Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 83 - Evolution party

Chapter 83 - Evolution party

"Do you know where Prism Scales come from?" Hudson asked me suddenly, drawing my attention away from the three beautiful scales as I pondered the answer.

"I don't know. I only even learned they existed a week ago, and haven't put much thought into it." I said eventually.

Hudson nodded slowly, as if he had expected as much, before he stated, "they come from the first Milotic that ever existed."


My eyes went wide from the answer, and I could also feel the surprise in Lucario beside me as Hudson continued,

"'True Alpha', 'Children of Mew', 'Generation Zero', and a few other titles specific to each one. These were the first Pokemon that all of the others today are descended from, and each one has the power and majesty to rival a legendary.

"When I was a young boy, I went out to sea despite my wife having our first child in a few short months. It was supposed to be a short voyage to Hoenn, short enough that I would be back before she gave birth. But a sudden storm marooned our ship on an island, making me wonder if I'd ever see either again.

"None of the Pokemon I had with me were capable of making that journey, much less while carrying me with them. So we set our focus on survival as we waited for help. But when I went inland to find something to eat, I stumbled upon something that would stay with me the rest of my life.

"Relaxing in a spring, was the largest and most beautiful Pokemon I had ever seen. It had to have been more than a hundred feet in length, and with scales that shimmered beautifully under the midday sun.

"I had seen Milotic before, but this one was in a class all of her own. As I stared at her, she lazily swung her head to look back at me. And we both just froze like that, studying and admiring one another.

"And once the moment has passed, she slithered off into the brush, never to be seen again. All that was left was my memory of the incident, and five gleaming scales on the ground and in the spring where she had been laying.

"I hurriedly collected them before returning to the others, where I'd found them all boarding a rescue vessel that had found us."

As he trailed off Hudson picked one of the scales out of the box and admired it with a look of nostalgia on his face, before continuing,

"I did manage to get back right before my daughter was born. And on her first birthday I gave her one of the scales I'd picked up that day, since I believe it was by the power of that Milotic that we were found. I have no proof of course, and my crew mates never believed me. But that's what I chose to believe myself.

"What you see here are the three scales that were left after I used one to evolve my own Feebas, and Daisy used one to evolve hers. Incidentally, that was also the first Pokemon she'd picked out for a starter from amongst my collection."

Trailing off with more nostalgia, Hudson then surprised me by sliding the scale he'd been holding over to me, and saying, "and now, I'd like to give one to my future son-in-law."


My eyes went wide as he left the small scale before me, which I reached for with a slightly shaky hand.

"Are you sure, sir?" I asked hesitantly.

Normally I wouldn't hesitate to accept such a thing from someone, but with such a story behind them I was this time. However, Hudson nodded as he said,

"Of course. I've seen the way you are with Pokemon, and I've seen the way my daughter acted when she was around you. I don't believe for a second that I'm making a mistake in giving you one of these scales."

With his confirmation, I slowly picked up the scale and held it up to see. It was incredibly light, and felt really fragile. Like it would shatter at the tiniest stress. But I could tell otherwise.

Even if I tried my hardest, I doubted I'd be able to so much as dent, break, or even scuff this scale.

Even as I admired the scale though, I caught Hudson moving out of the corner of my eye as he removed a second scale from the box, and held it up for me to see.

"And this scale, I'm giving to the man who protected and saved the Pokemon I'd spent my entire life collecting and raising."

I was speechless as he passed me the second scale, which was what I needed to evolve both of my Feebas!

"Thank you sir..." I uttered with what was probably a dumbstruck look on my face, and I heard Hudson snort as he replied,

"Call me dad."


I looked up at him in alarm when he said that, only to see him smiling wryly at me with a twinkle in his eye. I realized then that the poor guy probably just REALLY wanted a son after raising four daughters.

Kinda like how mom had jumped at the chance to push Daisy, Dawn, and May along when she noticed their interest in me. She too probably really wanted daughters after raising two boys by herself, three counting Lucario.

