Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 103 - Meeting Miss Ninja

Chapter 103 - Meeting Miss Ninja

As dawn broke I awoke feeling nice and refreshed, the smell of sex filling my nostrils as I took a deep breath.

The scent of a job well done.

And it paired very well with the scene that greeted me, the naked figures of Dawn, May and Misty all splayed out all over the bed.

As much as I wanted to lay here and admire such beautiful scenery though, I knew I had to get up. There was only so much time available to me and my team before I needed to start cycling them again.

Carefully, so I didn't wake them, I disentangled myself from the sleeping girls and rose from bed, before making my way to the bathroom in order to wash up. When I opened the door though, I was greeted by the sight of two sleeping girls on the bathroom floor.

On the left was Joy, her pajama bottoms and undies down around her ankles while her hand was buried between her legs. And on the right side was Kate, in a similar state of undress as Joy, except her shirt was rolled up to allow her breasts to be seen as well.

I actually blinked in surprise at the sight, since Kate herself was so petite and innocent in looks and attitude, it was hard to remember she was actually a little older than me. But her breasts didn't match her usual appearance at all when they were out like this.

Now I was looking forward to the day when I could play with them to my heart's content.

But I doubted today was that day, and this that time. So I just hurried and took a quick shower to rinse off my body, though I did leave a note behind to let her know I enjoyed the scenery.

With that done, I went to join up with my Pokemon in order to go through another round of training.

By the time I got there Lucario already had everyone up and going through the morning warm up routine, and thanks to Chansey's Heal Pulse there was no residual soreness from our workout last night.

"Morning everyone!" I called out, only for a series of cries to greet me in return.

"Morning partner." Lucario said as well.

"How's everyone looking." I asked him.

"Motivated. They're all raring and ready to go." Lucario answered.

"Good. Let's make use of that as much as possible."

With that said, Lucario and I finished the warm ups before leading my team on a run. Even Gyarados and Milotic were slithering on the ground alongside us, while Chansey desperately tried to keep up and I made Gastly keep pace despite the growing morning sunlight.

Once the run was finished we began our usual morning training, which was primarily strength training. Even Gastly, Magneton and Golbat were all subjected to our intense Gravity training, mostly for them to all learn to be able to remain in the air under the pressure.

Then after that I directed my Pokemon to begin numerous mock battles with one another, while Lucario and I also began our usual sparring match despite the intense Gravity. I even had Pidgeot putting Charizard through a series of difficult arial maneuvers to try and get him adapted to flying.

"Breakfast~!" Joy cried once I was about ready to call it quits for the moment. She always had impeccable timing like that.

And needless to say that everyone was HUNGRY after the intense training all morning.

I was no exception as Joy passed me a plate piled high with Chansey eggs, waffles, and bacon, accompanied by a tall glass of Miltank milk.

"So did you sleep alright?" I asked her between mouthfuls with a smirk, making Joy blush as she probably recalled the note I left Kate this morning.

"I am a little sore..." She admitted shyly.

"I wonder if we can get either of our Chansey to learn Acupressure...?" I wondered out loud. It was a move that allowed the user to temporarily raise one of their stats through pressure points on their body.

"Hmmm... I don't think so, or it would be a standard course in our classes. But I do recalling hearing about clinics that employ Meditite and Medicham to use the move in their massages for both people and Pokemon." Joy supplied helpfully.

Huh. Guess I needed to get a Meditite or Medicham one of these days.

But that would have to wait until I was in a region where I could find them, like Hoenn or Sinnoh.

"Hey Ace!" A voice suddenly called out, stirring me from my thoughts.

I looked over to see a man running towards me that was wearing a lab coat, and appeared vaguely familiar....

"Oh!" I exclaimed when he got closer, recalling where I knew him from.

"Well if it isn't my good pal Miguel! How have you been?" I asked with a semi-forced smile.

"Ace! It is so good to see you again!" Miguel stated happily, while Joy looked between us awkwardly.

"You know this man Ace?" She asked me.

"Yep. I saved his life when I was rounding up all of the Rockets under Mt. Moon. Then I gave him an idea for a new invention, after which he took off to his room." I said bluntly.

"Yes! And thank you SO much for both of those!" Miguel stated excitedly.

"As you can see, we've already got numerous Capsules designed and being produced, though the League bought them all up when they heard about Lavender town. That's why I'm here incidentally, in case anything goes wrong with the Capsules. But so far so good!

"And even better, we've already gotten TONS of orders in from our suppliers and investors! We haven't even gone public yet!"

"I see... That's amazing." I said to him.

"Yes! That's why when we heard you were here, President Silph asked me to invite you to headquarters in Saffron to discuss some things!"


"Oh?!" I exclaimed in surprise, before telling him as I recalled something, "sorry, but I don't plan on heading to Saffron city just yet. We plan to take the southern route from here."

