Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 114 - Mind Games

Chapter 114 - Mind Games


"What is an 'alpaca'?"

"A stupid animal that doesn't know what it's talking about."

Sabrina and I did a brief back and forth as I celebrated awaking my psychic powers, which seemed obvious now that I looked back at the second half of the day. Or more specifically, after I had synchronized my aura with Mewtwo's.

I recalled how confused Joy had been when I told her about my headache, thinking she had asked if anything was wrong. But instead she must've just thought about it, and I answered her without realizing it. The same with Dawn shortly afterwards, as I thought about how I wanted a blowjob, and she readily gave me one.

Plus there were my weird dreams from before, which were probably the girl's dreams instead. That made a LOT more sense.

"What do these 'alpaca' look like?" Sabrina asked, stirring me from my thoughts.

"Well..." I began trying to think of how to describe and animal to someone who only ever knew about pokemon. But before I could say anything else, a projection of Arceus appeared before us.


"WOAH!" I exclaimed in shock from the sudden appearance of the pokegod, thinking he was here because I insulted him before.

Sabrina meanwhile, though initially surprised by his sudden appearance, readily began examining the pokegod curiously.

"So this is the 'alpaca'?"

"Kinda..." I affirmed cautiously, though Arceus had yet to move, or speak, or do ANYTHING.

"It isn't real." Sabrina said suddenly, as if she had heard my thoughts.


"It isn't real. Currently our minds are connected through our combined psychic powers. This alpaca was created through your mind picturing what it looks like, but it is not the real thing." Sabrina explained even as she continued examining it curiously.

"Oh. Ok..." I answered dumbly, before recalling something really important. "Wait, I shouldn't be letting you see that."

As I said that the image of Arceus disappeared, making Sabrina turned back at me with a notable frown on her face. "Why did you do that?"

"Because you're the enemy?" I replied sarcastically.

"Not to you." Sabrina retorted in a monotone voice, surprising me more than a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious.

Rather than immediately explaining, Sabrina elegantly sat back onto a chair that materialized out of thin air. She then began saying with a tone like an instructor,

"Once their powers have developed enough, any psychic can peer not only into the minds around them, but they can also peer into the future. However most who delevop this ability are extremely limited in how far they can peer, typically only a few minutes, hours, or even days.

"The most powerful psychics though, such as myself, can peer up several years into the future. After Giovanni sent Giana and myself to meet with you five years ago, I peered into the future and concluded that we were destined NOT to be enemies."


I blinked as I listened to Sabrina speak, surprised by the revelation that she, supposedly, was not going to be my enemy despite being with Team Rocket. Though then again, if she WERE my enemy, and could peer so far into the future, then she would've definitely told Giovanni so they could either prepare, change their plans, or deal with me before I became a problem.

"Would it help you believe me if I told you how I used my powers to keep you off of Team Rocket's radar during your monthly visits to Viridian city? Or that I know you turned Jessie into your double agent to spy on us for you? That you are being protected by Janine, the Kouga clans princess, from afar? Or that I know about you performing Mega Evolution with Omega weapon, as well as the fact that you have been regularly interacting with him along with the original Mew?"

I blinked in disbelief as Sabrina proceeded to drop bombshell after bombshell, which basically revealed she knew every single one move we had made and planned to make from the very beginning since she was able to obtain information that no one else, not even the girls knew. NO ONE knew Jessie's actual identity, not even Lucario. The few that did know about her only knew that I had a leak within Team Rocket to obtain information from, and nothing regarding her identity, or even her gender.

(YanJoy: tee hee)

If Sabrina had told Giovanni ANY of what she had just repeated to me, then Team Rocket would have had no choice but to already go after me with extreme prejudice. Mewtwo alone would be enough for them to declare war on me, to say nothing of Mew itself.

"Ok then... I suppose I can believe you're not an enemy." I told Sabrina after some thought, wishing I could see her aura right now to see just how sincere she truly was. Unfortunately, it seemed as if I couldn't see someone's aura while our minds were connected like this.

"Indeed." Sabrina answered curtly.

"Does that mean you'll also tell me about Team Rockets plans then?" I asked hopefully.

Surprisingly, Sabrina smiled her widest smile yet as she said in a coy tone, "If you want to know what I know, then you'll just have to read my mind."


I stared at Sabrina as she contnued smiling at me invitingly, telling me she wasn't kidding about me reading her mind.

"Haaa..." I sighed at the sudden demand, but didn't complain as I closed my eyes and tried to focus on her.

I imagined that I was extending my aura towards Sabrina like I would to synchronize it, but this time I focused my mental intent onto her to probe the secrets within her mind.


Instead, I was forced to recoil as something like an impenetrable wall obstrcted me, and forced me back. Aside from that, I felt like my head was splitting open yet again.

"Not bad. But you'll need to try harder." Sabrina said as I recoiled, making me realize that she had prevented me from reading her mind.