"Well are just going to sit here, or are we going to evolve some Feebas?" Hudson asked suddenly, to which Lucario and I both looked up sharply.

""Of course!""

We answered as one, which made Hudson look at us weirdly. I doubted he was used to the idea of a talking Pokemon yet.

But he didn't say anything about it as we all stood to exit the manor. And the entire way I was practically bouncing on the balls of my feet from excitement.

I never imagined I'd be able to evolve my Feebas this quickly!

Of course I made sure to switch my Pokemon around, emptying the seven slots I'd regularly rotate to replace them with my two Feebas, three Magikarp, Wartortle, and Buizel. And once we got outside I released the latter two to stretch their legs, and to let Hudson get a look at them.

"They look good. Your Wartortle is quite a bit bigger than usual though." He said in observation.

"I'm pretty sure he's an alpha, his father was one after all." I explained, even as Wartortle began to do his bully maguire dance.

"Huh..." That was all Hudson had to say as we watched Wartortle dance, before Buizel responded by doing the disco.

Great, now I had TWO dancing Pokemon.

The duo proceeded to have their little dance off as we made it to the docks, where I released my Magikarp and Feebas from their Pokeballs.

"They look good as well... Better than the vast majority of Magikarp and Feebas I've seen." Hudson said as he knelt by the waterside.

"Thanks. I've only had them for a week, but I've been training them as hard as I could." I answered while looking to all of them with pride.

"Keep up whatever you're doing, and they should evolve really soon." He replied, which made me feel even prouder of all of their efforts.

While Hudson was examining my Pokemon...

"They're here." Lucario said as he directed his attention out over the water, making Hudson and I look out as well to see several Pokemon heading our way.

It was a Ludicolo, Milotic, and Tropius that were carrying all of the girls.

"Just in time." I said with a smile, since I was sure they'd want to watch me evolve my Feebas. But I was also sure I wouldn't have been able to wait if it had taken them any longer to get here.

"Hey Ace!" May called out as she and Dawn swooped over us before Tropius came down for a landing. As they did that Ludicolo and Milotic pulled up to the dock, allowing Daisy, Lily, Violet, Joy and Misty to disembark.

"Hey dad! Hey Ace! What are you guys doing?" Misty asked as she approached us.

"Ace here was just about to evolve two of his Pokemon." Hudson said as I held up the two Prism Scales for them to see.


"No way!" Misty exclaimed with a voice full of awe and jealousy.

"Ooh! I'm so glad we made it in time!" Violet stated when she heard what we were doing.

"I know! Milotic are so beautiful, so it's always nice to see more of them in the world." Daisy said as she patted her own on the other side of the dock.

"I want one too..." Dawn whined with jealousy, since Milotic were well known to be used in contests all over the world.

"Quiet now." Hudson said as I approached my increasingly excited Feebas.

"Didn't I tell you guys?" I asked them as I knelt down at the edge of the dock. "I told you that I'd evolve both of you one day."

Both of the pale and sickly looking fish showed energy that didn't match their outer appearance at my words, even going so far as to literally leap out of the water.

They both quickly settled down though when I held up the scales, and pressed them against their bodies at the same exact time.

Both Feebas were illuminated in a brilliant light that grew as their size drastically increased, growing more than ten times in length as they changed from fish into serpents. And as the light faded, it revealed their entirely different appearances of light pink scales on their upper halves, and brilliant blue scales on their lower halves.

They also had pink ribbon-like attachments to their heads, of which one's was significantly longer than the others. This was the difference in gender that Feebas didn't have, indicating that one of my newly evolved Milotic was a male, and the other was a female.


Both Milotic let out a beautiful sounding trill of joy from evolving, as they began to move their serpentine bodies with hypnotic motions like a dance. But instead of looking goofy like Wartortle and Buizel, they appeared beautiful.


"They're so beautiful..."

Exclamations of awe could be heard from from the others, while I readily pulled out my Pokedex to scan them.


