Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 29 - Heart to Heart

Chapter 29 - Heart to Heart

We finished setting up camp rather quickly with the help of our Pokemon, the girls and I setting up the large family sized tent I'd bought and the portable kitchen, while our Pokemon helped to clear the campsite of fallen branches and leaves. They were also the ones who went out and collected our firewood for the night, the water we'd need from the river, and even a large supply of berries from the surrounding bushes.

Once the kitchen was set up I quickly pulled out three of the large pots I had in my pack and filled them with some of the water collected from the river. While waiting for them to boil I prepared three sets of ingredients for tonight's dinner, one pot for me and the girls, and the other two pots for our Pokemon.

As soon as they started boiling I swept the chopped up ingredients into the three pots, put a cover on them, and turned the heat down slightly to allow them to simmer.

As dinner was cooking I decided to take some much needed time to milk Miltank, who was more than ready. While I did that though, I also pulled out my Pokenav and dialed one of the few numbers I had stored in it while putting it on speaker.


"Evening professor Oak, it's me."

"Ace! I take it this is your new Pokenav?" The professor asked, probably because he didn't recognize the number.

"Yeah, I'm calling from Viridian forest right now."

"Ah Viridian forest. There's quite a few good Pokemon to catch there if you're patient enough to look for them. I saw earlier that you even went and found yourself an Exeggcute."

"Yeah, there's a few that I'd like to catch if I can find them, but I'd rather spend my time here preparing my team to face Brock than looking everywhere for A Pokemon."

"Whichever you decide, it's your journey. Now then, I take it there's a reason you called."

"Yes." I replied while glancing at my Charmander egg with concern, which sitting near the fire pit alongside my Happiny egg.

"I was wondering if one of the parents of the Charmander egg you gave me was from the Slugma or Magby line."

Professor Oak was silent for a moment after my question, though I could hear the clacking of computer keys, before he replied,

"No, all the starter Pokemon and eggs I got for you three were acquired from sanctuaries for the three species. There's no cross breeding at any of them whatsoever. Why do you ask?"

I quickly explained to professor Oak about how ever since I'd talked to him last night it'd felt as if Charmander's egg had been growing hotter and hotter. And while I knew from experience that Charmander eggs did grow warmer than other Pokemon eggs due to their fire typing, they didn't get anywhere near as hot as mine was. The only ones I knew that did were Magby and Slugma eggs, which is why I wondered if they were crossbred.

"No, they're not." Professor Oak said when I finished speaking.

"I had records of all the starters and eggs I got sent along with them, records that also detail their parentage to ensure there's no genetic issues passed down to them. If there was any, I'd have caught it before you guys got them."

I was silent for a moment as I thought on what the professor said, my hands moving on autopilot as I continued milking Miltank, who lowed softy in contentment in response.

"Is there anything else you can think of professor?" I eventually asked him.

"There's a number of things I can think of, each one just as likely as the next. All I can tell you though is to keep an eye on your egg, which I'm willing to bet will hatch tonight. To help make it more comfortable I'd place the egg IN your campfire when you get around to lighting it. Other than that I can only ask that you keep me informed when it hatches."

I promised to call the professor as soon as Charmander hatched before ending the call, right about when I finished milking Miltank. By this point I had nearly two pails full of milk due to her not being milked last night, which I ready separated into glass bottles before storing away.

By that time dinner was about ready, which I readily pulled off of the hot stove so that we could begin dishing ourselves up. First were the Pokemon, for which I made two different dishes for the ones with differing diets.

While I did that the girls served themselves up, and right as I was getting my own bowl Dawn exclaimed, "This is so GOOD Ace!"

A couple grunts of agreement were all that I got from May and Misty, as the two gluttons scarfed down their dinner as quickly as possible, a sight that made me smile.

"Yeah, I've been learning how to cook at least this much so that I could properly take care of myself and my Pokemon. With how much you have to camp on a journey, it would be foolish not to learn."

As I said that Dawn looked away pointedly as her ears turned red, telling me we probably shouldn't have her cook any meals for the time being. At least until I could teach her how to.

The rest of our meal passed by fairly quickly as everyone focused on eating their food, and I even received numerous praises from the Pokemon as they happily chowed down. When we finished May readily stood up and started collecting dishes as she said, "You made dinner, so the three of us can clean up."

I thanked her even as both Misty and Dawn reluctantly got up to help her, until Misty exclaimed at the portable kitchen,

"How much did you think the Pokemon needed!?" I stood despite my full belly and made my way over to them, where one of the pots was still more than half full.