"Oh that's ok!" He hurriedly stated.

"The company has numerous psychic type Pokemon that can be used to Teleport all over Kanto and Johto. I have one on me now that we can use to pop over to Saffron for lunch before coming back later if you want." As he said that, Miguel tossed out a Pokeball that opened to reveal a Hypno.

"Hypnooooooo..." It drawled lazily while the little pendulum its kind usually had swung back and forth.

"I see.... Ok then. Just give me an hour or two to get freshened up and I'll be ready." I told him while standing.

"Ok. You can find me out helping the rebuild effort." Miguel said as he returned the Hypno, and turned to leave.

"Want me to come with you?" Lucario asked the moment he left.

"No. I want you to stay here with everyone else, but I will take Gastly with me." I told him seriously.

"Gaaaaaaaastly~!" My ghost Pokemon happily wailed before diving into my shadow to hide.

I rolled my eyes at it, but since I'd been planning to have it do that anyways I didn't say anything.

"Will it be enough if Sabrina gets involved?" Lucario asked worriedly.

"I doubt it, but Gastly will be better than nothing. Plus not even Mewtwo was able to get inside my mind, so I doubt she can either." I said to reassure both him and Joy.

"Thanks again for breakfast~!" I said to the little nurse gratefully, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as I did so that made her turn as red as a tamato berry.

I then quickly entered the Pokemon Center to freshen up after my morning exercise, when someone caught my eye. A cute trainer with purple hair tied back in a bushy ponytail.

"Oh~?" I smirked when I saw her, my eyes running over her body as I analyzed it.

I immediately changed course as I made a Combee line straight for the woman, taking her by surprise as I promptly smacked her ass and squeezed.



The woman whirled around to glare at me ruefully, though that just made my smile widen as I got a clear look at her face for the first time.

"Please take your hand off my ass." She requested with a threatening tone.

"But I like your ass! It's nice and firm, like someone who's trained their entire life. Wouldn't you say so, miss ninja?"

In an instant the woman's entire demeanor changed as I called her out, her aura showing she was now on alert while threads of anxiety appeared as well.

"Don't look so tense. Disguises and such don't work on aura users like myself. Besides, I'm not here to threaten you." As I said that I leaned forward while placing my other hand on the wall behind her, pinning her to it while also making it look like I was just hitting on her.

"Then what do you want from me?" She asked warily.

Truthfully? I wanted to drag her to bed right away. There was nothing sexier than a woman who cold kick ass and look beautiful while doing it.

But, something else took precedence.

"I want you, to go on a date with me." I told her seriously.

"Huh?" She uttered dumbfoundedly.

"I said I wanna go on a date. Specifically a lunch date when I go to pay a visit to the President of Silph co today."


"Why?" She asked me suspiciously.

"Because, my guess is that you were ordered by the League to protect me due to the price on my head. And if that is the case, I'd figure you wouldn't want to let me out of your sight for even a second. Especially since the current Gym Leader of Saffron, Sabrina, is aligned with Team Rocket."


"Sabrina is a part of Team Rocket?" Miss ninja asked venomously.

"Yes, she is. And Lance should be aware of that as well. I doubt she'll try anything while I'm in Silph co, but I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry. So, how about it miss ninja?"


For a moment miss ninja didn't say anything, before she finally answered, "of course I'll go, it's my job. And my name is Janine."

"Alright Janine. I'll see you in a bit." I told her, before planting a quick peck on her lips.


"Y-Y-YOU!!!!"she sputtered with an increasingly red face.

"What?" I asked with a smirk while backing away from the dangerous ninja. "It's just a little kiss~."

Saying so, I darted away to go freshen up and let the girl know what was going on, leaving the sputtering ninja behind.


"H-H-H-H-HOW DARE HE!" Janine shrieked as Ace darted away, right after taking her FIRST kiss!

Yeah, Janine may flirt or use her Attract ninjutsu on men, but she had never actually kissed anyone on the lips before! Any kisses she did deal out were on the cheek with her poison lipstick applied!

Yes, she had been allowed to study the seduction techniques like all the ninja of the Kouga clan, but since she was the daughter of the clan head she had never been allowed to actually put them into practice!

So not only had Ace seen through her disguise and located her when she was hiding, but had also taken her first kiss by catching by surprise! If this kept up, she'll become the laughing stock of the entire clan!

Now Janine couldn't help but to hope something would happen in Saffron, if only to let her vent her frustration!


"Ahhh..." I groaned contently as I made my way out of the Pokemon Center after enjoying a nice hot shower, for the second time today.

Not only did I shower, but I also dressed properly in the fanciest clothing I owned, my Ranger jacket and cargo pants....

Maybe I should invest in some proper clothes soon?

Either way, I was as presentable as I could be for someone about to go and meet one of the richest men in the entire region. Plus I had let the girls know I had some business in Saffron for the next few hours.