Milotic X2- The Tender Pokemon

Type- water

Considered by many to be the most beautiful Pokemon, it's scales are regarded as rainbow-colored, and will change depending on the angle they are being viewed from. They will live at the bottom of clear lakes, and will show itself during times of war to sooth people's minds and hearts. These Pokemon have the Marvel Scale and Cute Charm abilities.

Moves- Splash, Tackle, Flail, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Wrap, Disarming Voice


I couldn't help my widening smile as I read the information provided about my Milotic. They may not be much now, but with proper training they were guaranteed to become true powerhouses in the future.

They were even on the teams of numerous Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champions throughout the different regions.

And I had TWO of them.

I could wait to see people's faces when I used them in battle.

"Truly, thank you very much for this s-err..... Dad." I said to Hudson, who's expression didn't change, but I could feel happiness from him at my calling him dad. The girls on the other hand were all showing complete shock.

As we admired my Milotic though, and the two of them danced in the water to test out their new forms, I couldn't help but to notice my Magikarp beside them.

Though they too were happy about my Feebas evolving, and were congratulating them for it, I could feel them growing increasingly depressed that they hadn't evolved themselves yet.

Hudson said they should evolve 'soon', but who knew how long 'soon' would actually be?

Maybe they just needed a nudge.

I walked to the end of the docks with my Magikarp following me curiously, while I could feel a few of the girls also wondering what I was doing.

"Hey dad, how deep does is this water?"

"About forty feet. More than enough room for some large Pokemon." He answered.

"Ok...." I uttered while looking at the dark depths of the water, before turning my attention to my Magikarp. "Remember, I believe in you."


The little fish looked at me in confusion before I proceeded to step off of the docks and into the chilled water, WITH all of my weights on me.

I wouldn't say I sank like a rock per say. But what I did was something for rocks to tell tales about and be jealous of as I plummeted through the increasingly chilled waters.

And as I sank into the dark depths, I made no attempt to swim or remove my weights. Instead I merely covered my body with a small layer of aura to keep the pressure from building up too much.

It was only when my feet hit the murky silt on the bottom that I realized I should've put my goggles on, even as I was buried up to my knees in the muck.

Thankfully I still had my aura, which allowed me to get a general grasp of what was going on around me in the darkness. People and Pokemon were panicking above me, while Daisy had even dived down on her Milotic to try and save me.

Or maybe not, since she didn't get too close to me. I'm willing to bet that Hudson knew what I was doing, and told her not to interfere unless necessary.

For a moment nothing happened as I remained unmoving down on the ocean floor, my lungs burning as they demanded air. But then, I felt something grab the back of my shirt.

I was pulled up off of the sea floor, and through the water at high speed, before I was suddenly out of the water and flying through the air until I was laying on the very hard ground.


I heard the girls cry in alarm, even as I opened my mouth and sucked as much air as I could into my lungs. Thankfully I hadn't tried to breath under there yet, or I'd have been hacking up a bunch of water as well.

"Are you alright?!" May asked urgently.

"Y-yeah.... I'm fine..." I told them between gasps, before I saw what was behind the girls as my sight focused. And when I did see what was there, my mouth formed a massive smile yet again.

There, looking down at me worriedly, were three massive Gyarados. Two females on either side with a larger male in the middle.


I burst into laughter at the incredibility of the situation, as now I had two Milotic AND three Gyarados on my team. I couldn't wait to see how people would react when they see them in battle.

And in that line of thought, I quickly got to my feet and pulled my Pokedex out to scan them as well.


Gyarados X3- The Atrocious Pokemon

Type- water/flying

It's rampages are legendary, appearing wherever there is conflict in the world only to raze it all to the ground. These Pokemon have the Intimidate ability.

Moves- Splash, Tackle, Bite, Leer, Twister, Flail


They weren't much now, but all three would definitely spread devastation and terror in my name in future Pokemon battles. Of that, I was certain.

"Nnnn..." Misty whined while cowering behind me, obviously terrified of the three Gyarados.

I barely even noticed though as I approached the three leviathans, with my Milotic behind them.

