Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 87 - Closing In

Chapter 87 - Closing In

"Nghhhh!" Jessie groaned through the leather gag in her mouth, as I pushed the entire length of my cock inside her from behind to paint her womb white after the last twenty or so minutes of intense doggystyle fucking.

Her arms gave out from her own orgasm as she fell forward onto the blanket spread out beneath us, and I went down with her with my arms on either side of her body to hold myself up above her.

"You're a nice fuck, as always." I whispered huskily into her ear.

"You certainly know how to make a woman feel special." Jessie retorted as she removed the gag, which was to try and keep her voice down as we fucked.

"I also know how to keep them fed." I retorted in kind, reaching for my bag before pulling out the container of stew I'd saved from Mewtwo's stomach. It was even still slightly warm thanks to my bag's temperature keeping capabilities.

"Thank you very much!" Jessie cried as she tore into the stew ravenously. She was so moved by the food that I could literally feel her insides trembling around my cock.

I left her alone for a few minutes to eat her meal, and asked only when she had finished, "so, what's the word about Lavender Town?"


Jessie was silent for a moment before she answered, "I'm not sure... Word has gone out that they'll be attacking it in three days, but something about this particular mission doesn't feel right..."

"How so?" I asked while becoming alert at her uncharacteristic caution.

"Well for starters how long this particular mission has been planned, despite it only being a ghost type collection mission officially. We've done riskier missions with less preparation and planning than has gone into this one.

"And then there's the alert James and I received just yesterday, calling all members of Team Rocket with dark type Pokemon to return to headquarters in order to participate in it. The numbers will be beyond anything else we've undertaken, at least until the SS. Anne arrives in Vermillion city. On top off all that, executive Proton is personally leading the mission."

As Jessie trailed off I looked at the back of her head curiously before asking, "what's so strange about Proton leading the mission? Petrel led the mission in Mt. Moon."

"True... But he volunteered for that mission. Usually executives oversee everything from a distance, they rarely ever become personally involved except when the orders change or to exert authority. Petrel was the exception since he was the lowest ranking amongst the executives, and everyone thought he was just out to make himself look better by accumulating achievements."

"Interesting...." I uttered in contemplation to Jessie's concerns.

Even if I knew about Team Rocket's plans and the location of their base of operations a bit, it was all from the games with a little from the anime thrown in. I knew nothing of their internal structure, or the politics that went with running the entire organization.

With everything she'd told me, then the impending attack on Lavender town did sound curious to say the least. What was it that Giovanni was actually after?

The answer to that question though, will have to wait until I actually got to Lavender town. For tonight though, I intended to fully enjoy myself at Jessie's expense.

For the first time throughout our conversation I pulled my cock from her freshly creamed quim, making her shudder from the sensation before she griped, "do you ever pull out? It's a pain trying to make sure you don't knock me up."

"Sorry force of habit~." I told her with a smirk, which then widened as I lined the head of my cock somewhere else.

"With this however, you wouldn't have to worry~!"

"Wait-!" Jessie tried to protest when she realized what I was about to do, right as I shoved my entire cock up into her shitpipe.


Jessie would've screamed if I hadn't covered her mouth, and forced the gag back into it as I plundered her ass.

"Now that I think about it..." I growled in her ear while my other hand went to grope her chest. "I still need to punish you for what happened yesterday!"

Her bowels clenched around me when I mentioned the punishment that I'm pretty sure we both knew was inevitable, and again when I released her now gagged mouth to smack her ass.

"You better prepare yourself Jessie, cause I'm not going to go easy on you!"


*Outside of Cerulean city*

"Man... This bastard sure isn't going to make things easy for us..."


"It can't be helped. He's got an alpha Pidgeot, so he could be anywhere in the region by now."

The trio of men groaned and grumbled as they sat around their campfire, just east of Cerulean city.

They were amongst the numerous people out searching for Ace Ketchum on behalf of the cult of Ho-Oh, and were now going off of the word that he had departed Cerulean the day before. Because of this, teams had also spread out from the city while another team was searching the city itself.

They were the group taking the route to Rock Tunnel and Lavender town, while the others were going along the routes leading to Cerulean Cape, Mt. Moon, and Saffron city.

"But still, the nerve of this bastard!"

"Right! How dare he think he's qualified to take the messiah as his own Pokemon!"

"Not only that, but he's got a bounty on his head in the underground, meaning he's dragging the messiah into the mud with him. We have to find them before some scum can get to them first!"


The other two men grunted in affirmation as they nodded their heads, their expressions angry and hearts set on 'rescuing' their messiah from Ace Ketchum.

Even as they reaffirmed their desire to 'save' their messiah, they all reacted when the indicator saying their instant noodles were done sounded.

"Time to eat!" One declared, before all three dug into their dinner.

Aside from the crackle of the campfire, one could only hear the slurping of noodles for several minutes as the trio ate, with their Pokemon resting inside their Pokeballs after the long flight from Johto.

"So, how are we going to try and find him?" One asked as he finished eating.

"Please. As if he'd head this way out of the four routes to take from Cerulean. The guys heading to Saffron definitely got the best pick since that's were almost every trainer goes from Cerulean."

"Right? At least we didn't get the draw to go to Mt. Moon or Cerulean Cape! I almost feel sorry for those guys!"


The trio laughed at the expense of their unfortunate comrades, but as they laughed the lids of their eyes began to slowly grow heavy.


One of them collapsed to the ground suddenly, unconscious as his chest rose and fell steadily.

