could recover, Sceptile swung around suddenly while his tail this time glowed with draconic energy, delivering a powerful Dragon Tail into Infernape's exposed side.


The flaming monkey was sent flying across the arena by the powerful attack, before coming to a rest at Barry's feet. Unconscious.

"Infernape is unable to battle! Sceptile wins the match, and Ace Ketchum wins the battle!" The official announce, declaring my team's victory.

"That was excellent Sceptile." I said while approaching him, while Crobat similarly screeched her praise for him.

"Sceptile..." He said in a tired, yet resiliant, tone.

"That was awesome." Lucas said as he approached us.

"Thanks. I suppose you want a battle next?" I asked already anticipating that to be the case. It didn't matter though, I had plenty of pokemon.

"Of course!" Lucas declared while holding up his own pokeball, ready to go at it.

"I think that's enough for now though." Said a gruff elderly voice.

"Professor Rowen!" I exclaimed in surprise, having been so distracted by Barry and Lucas that I hadn't noticed him approaching.

"Ace. Its a pleasure to see you again." The professor said as he greeted me, before addressing all four of us.

"As I was saying, each of you have battled enough for today. You can save the rest for the tournament tomorrow, when it actually matters. For right now, you all need to come with me."

"Where to professor?" Dawn asked, immediately falling beside him as he started to walk away.

"We are going to a meeting, between the professors and Champions that are all on board."


List of Ace and his companions pokemon up to chapter 142.




Carry limit: 10

Aura user

Psychic user

Zapdos Blessing

Dragonite blessing




Boulder Badge

Cascade Badge

Thunder Badge



Fog Badge





Charizardite X







Ice Punch

Fire Punch

Thunder Punch

Zen Headbutt

Shadow Claw

Solar Beam

False Swipe


Hyper Beam

Fire Blast

Fire Fang

Ice Fang

Thunder Fang

Psychic Fangs

Hydro Pump

Ice Beam

Magical Leaf


Sludge Bomb


Dragon Claw

Dazzling Gleam

Iron Tail

Metal Claw

Steel Wing




Fighting/Steel type


Inner focus: Prevents the user from flinching and being affected by abilities such as intimidate.

Justified: Strength increases whenever the user is hit by a dark type move.


Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Vacuum Wave, Endure, Work Up, Counter, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Screech, Detect, High Jump Kick, Force Palm, Bullet Punch, Quick Guard, Swords Dance, Cross Chop, Copy Cat, Reversal, Protect, Agility, Low Sweep, Aerial Ace, Metal Claw, Swift, Bulldoze, Rock Throw, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Rockslide, Poison Jab, Crunch, Close Combat, Final Gambit, Iron Defense, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Meteor Mash, Extreme Speed, Life Dew, Coaching.



Flying type


Keen Eye: User's accuracy can not be lowered, and evasion boosts by opposing pokemon are ineffective.

Big Pecks: prevents the user's defense from being lowered.


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Feather Dance, Agility, Wing Attack, Roost, Tailwind, Aerial Ace, Featherdance, Swagger, Air Slash, Hurricane, Steel Wing, Protect, Double Team, Endure, Giga Impact, Brave Bird.



Fire/Flying type


Blaze: Strengthens the user when low on health.

Flash Fire: Absorbs fire type moves used against the user, strengthening them and their fire.


Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Breath, Fire Fang, Metal Claw, Flamethrower, Slash, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Scary Face, Air Slash, Fire Spin, Iron Tail, Metal Claw.



Water type


Torrent: Increases the power of water type moves when the user is low on health.

Rain Dish: Restores the user's health gradually when raining.


Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun, Withdraw, Rain Dance, Mirror Coat, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, Protect, Ice Punch, Zen Headbutt, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Skull Bash, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Iron Defense, Shell Smash.


Sharpedo X21

Water/Dark type


Rough Skin: Damages those who use physical attacks against the user.


Bite, Slash, Night Slash, Focus Energy, Aqua Jet, Ice Fang, Leer, Poison Fang, Screech, Crunch, Ice Beam, Swagger, Agility, Scary Face, Liquidation, Water Pulse, Roar.



Grass type


Overgrow: Powers the user up when low on health.


Pound, Leer, Leafage, Quick Attack, Giga Drain, Detect, Quick Guard, Assurance, Slam, Double Team, Energy Ball, Screech, Thunder Punch, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Solar beam, Leaf Blade, Fury Cutter, X-Scissor, False Swipe, Flash, Night Slash, Slash, Synthesis, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail.