"So thats how it is?" I asked as understanding dawned on me, making her smile widen even more.

Sabrina, one of, if not THE most powerful psychic on the planet, wanted me to try and force my way past her mental defences and into her mind. In a way, this was probably her trying to help me focus and control my new abilities. But at the same time, I realized that the more I pushed my psychic powers, the more my head would hurt. Like your muscles after an intense workout.

I immediately thought of everything I had read and watched in books and movies from my previous life regarding mental power, and protecting one's mind. And if I was recalling right, the biggest thing they all had in common was concentration. If a person's concentration slipped, then their mental defenses would crumble.

I thought about what Sabrina had said before, regarding us being able to create the things we picture while our minds were linked. As I did that, I immedately pictured something that might help break Sabrina's concentration.


The lovely psychic reacted as suddenly all of her clothes disappeared, eaving her completey naked. Even as I wanted to admire her nude figure, I immediately renewed my assault on her mind as I tried to penetrate it, only to flinch as I was yet again repelled.

"Interesting tactic, but it would take more than that to make me lose my concentration." Sabrina commented as if amused by my attempt to embarrass her.

"I see..." I uttered before a sinister smile spread on my face. "So you're saying I need to up the ante?"

Sabrina appeared confused at my question, before numerous chains appeared out nothing and wrapped around her arms and legs to dangle her in the air, and in a fairly unflattering position at that.

"Lets see what WOULD shake your concentration." I hissed at her, making Sabrina's cheeks turn slightly rosy, but she did not object as we began an interesting game.


As morning dawned on us, I awoke feeling far more refreshed than I thought I would, after an entire night being active in dreamland, though my head was pounding after trying to repeatedly use my new psychic powers.

Unfortunately I would have to get used to it as I trained my psychic abilities, so I forced myself to get up as I got ready for my morning routine. The girls started getting up as well, but they were even more sluggish than I was.

Despite that they too managed to drag themselves out of bed, and to their own rooms to dress and get ready. Another upside to having our own home was that we all could walk around completely naked whenever we wanted, and I certainly wasn't going to say no to a free show.

While they were getting ready, I quickly threw on some shorts and a shirt before going outside to meet with my pokemon.

"Morning partner." Lucario called as I came out of the house.

"Morning. You stay in the greenhouse last night?" I asked him, to which he nodded while saying,

"It was fairly comfortable in there, and the others appeared to like it quite a bit as well."

"Thats good. Now our pokemon could have their own little homes even while we're on the road." I told him, leaving out the part about the stables I had also requested for those who couldn't stay in the greenhouse.

I then glanced around before saying in observation, "Mew and Mewtwo gone?"

Lucario nodded his head in answer, which was more or less what I had expected with how fickle and impulsive Mew was. And chances were Mewtwo was sticking to it to learn more about himself, and what he could do.

Soon we all gathered and began our usual morning routine, of which I was still limited on until my cast came off. As my pokemon and I trained, Misty, May and Dawn all did their own training, while Joy worked by milking Miltank for me, and collecting honey from Vespiquen's new hive.

During the training I couldn't participate in, I focused my attention on practicing with my flute, and caring for my Dratini egg. Though I could tell it was growing closer and closer to hatching, it would still be a fair few days until it did so. Until then I could only care for it, and keep it warm and safe.

By the time our morning training was finished, Joy was working on breakfast for everyone while the others were relaxing before we had to get on the road again. And with the little nurse shooing me out of the kitchen when I tried to give her a hand, I decided to make a couple calls on our new phone while I waited to eat.

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*


"Good morning professor." I said, greeting professor Oak when he picked up.

"Ace! This is a surprise." The professor said in greeting when he saw me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to check in and give you my new number." I told him, since the home phone was different from my and the girl's Pokenavs.

"New number? Did you get a new Pokenav or something?" The professor asked curiously.

"No, I got a house Capsule from Silph co yesterday. This is the phone that came with it."


"You got one of those Capsules?!" The professor exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah. It was a gift after I saved one of the employees before. I also got a portable Pokemon Center, and a greenhouse to grow berries and give my pokemon a place to stay at night."

"I see! I'm sure your pokemon will appreciate that a lot. But that seems an aweful lot to give to someone considering how much those Capsules are going for right now. Are you sure it's ok?"

"I'm sure professor. Theres a bit more to the story, but it's not like I owe Silph anything." I quickly assured him. Though there had been a contract signed after President Silph and I came to an agreement, I made sure to read and verify everything in it. I had to do the same thing quite a bit in my past life after all.

"Well, so long as you aren't putting yourself into a bad position. But if you're in a house and not a Pokemon Center, then does that mean you're on route 12 now?"

"Yeah, we're heading to Vermillion now. Don't know when we'll get there though."