"There's still someone who hasn't eaten." I told her bluntly, taking the pot with me as I walked back to the fire pit. I then told my team,

"Squirtle, Treecko, Miltank and Exeggcute, I want the four of you to spar with Riolu for a while. Your goals are to either defeat him, or last as long as you possibly can against him. Understood?"

The first three looked at me with undisguised horror at having to fight with Riolu, while Exeggcute appeared confused until Squirtle filled him in. And though they all tried to protest by saying they should wait until they digested their food a bit, Riolu didn't listen as he literally dragged them away with a menacing smile.

As they were dragged away to do their training, I turned to remaining member of my team and added, "I want you to come with me Pidgeot."


Pidgeot tilted his head in curiosity, even as he followed me to the edge of the river bank. There I took out my last remaining pokeball, and released the Pokemon inside of it.

"SHAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!" Sharpedo cried out as it was released, before turning its attention towards me as its eyes narrowed hatefully.

"SHAR!" It cried out as it charged at me with its lethal looking teeth bared, only for Pidgeot to intervene as he flapped his wings to create a powerful Gust, halting Sharpedo's momentum.

"Evening Sharpedo. I brought you some dinner." I said to it while holding the pot up for it to see, as if it hadn't just tried to attack me.

The shark-like Pokemon just narrowed her eyes in distrust as she slowly began to swim back and forth, like a caged animal despite the fact that she could've swam up or down the river any time she wanted to. The entire time I could feel concerned eyes drilling a hole into the back of my head from the girls, but I focused all my attention on Sharpedo as I told her,

"Now now, I worked really hard to make this food, and I know you have to be hungry. Go ahead and eat up." As I said that I placed the pot down on the edge of the water, leaving it for her to help herself.

For a moment Sharpedo didn't move, glancing between me and the pot warily, before she suddenly charged forwards and bit down on the pot itself, biting through the metal as if it were hot butter. My brow twitched subtly at that, but I didn't say or do anything as I watched her destroy some of my cookware.

Instead I just smiled as if I were having a pleasant evening as she ate, internally making plans to buy several new pots when we reached Pewter city. And when she had finished, I casually asked her, "Satisfied yet?"

Instead of immediately answering, Sharpedo looked me up and down with a gleam in her eye that said she was tempted to try and eat me as well, but a glance at Pidgeot dissuaded her from doing so. Seeing this, I smirked while sending Pidgeot a look.

Taking the hint, the giant bird took off as he drifted lazily over the river, before diving down and snatching up a Magikarp that had been right below the surface. With Sharpedo and I being left alone, I turned to her and said,

"Ok, now Pidgeot's gone. If you're going to try something go ahead, though I don't think you have the balls after I kicked your ass last time."

Sharpedo growled threateningly at my taunt, obviously deeply insulted by it, though I just responded by slightly channeling my aura.

For several minutes the two of us just glared at one another as I increased the output of my aura bit by bit, until Sharpedo finally looked away. I smirked victoriously for a brief second before telling her,

"I'll tell you what, there's a ton of Magikarp in this river so you can eat your fill. I'll leave you in there overnight, and if you want to be stronger then be back here in the morning. But if you're ok with being the 'big bad' Sharpedo that got her ass kicked by a human, then that way will take you to the ocean." As I said that I pointed downstream, which Sharpedo followed my hand with her eyes, but she had yet to move.

Then, without waiting for her to decide, I turned around and walked back to camp.

As much as I wanted Sharpedo to actually join my team, it would be too much trouble to tiptoe around her while trying to prevent her from attacking my other Pokemon. So I tried using her loss against me to provoke her into wanting to get stronger.

Though it was possible for Sharpedo to become stronger on her own, her growth rate would be significantly faster if she had a trainer. If she could come to terms with that, then she should willingly become a part of my team.....hopefully.

As I returned to camp I found the three girls preparing to light the fire pit with their Pokemon bringing them some of the wood they'd collected earlier, meanwhile my team was collapsed in a pile nearby, with Riolu standing atop them victoriously. I smiled wryly at the scene as I approached them, and asked him,

"How long did they last?"


"I see..." I then knelt down to address them directly, and said as they all looked at me, "from now on this is going to be part of your routine. We'll do general training in the mornings, and sparring in the evenings after dinner. Once you get a bit better at it then we'll switch who's fighting who, but for now you'll all have to gang up on Riolu."

My team all looked at me with despairing eyes at my words, while Riolu just smirked at them as he cracked the knuckles of his paws. Maybe before we leave the forest I'll have them watch a match between Riolu and Pidgeot.

After taking a few minutes to check on my team and make sure there were no injuries, I approached the fire pit after the girls got it lit, with Torchic's help of course.

"Chic!" Torchic declared while puffing its chest out proudly, making the rest of us chuckle as we settled around the warm flames.

