The votes currently stand at:
HS DXD - 5.5 (4 of which are now DXD/Fate, one with Hellsing(Alucard))
Fate - 5 (Crossed with multiple. 1 vote for just Fate.)
Hellsing - 4 (2 Hellsing, 2 Alucard, 1 HS DXD cross, 1 Fairy Tail cross, puns intended.)
Seven Deadly Sins - 2 (Both Escanor, one Escanor/OnceUponATime)
Re:Creators - 2 (Both crossovers with Fate)
Re:Monster - 2
MHA - 2
I'll probably have the cut-off for voting on new ideas for tomorrow morning. As in, it's 10:50 now and it'll be 8:00 tomorrow. I'll cut it to the top three and my favourite. I don't say the current top three because there's always a chance.
Also if you've already voted no need to vote again, I've saved your names and vote on a google doc.