"I see. I wonder if you'll see Ash there. He left Cerulean a few days ago, and in a strange bit of luck, managed to capture a Bulbasaur just yesterday! Fate sure is strange."

"Yes... It is." I replied dryly, recalling the Bulbasaur that was SUPPOSED to go to Ash the day we started our journey, but was instead stolen.

"Any luck finding the thief?" I asked him.

"I have an idea, but haven't pursued it. I don't want to falsely accuse an innocent trainer, and even if I'm right the Bulbasaur looks well cared for. It's even evolved into an Ivysaur."

I couldn't help but to nod in agreement, as it would be very insulting to falsely accuse someone of stealing a pokemon if they had not, and if the pokemon itself was properly cared for then there would be no problem. Especially since Ash got his godly Pikachu because of it, AND a Bulbasaur anyways.

The professor and I spoke a bit more about a few other things, like the upcoming arrival of the SS. Anne, which apparently Lance had acquired tickets for us to ride on already. We then ended the call before I started dialing the second number, mom's.

"Hello?" Mom asked as answered the phone, before brightening up when she saw me on the other side.

"Hey mom."

"Ace! I was starting to think you forgot about your poor mother." Mom declared dramatically, though I could tell she was just playing since we hadn't talked since I was in Cerulean. And as far as I was aware, she didn't even know about me being involved in the Lavender town incident.

"You know that would never happen mom." I told her wryly, to which she giggled before saying,

"You never know. Now that you and your brother are making your own way forward, who knows when the two of you will come home in the future?"


I didn't know what to say to that, as I was reminded just how empty the house probably was now that Ash and I had gone on our respective journeys.

"Thats ok. I'll be here with you Delia." Said a new voice as Daisy appeared on screen.

"Daisy!" I exclaimed when I saw her.

"Hello Ace, it's nice to hear from you." Daisy said with a warm smile.

"You too. I was wondering why you weren't with your grandpa when I called him." I said, referring to my earlier call.

"Oh? You called grandpa first?" Daisy asked while pretending to be hurt.

"You're usually there, and then I can stay on the line with my mom as long as she likes afterwards." I pointed out, which made both my mom and Daisy perk up.

"Such a thoughtful son~!" Mom said happily, as if her earlier woes were all a lie.

I shook my head wryly at the sudden shift, but didn't say anything about it as we continued talking with each other. But, based off of mom's earlier worries, I decided that maybe I'll wait to tell her I have a house. Maybe then she would think I would never go home or something.

But no matter how far I travel in this world, the sights I see or what I experience, Pallet town would always be my home.

Our call continued until Joy stated that breakfast was ready, which was when I said goodbye while promising to call again when I reached the next Pokemon Center.

We all quickly set the table while Joy put the finishing touches on the food, having already fed the pokemon as well. As she did so though, I couldn't help but to notice May paying close attention to her Pokenav.

"Any more 'interesting' comments?" I asked her, referring to May's Expeditions.

"Kinda... Hold on a second." May said as she came to show me her device.

"Have you ever heard of this Mountain Kingdom?" She asked while showing me one of the comments, which was asking May to do an episode on that exactly.

"Actually, I have." I told her, recalling the numerous tales and rumors of a certain region in this area.

Though not as widely known as Thunder Ridge, the Mountain Kingdom was an area that was said to be home to numerous powerful mountainous pokemon. One reason that it wasn't as widely known as Thunder Ridge though was that no one knew the exact coordinates that it could be found in, and another was that the trainers who claimed to have found it, and survived, claimed that the pokemon there were highly aggressive. Even more so than Thunder Ridge.

"You wanna go check it out?" I asked her curiously as we all began to sit down.

"Maybe... But I don't want to drag everyone there or hold us up." May said worriedly, to which I readily replied,

"Thats ok. You and I can fly out there to look for it today, and if we can't find it then we'll just catch up with the others."

Though Dawn frowned when I mentioned May and I going off on our own, Misty appeared relieved at being left behind. I didn't need to read her mind to know she wanted to stay alongside the ocean, which the route would all the way until we got to route 11.

Joy however frowned as she readily stated, "What if you get hurt again Ace?"

"I'll try not to." I readily said, though Joy didn't look convinced.

"I'll keep an eye on him Joy!" May stated, as if I needed someone to watch over me all the time.


Joy however didn't look convinced at that, so I hurriedly said, "It's not as if we WILL find it just like that Joy. We don't know where it actually is, or if it even exists."


Joy groaned as she contemplated my words, before Misty spoke up.

"You might as well get over it Joy. It's not like you can just keep Ace from doing something."

"Haaaa..." Joy sighed in exasperation before saying, "I get it... Just try to stay safe."

"Of course!" I told her without argument, promising, "If I happen to find any other Legendaries this time, I wont punch them in the face."


Rather than just Joy, ALL of the girls gave me looks at that, as if there was nothing funny about what I had said.