We then chatted aimlessly for a bit, sharing some of the things about ourselves. Misty was excitedly asking May and Dawn about all of the water types Pokemon that could be found in the Sinnoh and Hoenn regions, while she also fawned all over Spheal and Piplup.

May pulled out a number of catalogs and brochures she grabbed from the Pokemon Center about Kanto, and was listing all the different places she wanted to see and explore. Among them was the hot springs in Pewter city, the Safari Zone in Fuchsia city, the bicycle road connecting it and Celadon city, the Celadon Department Store, Vermillion port, and the city of water, Cerulean city, just to name a few.

Dawn on the other hand was excited to go to Celadon city as well, but for an entirely different reason. A couple months from now the Gym Leader there, Erika, would finish building the Kanto region's first ever contest hall; while the Water Flowers of Cerulean city also had plans to build a contest hall, but last I heard they hadn't even started construction yet.

I noticed Misty looking away pointedly as May and Dawn began talking about participating in Celadon's first ever contest, but decided not to mention it while also considering if I should enter a contest or two for fun. A thought that made Riolu look up at me pointedly.

The conversations lasted until Dawn let out an extended, and cute, yawn, which told us it was time to go to bed.

"I-um, are the sleeping arrangements really ok?" Misty asked hesitantly as she glanced at the single family sized tent.

"There's different rooms so you'd have your privacy. Plus I'm not going to be sleeping in it tonight anyways, so you don't have to worry about having to listen to us going at it."

Misty's entire face turned Crimson at my teasing words, while both Dawn and May looked at each other incredulously before demanding at the same time,

""What do you mean you're not sleeping with us tonight!?!""

I smiled wryly at their desperation, even as a warm feeling formed inside me, before explaining,

"It's my Charmander egg. When I talked to him earlier the professor suggested that it was about to hatch, and that I should put it in the fire to make it more comfortable. And when it hatches I intend to be right there with it."

As I said that I looked affectionately at the little egg, probably making the two girls more than a little jealous, but neither of them argued my intentions. As the aides of professors Birch and Rowen I knew they had both helped to hatch and raise their fair share of Pokemon, so neither could truly protest my decision to be with my Charmander when it hatched, even if they didn't like it.

"Fine..." Dawn said with a pout as she walked up and gave me a quick peck on the lips, before she whispered as quietly as possible, "But I expect you to make up for it tomorrow."

I smiled wryly at her before giving her a quick kiss back as I said, "yes ma'am."

Dawn smiled at my reply as she turned around and entered the tent to get ready for bed, leaving me open for May as she came up and have me a kiss of her own. But as she drew her lips away from mine she breathed out, "Meet me in about ten minutes."

She then turned around without giving away that she'd said anything, and followed Dawn into the tent so that I was alone with a red faced Misty. And when she hesitated in following the their two into the tent, I asked with a mischievous smile,

"Did you want a kiss as well, Misty?"

The tomboy jumped at my words as she tried to process them, before declaring when she was finally able to,

"N-no way! Who would want to kiss a jerk like you!?" She then stormed off into the tent as well, leaving me along with the Pokemon that weren't going to sleep with the girls.

"She's pretty cute for a tomboy." I said to Riolu, who sorted from my womanizing as he walked away.

I then carefully picked up Charmander's egg with oven mitts on, and set it in the middle of the still hot coals of the fire before using a stick to gently push more coals around it like a nest.

The infantile aura I could feel from the egg flared up at that, though it felt pleased rather than hurt. Relieved that I wasn't cooking my Charmander, I then set to making my bed for the night.

First Pidgeot found himself a place to nest on the grassy ground near the fire, which was where I laid out one of the blankets I had on me to lay on. Thankfully it was going to be a fairly warm night, so I didn't need to get another blanket out to cover myself with.

By the time I was finished with that I heard the zipper of the tent opening, as May said to Dawn and Misty, "I'll be right back! Just need to relieve myself!"

I smirked at her attempt to be stealthy, and judging by their auras neither Dawn nor Misty bought her excuse as May zipped the tent back up before turning towards me with a sultry look in her eyes.

Curling her finger suggestively, May then headed to a more private area of the forest with me right on her heels. Soon we arrived at a small clearing, where the moonlight to shined down to illuminate us in the otherwise dark night.

"So did you want me to stand guard or something?" I asked while playing dumb, making May smirk as she replied,

"Mayyyyyybe..... Or maybe I wanted to do something else!"

As she said that May pranced over to me before she linked her arms around my neck, and leaned in for another kiss. Unlike the one I'd received from her a few minutes ago though, this one was a lot more prolonged and passionate, our tongues wrestling for domination over the other for several minutes.