Grass/Psychic type


Chorophyll: Raises the user's speed when in intense sunlight.


Mega Drain, Hypnosis, Reflect, Leech Seed, Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Stomp, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Psyshock, Wood Hammer, Leaf Storm, Synthesis, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Solar Beam, Flash.



Rock type


Mold Breaker: Attacks used by this pokmeon are not affected by the opponents own abilities, such as Levitate or Soundproof.


Headbutt, Leer, Focus Energy, Rock Polish, Take Down, Rock Smash, Rock Slide, Stomp, Thrash, Slam, Zen Headbutt, Screech.



Poison/Ground type


Poison Point: Physical contact with the user may poison the opponent.

Rivalry: The user deals more damage against opponents of the same gender.


Poison Sting, Leer, Peck, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Double Kick, Toxic Spikes, Horn Attack, Helping Hand, Toxic, Poison Jab, Take Down, Earthquake.



Poison/Ground type


Poison Point: Physical contact with the user may poison the target.


Growl, Poison Sting, Scratch, Tail Whip, Fury Swipes, Toxic Spikes, Double Kick, Bite, Toxic, Helping Hand, Flatter, Crunch, Poison Jab, Earthquake.



Poison/Flying type


Inner Focus: User does not flinch, and is not affected by abilities such as Intimidate.


Absorb, Supersonic, Leech Life, Astonish, Mean Look, Poison Fang, Bite, Gust, Wing Attack, Hypnosis, Air Cutter, Cross Poison, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Tailwind.



Grass/Bug type


Effect Spore: Inflicts the opponent with status conditions upon physical contact due to the spores covering it's body.

Dry Skin: The user is healed by water type moves, but takes more damage from fire type attacks.


Scratch, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Spore, Cross Poison, Fury Cutter, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Slash, Growth, Aromatherapy, Rage Powder, X-Scissor, Dragon Breath, Dig, Brick Break, Sludge Bomb, False Swipe.



Rock/Dragon type


Sturdy: Prevents the user from feinting after a single hit

Strong Jaw: Empowers biting moves

Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle, Bite Roar, Ancient Power, Charm, Dragon Tail, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw.


Gyarados X3

Water/Flying type


Intimidate: Makes the opposing pokemon more unwilling to fight.

Moves: Splash, Tackle, Leer, Bite, Twister, Flail, Whirlpool, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Surf, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump.


Milotic X2

Water type


Marvel Scale: Boosts defense when user has a status condition.

Cute Charm: Physical contact with user may trigger infatuation.

Moves: Splash, Tackle, Flail, Wrap, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Disarming Voice, Twister, Aqua Ring, Attract, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Scald.


Raticate X3

Normal type.


Run Away: Heightens the chances of escaping pursuit.

Guts: Increases physical strength if the user has a status condition.

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Laser Focus, Take Down, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Iron Tail, Double Team, Dig, Sludge Bomb, Ice Beam, Thief.


Meowth X2

Normal Type


Pickup: Allows the user to find lost or discarded items.

Moves: Growl, Fake Out, Feint, Scratch, Pay Day, Bite, Taunt, Fury Swipes, Screech, Slash, Charm, Fake Tears, Agility, Play Rough, Helping Hand, Metal Claw, False Swipe.



Normal type


Limber: Makes the user immune to paralysis

Moves: Growl, Fake Out, Feint, Scratch, Pay Day, Bite, Taunt, Fury Swipes, Screech, Slash, Charm, Fake Tears, Agility, Play Rough, Helping Hand, Metal Claw, False Swipe, Power Gem.


Ampharos X2

Electric type


Static: Physical contact with the user may result in paralysis.

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Thunder wave, Thunder Shock, Cotton Spore, Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon, Fire Punch, Dragon Pulse, Charge, Take Down, Power Gem, Agility, Thunder, Ice Punch, Dazzling Gleam.



Electric/Steel type

Magnet Pull: Draws steel type pokemon towards it.

Sturdy: Prevents the user from being defeated in a single hit.

Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Mirror Coat, Tri Attack, Electro Ball, Gyro Ball, Spark, Screech, Magnet Rise, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Light Screen, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Iron Defense, Thunder, Hyper Beam.



Rock/Ground type


Rock Head: Prevents the user from receiving recoil damage.

Sturdy: Prevents the user from being defeated in a single hit.