"Look at you three! I can barely recognize you!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"GURAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The big bull let loose a roar that rattled my very soul, while the two females issued a steady rumble from their throats.

"Heeeeeee!" Misty shrieked behind me, but again I barely noticed.

"HAHA!" I laughed again, before peeling off my shirt and weighted vest, followed by by my weighted arm bands and shoes.

"LETS GO!" I cried while once again jumping into the water, but I never made it as I clung onto Gyarados' side, and he took off.


"Amazing..." Hudson uttered as he watched his future son-in-law play in the ocean with his newly evolved Pokemon.

"What's amazing, dad?" Lily asked him curiously.

"I've never seen someone so close to their Gyarados so quickly before..." Hudson answered.

Regardless of if they were caught in the wild or evolved from Magikarp, all Gyarados rebelled against their trainers. It was a major reason why trainers with one on their team were so few and far between.

Hudson had seen as much himself quite a bit since such trainers would often come to him for advice on how to handle their Gyarados.

But this was the first time he had seen a Gyarados so close to their trainer so quickly, even after evolving. And it said nothing about their own violent nature, as Hudson could feel the usual sensation he'd get when a storm was brewing when he watched the three Gyarados.

In spite of himself, he couldn't help but to smile widely at how capable his son-in-law was.


"Haaa..." I sighed contently as I ran the hot water over my body, rinsing the remaining sea water from it after playing with my Gyarados and Milotic earlier. I still couldn't help but to feel excited from the thought that I finally got them to evolve!

My mind was already filled with plans on training routines and moves for them to learn, as well as different combos for them to perform with each other and my other team members during double or even triple battles.

"Hm?" I hummed and looked up as I heard the door to the William's bath opening behind me, only to see my favorite mermaid standing there. Completely naked.

"Oh? It's quite a treat for you to make the first move, Misty."

"Don't get used to it..." Misty stated pointedly as she approached me, her arms positioned to cover her breasts. So naturally, I stared directly at her exposed slit instead with the patch of trimmed red hair above it.

"D-don't stare..." Misty stated bashfully, though she made no move to cover her crotch.

"Why would I not admire such a beautiful flower before me?" I asked her.

"Hey..." Misty said in a different voice.

"You're just mocking me because of my sisters, aren't you!" She declared while uncovering her breasts in her anger.

"Not at all." I said truthfully, standing and turning to face her directly.

"Your sisters ARE beautiful, there's no denying that." I said truthfully. "Regardless of how beautiful they are though, or if I end up fucking them or not..."

I then stepped forward so that Misty and I were face-to-face, our bodies only inches apart from one another.

"YOU are the one I intend to make one of my wives, Misty." I told her with all seriousness, making the tomboy turn red all the way down to her exposed breasts.

"Is that supposed to be some kind of proposal...jerk..." She muttered quietly.

"Nah. I plan to be actually be romantic when I officially pop the question. For now though, I'm going to be a beast!"

As I said that I grabbed Misty and pressed her up against the wall, pressing my body and lips against hers in a passionate kiss. The first kiss we'd shared in the last week.

And as we kissed I lifted her legs by the back of her knees, and pressed my erection against her lower lips. With a single swift movement, I plunged the entire length into her with a soft groan against my mouth in return.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as I began to rock my hips, moving my length inside her to press against her weak points. It wasn't too hard to find them since her aura would flare every time they were hit.

And every time I'd hit them misty would groan against my mouth, until I felt her tighten suddenly as she climaxed.

"Already?" I asked teasingly while breaking off the kiss.

"Shut up... You taste like the sea..." She grumbled irritably.

I was going to make some kind of witty remark at that, but before I could the bathroom door opened yet again.

"Pardon the intrusion~!" Daisy declared, as she walked in with Lily and Violet at her side, all three completely naked.




"My name is Ash Ketchum of Pallet town, and I'm here for a Cascade Badge!"

"What's that? Sorry kid, but the Gym's closed for a few days at least to make repairs."