And as we fought with our tongues I felt May's hand slowly slide down my body, until it reached the front of my pants where her fingers traced the outline of my penis.

That continued for another minute or so as I slowly hardened from her finger's slight touch, until May eventually broke off the passionate kiss as she slowly sank down to her knees. She then began working at my belt and buttons while licking her lips in anticipation, as a thought sudden occurred to me.

"I thought you and Dawn had a deal?"

May didn't even slow down as she worked on freeing my cock from its confines, even as she answered,

"We do, but that's just for who gets to actually have sex first. This doesn't count!" Right as May finished speaking she hauled my pants down to my ankles, allowing my semi-hard cock to fall free as it smacked her right across the face.

May's smiled widened as one of her hands slowly wrapped around the base of my cock, and her other reached up to caress my balls even as she kissed the tip.

"Oooh..." I groaned from the brief contact on her mouth on my head, remembering the first time it happened so many years ago now.

Back then May had been clumsy and awkward as she tried to handle and suck on my penis, going entirely on the pushes and advice her mom had given her to go forward.

Now however she skillfully slid her soft and silky hands up and down my shaft and fondled my balls, while she slowly teased my head with light and quick licks from her warm tongue.

"Someone's had practice..." I uttered even as I fought back a groan from how skilled May had become.


"I've been practicing on some toys my mom got me for today... Though I hope they were big enough..."

My pride swelled when I heard that, even as I had to fight a sharp intake of breath as May suddenly took my entire head into her hot mouth. As she did that I could feel her tongue swirling around my head, while he also sucked on it to create a vacuum inside her mouth for me.

Bit by bit my cock disappeared into May's mouth as she slowly inched down it, until I could feel it hit the back of her throat. Then, showing just how much she did practice for this day, I felt my cock begin to move down her gullet as she proceeded to deepthroat me.

"Nnnnnnn..." I groaned contently as May slowly began to move her head back and forth, probably adjusting to a real cock after so much time spent on toys. However there was still a last couple inches she hadn't been able to take down into her throat, and I could feel my balls beginning to churn from imminent release.

So once she began picking up momentum, I combed my hands through her hair to massage her scalp, before grabbing onto her as I pushed the rest of my length into her mouth.


May's throat constricted in surprise as I shoved more of my length into it than she was expecting, and my balls smacked her chin as a steady stream of semen was pumped directly down her throat.

For several seconds the two of us didn't move as I came into May's mouth, before I slowly began to pull my still hard length out from between her lips. And with May increasing the suction within her mouth as I did so, one last spurt of cum drizzled out onto her tongue.

For a second after I pulled out of her mouth May held her tongue out for me to see the white substance on it, before she closed her mouth and gulped audibly. When she did so a contemplative look appeared on her face, before May uttered questioningly,

"It's sweeter than I recall..."

I cocked my head slightly when I heard that, since neither May nor Dawn said anything about it being 'sweet' back then. Then again, the vast majority of the girls who'd sucked me off in the last few years said the same thing. Curious...

My pondering was interrupted as I felt May's tongue once again gliding up my length from my balls, making think she wanted to go another round, but I soon realized she was just cleaning up the excess cum and saliva off of it.

And when she finished with that, May smacked her lips before looking up at me and saying coyly, "thanks for the meal~!"

I shook my head at her with a smile at her attitude, before kissing the top of her head affectionately as I said, "No, thank YOU for that."

May just smirked as she got to her feet and headed back to camp, before I followed her and arrived just in time for her to re-zip the tent up, and be interrogated by Dawn about what she'd just gone to do.

I chuckled as I laid down while listening to the interrogation, only to notice my Pokemon directing numerous pointed looks at me.

"What?" I asked innocently, before laying back to rest my head on Pidgeot's soft plumage as I closed my eyes.


When I awoke in the morning I did so in a panic as my body felt as if it were burning up, my mouth and throat were completely dry, and my entire body felt sticky with sweat.

When my eyes shot open though, any thought I had about going to get some water vanished from my mind.

There, curled up and asleep on my chest, was a certain Pokemon.

It was a bipedal lizard with scales covering its entire body, head to toe, while a small flame flickered at the tip of its tail. And as I awoke so did it, lifting its head to look at me with its big red eyes.

I knew immediately what it was, but there was also something VERY different about it from the ones I had seen before, namely that all of its scales were completely white instead of the typical orange body and yellow/tan belly.

And as the Pokemon raised its head a ray of sunlight peeked through the trees, landing directly on its scales. I watched with stupefied awe as the light reflected off of its scales in a myriad of colors that reminded me of the plumage of a certain Pokemon I'd seen the other day, similarly to the flame at the tip of its tail.

"Char char!" It cried out with a wide smile.