Moves: TAckle, Defense Curl, Rock Polish, Rollout, Heavy Slam, Rock Throw, Smack Down, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock, Rock Blast, Earthquake, Double Edge, Stone Edge, Iron Defense, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Rock Slide.



Water type


Swift Swim: Boosts the user's speed in the rain.

Water Veil: Prevents the user from receiving Burns.

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Quick Attack, Water Gun, Soak, Bite, Swift, Aqua Jet, Double Hit, Aqua Tail, Agility, Ice Fang, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Iron Tail.



Grass type


Overgrow: Strengthens the user's grass type attacks after taking sufficient damage.

Shell Armor: Protects the user from critical hits.

Moves: Tackle, Mega Drain, Withdraw, Razor leaf, Bite, Curse, Synthesis, Crunch, Solar Beam, Magical Leaf, Take Down, Mud Slap, Leaf Storm, Zen Headbutt, Seed Bomb.



Grass type


Chlorophyll: Increases user's speed in sunlight.

Leaf Guard: Prevents status conditions while in sunlight.

Moves: Bind, Giga Drain, Growth, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Acid Spray, Double Hit, Ingrain, Energy Ball, Ancient Power, Sludge Bomb, Power Whip, Earthquake, Flash, Poison Jab.



Dark/Ice type


Pressure: Forces the opposing pokemon to use more energy in their attacks.

Pickpocket: Can steal items from opposing pokemon.

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Quick Attack, Taunt, Assurance, Beat Up, Agility, Slash, Ice Shard, Metal Claw, Icy Wind, Fury Swipes, Hone Claws, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, False Swipe, Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, Swords Dance.



Dark type


Intimidate: Makes the opposing pokemon more unwilling to fight.

Moves: Sand Attack, Tackle, Bite, Thief, Crunch, Snarl, Fire Fang, Thunder fang, Ice Fang, Howl, Leer, Roar, Swagger, taunt, Sucker Punch, Mud Slap, Scary Face, Dig, Psychic Fangs.



Dark/Fire type


Flash Fire: Strengthens the user's fire type attacks if it is hit by fire itself.

Moves: Leer, Eber, Smog, Howl, Nasty Plot, Fire fang, Thunder Fang, Roar, Bite, Incinerate, Foul Play, Flamethrower, Crunch, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Psychic Fangs,



Normal type


Own Tempo: Prevents the user from becoming confused.

Oblivious: Prevents the user from becoming infatuated or falling for taunts.

Moves: Tackle, Rest, Lick, Zen Headbutt,Slam, Stomp, Double Edge, Rollout, Earthquake.



Ground type

Rock Head: Protects the user from recoil damage.

Lightning Rod: All ranged electric attacks are drawn directly to the user.

Moves: Growl, Mud Slap, Tail Whip, False Swipe, Headbutt, Bonemerang, Bone Rush, Dig.



Ghost/Poison type



Moves: Confuse Ray, Lick, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Spite, Curse, Hex, Night Shade, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam.



Steel/Ghost type

No Guard: Ensures that all attacks by and at the user hit.

Moves: Slash, Screech, Fury Cutter, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance.



ELectric type


Static: paralyzes opponents upon contact.

Moves: Leer, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack,Swift, Charge, Swift, Shock Wave, Thunder wave, Screech, Thunder Punch, Low Kick, Thunderbolt, Light Screen, Thunder, Fire Punch, Ice Punch.



Rock/Ground type

Rock Head: Prevents recoil damage.

Sturdy: cannot be defeated in one hit.

Moves: Bind, Tackle, Rock Throw, Harden, Smack Down, Rock Polish, Dragon Breath, Rock Slide, Slam, Sand Tomb, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Dig, Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Double Edge, Earthquake.



Normal type


Immunity: User is immune to being poisoned.

Thick Fat: User takes less damage from ice and fire type attacks.

Moves: Tackle, Defense Curl, Metronome, Lick, Stockpile, Swallow, Flail, Yawn, Rest,Snore, Sleep Talk, Cunch, Body Slam, Heavy Slam, High Horsepower, Hammer Arm, Belly Drum, Belch, Giga Impact, Take Down, Zen Headbutt, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch.



Normal type


Adaptability: Powers up moves of the same type as the user.

Anticipation: Can sense when an opposing pokemon has dangerous moves.

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Helping Hand, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack.


Diglett X2

Ground type


Sand Veil: User is harder to attack during a sandstorm.

Moves: Scratch, Dig, Sand Attack, Growl, Astonish, Mud Slap, Bulldoze.