The other two didn't even have time to wonder what happened, before they too collapsed unconscious. And the entire camp fell silent except for the crackling of the fire.

Even when a single figure emerged from the darkness, and no sound accompanied their approach.




One of the men groaned as his consciousness slowly stirred, and his head throbbed as if he'd been walloped by a Machoke.


All of a sudden he realized that he was tied up against one of the trees surrounding the camp, and on the other side he could see his two companions. Also tied up and gagged with some strange thread.

"Finally awake?" Purred a feminine voice, drawing his attention to the lone figure that wasn't bound at the moment.

Black cloth covered her body from head to toe, the only exception being the pink and purple bracers covering her wrist and ankles, the pink scarf that hung from her neck, and the opening on her face that allowed them to see her purple eyes. Contrasting the looseness of her pants though, her top was hugging her body so tightly that the outline of her breasts was clearly visible, and all three of the men thought they could make out the point where her nipples were as well.

The man that had just awoken watched as she slowly approached him, her eyes full of sensuality as they stared ceaselessly into his own.

"Tell me..." She purred once the distance had been closed between them, his nose filling with a feminine and flowery scent. "What's a few big, strong, and handsome men like you do out here?"

"I-I don't think I should say..." He stuttered while looking away bashfully from her gaze, and ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

For some reason his mind felt sluggish, and the effect this woman was having on him was making it even harder for him to concentrate. He could even feel his pants tightening around his groin as she stepped even closer, so that her breasts came so tantalizingly close to bushing up against his chest.

"Aw... That's too bad, and so sad..." She said with a voice like she was pouting. Though he thought he imagined it, the girls eyes seemed to flash pink for a brief second as she pouted.

Immediately he wanted to spill anything and everything the girl wanted, whatever it took to make her happy.

"Is it just me....or is it hot out tonight?" She asked suddenly, before loosening the cloth around her chest to allow her breasts a chance to breathe. The man's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of her beautiful pale skin, upon which several drops of sweat glistened in the flickering firelight.

He watched as one of those drops began to run down her neck, and over her collarbone until it went down within the valley between her breasts. And even though she 'hadn't' been paying attention to him, the woman seemed to shift her top and move it in such a way that her could see more of her breasts than ever, almost all the way to her teasingly hidden nipples.

"We're looking for a man called Ace Ketchum!" He suddenly blurted out.

"Oh?" She uttered when he said what they were doing there.


Both of his companions jerked indignantly when he spilled their reason for being in Kanto, but the man didn't care as he became entirely intoxicated in the woman's presence.

"Tell me, why are you looking for Ace Ketchum?" She asked him next, her finger slowly tracing the contours of his body.

"Because of the Charmeleon he has! We were tasked by Father Ariza to secure the Charmeleon, our messiah, and bring it back to Johto to take its rightful place!"


Again his companions jerked and tried to either break their bonds or bite through their gags, but they were unable to as he spilled everything.

"I see..." She uttered quietly, before moving as he body pressed up against his and she moved her mouth towards his ear.

"Thank you."

That was the last thing he heard, before what must've been her lips pressed against his cheek in a tame kiss.

No matter how mild it was though, the man's heart felt as if it were about to explode in happiness from the kiss. Even as the woman appeared in his vision once more, and had already returned the mask covering her mouth to its rightful place.

By this point his mind was running wild with numerous scenes of different places he wanted her to kiss next, all while his cock strained against his pants painfully. He was so distracted by his desires that he hadn't noticed the cold numbing sensation spreading from his cheek where she had kissed him.

Soon it had spread throughout his entire body, preventing him from moving any part of it as he slowly slipped out of consciousness yet again.

As this all took place, the woman slowly sashayed back to the man's two comrades, her hips swaying seductively the entire way as she stepped up to the first one and removed his gag.

"Y-you! What did you do to him!?!" The man immediately demanded.

"Nothing. He'll wake in about twenty-four hours from now, with a killer headache, but otherwise perfectly fine. As for you two.....hmmm....I haven't decided yet."

She let her words hang in the air for a brief second as the hidden threat lingered in the air.

"I'm not telling you anything." The man stated firmly.

"Oh? Is that so?" She asked with another pout, her eyes briefly flashing pink yet again.

The effect was as immediate as it had been on his friend, as the man's heart began to race, color flooded his cheeks, and his pants began to grow tight.

"I-I don't know what you're doing, but it won't do you any good!" He suddenly declared. "Even if I wanted to speak there's nothing to say!"

"Oh, so you don't know anything more than your friend?"


Whatever he was going to say next died in his throat, as the woman gagged him once more before stepping back as numerous spores rained down onto him.

Almost immediately his body went limp as he was rendered unconscious, though not in nearly so pleasant a manner as his friend had been.

"I don't suppose you have anything else to add either?" She asked of the last remaining man, who looked to her fearfully before numerous spores rained down onto him as well.

With all three of the men once again unconscious, the woman sighed from learning that the cult of Ho-Oh was also after her target.

"You certainly aren't asking things easy for me, are you Ace Ketchum." She uttered as two of her Pokemon appeared from the darkness around the campsite, a Venonat and Ariados.

Returning the two of them after thanking them for their help against the trio of men, the woman tossed out a third Pokeball to reveal a Golbat.

"Well, we already knew that he's heading to Lavender town from the profile I read. Find him Golbat."

Her Pokemon gave a cry of affirmation before taking off into the night, with the woman following closely behind it as it searched for their target.