They were upset that they weren't going with me, but it was a trip for business, not pleasure. The only reason I invited Janine was because she was technically supposed to be my bodyguard, plus if Sabrina did drag us into a fight she could be of help to me in actual combat.

The same, unfortunately, could not be said of Dawn, May, Misty and Joy.

Speaking of the ninja girl, I found her a short ways outside the Pokemon Center, also having changed into more formal clothes than the typical trainer outfit she had been trying to disguise herself with before. Hard to decide which one suited her best, but her skintight leather battle gear was definitely a top contender.

"Ready to go?" I asked while approaching her.

"Humph!" She harrumphed at me while pointedly looking the other way.

"Still mad about that kiss?" I asked her, which made her aura spike with fury even more.


"Haaa..." I just sighed while shaking my head, even as I looped my arm through hers and started walking towards the town to find Miguel.

As we did so I looked around and couldn't help but feel relieved that I casually brought up capsules with him that night, as the League was able to provide emergency housing to the entire town until their homes could be rebuilt. Plus it allowed them to move a massive amount of building materials and equipment with ease, further expediting the process.

And to think, I'd just been trying to make our journey a bit easier on the girls by having a portable bed and bath made.

"Oh, Ace!"

Miguel's voice stirred me from my thoughts as he noticed us, before his gaze settled on Janine.

"Who's this?" He asked with obvious interest.

"This is Janine, my plus one." I told him.

"Indeed. It is a pleasure to meet you." Janine said with perfect elegance and mannerisms, which was a complete flip from her seething attitude just a minute before.

I suppose acting and blending in is one of the basics when it comes to being a ninja.

Thinking about it now, the only reason she stuck out to me was because of her aura. I doubt I'd have recognized her back in the Pokemon Center otherwise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Janine. Well, let's not keep the president waiting!"

Saying so, Miguel tossed out his Pokeball once again to call out Hypno, who took one look at the two of us before recoiling in fright.


"Uh...." Miguel uttered confusedly, before turning towards the two of us. "You two wouldn't happen to have any ghost Pokemon out and about, would you?"

Janine and I both looked at each other from the question, before she said tiredly, "come on out, Haunter."

"Haaaaaaunt!" Declared a decently sized and powerful Haunter as it emerged from her shadow.

"Impressive~!" I whistled in awe from it, making Janine puff out her chest with pride.

"Isn't it? I caught it the other day after the battle!" She stated proudly, which was understandable.

"I got this one yesterday too." I stated, before calling Gastly out from my shadow.

"Gaaaaaaastly!" It wailed back at the Haunter, while both Miguel and Janine blinked at it.

My Gastly easily had a foot on Janine's Haunter in size, and an aura almost as powerful as it, not that they could sense that. But at the sight of both of them, Miguel's Hypno was completely terrified as it cowered behind him.

"Are you serious?" Janine asked me with a deadpan.

"What? It's just a Gastly!" I stated with a smirk, pointedly ignoring what they were both thinking.

"Gaaaastly!" Gastly smirked in amusement as well, before I returned it to its Pokeball.

Janine did the same with Haunter, and only when the coast was clear did Hypno poke its head out from behind Miguel.

"That's guys not to tough, is he?" I commented on Hypno.

"No, he's not." Miguel admitted awkwardly.

"But his psychic abilities are the real deal. If we wanted, he could take the three of us all the way to Cianwood city in the Johto region."

I cocked a brow at that, since Cianwood was literally the farthest point from here within the conjoined regions. The only thing that'd be more impressive would be going all the way to Hoenn or Sinnoh. And that was something only the most powerful psychic type Pokemon could do.

"Now then, is everyone ready?" Miguel asked, to which both Janine and I nodded as we linked arms yet again, before holding our hands out to place them onto Hypno's back.

"Hyp.....NO!" It declared, and the scenery around us suddenly shifted as we went from a demolished rural town, to the largest and most futuristic city in all of Kanto.

"Welcome, Ace and Janine, to Saffron!" Miguel declared.


The second Ace and Janine appeared in Saffron, a certain figure stirred.

She may not be able to read Ace Ketchum's mind, but she could still sense his presence. AND she could read the minds of those around him.


The moment she read the mind of the girl known as Janine though, the figure became alarmed as she reviewed her memories of the previous several days.

Her invasion of the Kouga clan princess' mind was short lived though, as she quickly called out her Haunter to hide in shadow to guard her from psychic probes now that they were done Teleporting. But the figure had already seen everything she needed to.

She could strong-arm the Haunter if she wanted to of course, but that would more than likely reveal her probing. And she didn't want to alert them to her surveillance.

Thankfully the guy leading them to the Silph co building had no protection from a ghost type, so the figure was able to piggyback in his mind as she accompanied them to their meeting as well.