Dugtrio X2

Ground type


Sand Viel: User is harder to attack during a sandstorm.

Sand Force: Moves are Strengthened during a sandstorm.

Moves: Scratch, Dig, Sand Attack, Growl, Astonish, Mud Slap, Bulldoze, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Earth Power.



Grass/Poison type


Overgrow: Strengthens user's grass type moves after taking a certain amount of damage.

Chlorophyll: Boosts the user's speed in the sunlight.

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Acid Spray, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Venoshock, Sludge Wave.



Poison type


Stench: User radiates a horrific stench that could make the opponent recoil.

Sticky Hold: Items the user is holding cannot be stolen from them.

Poison Touch: Physical contact with the user could result in poisoning.

Moves: Pound, Poison Gas, Harden, Mud Slap, Disable, Sludge, Mud Shot, Minimize, Toxic.


Alolan Muk

Poison/Dark type


Poison Touch: Physical contact with user may result in poisoning.

Moves: Pound, Poison Gas, Harden, Mud Slap, Disable, Sludge, Mud Shot, Minimize, Toxic, Bite, Acid Spray, Poison Fang.



Fairy/Steel type


Own Tempo: User cannot become confused

Moves: Astonish, Fairy Wind, Baby-Doll Eyes, Metal Claw.



Rock type.


Steam Engine: Boosts speed when user is hit with fire or water type moves.

Heatproof: Weakens the power of fire type moves.

Moves: Tackle, Smokescreen, Rapid Spin, Smack Down.



Flying type


Keen Eye: Prevents the user's accuracy from being lowered.

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws.



Normal type


Sound Proof: grants user full immunity to sound based attacks.

Rattled: Increases speed if user is scared.

Moves: Pound, Astonish, Echoed Voice, Howl.



Poison/Fighting type


Anticipation: Senses when the opponent possesses dangerous moves.

Dry Skin: User takes damage when it is hot, but is healed in water.

Moves: Poison Sting, Mud Slap, Astonish, Taunt, FLatter, Low Kick, Poison Jab.



Grass/Ice type


Snow Warning: Occasionally conjures a hailstorm upon entering battle.

Moves: Leer, Powder Snow, Leafage, Mist.



Psychic/Fairy type


Telepathy: Allows the user to communicate with others through their minds.

Trace: The user can use the same ability as their opponents.

Moves: Growl, Confusion, Teleport, Double Team, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Charm, Mystical Fire, Hypnosis, Draining Kiss, Psybeam, Psychic, Moonblast.





Normal type


Thick Fat: Reduces damage taken from fire and ice type moves.

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Rollout, Defense Curl, Stomp, Heal Bell, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Milk Drink, Body Slam, Play Rough, Charm, High Horsepower, Iron Tail, Hyper Beam.



Bug/Flying type


Pressure: Forces the oppoennt to put more enrgy into their attacks.

Moves: Gust, Bug Bite, Struggle Bug, Aerial Ace, Poison Sting, Toxic, Confuse Ray, Fury Swipes, Slash, Desinty Bond, Swagger, Fury Cutter, Sweet Scent, Air Slash, Power Gem, Attack Order, Defend Order, Hurricane, X-Scissor, Hyper Beam.



Normal type


Natural Cure: Heals any status effects when resting.

Serene Grace: Increases the chances of a move having a secondary effect.

Friend Guard: Reduces the damage ally pokemon receive by up to 25%.

Healer: Increases the power of all healing moves.

Moves: Pound, Charm, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Metronome, Present, Heal Pulse, Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Copycat, Tail Whip, Life Dew, Sing, Take Down, Light Screen, Double-Edge, Soft-Boiled, Healing Wish, Dazzling Gleam, Iron Tail, Hyper Beam.



Normal type


Intimidate: Lowers the opponent's will to fight.

Anger Point: Increases the user's strength as high as possible after taking a critical hit.

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Work Up, Payback, Assurance, Horn Attack, Scary Face, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Take Down, Swagger, Rest, Raging Bull, Thrash, Double-Edge, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam.


Ditto X14

Normal type


Limber: Prevents paralysis

Trace: The user can use the same ability as it's opponent.

Move: Transform.



Psychic/Fairy type


Telepathy: Allows the user to communicate with others through their minds.

Moves: Growl, Confusion, Telport, Double team.


Misty Williams

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May Birch

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Spearow X4

Parasect X4

Grimer X4



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Spearow X4

Parasect X4

Grimer X4


Chloe Cerise

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Ash Ketchum

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