Chapter 31 - Epilogue

Somewhere in an eerie part of this forgotten town filled with the undead stood a lone creature hidden away from peering eyes, humming calmly in the dark, somewhat giddy and happy for today was a good day for him.

On the completely dark place, concealed beneath the earth, the creature worked with expertise, his red eyes shining like a cat in the dark, all the eerier when added his humming, the drip of water, and the moans and chains that rattled in the background.

Beyond the moans, clattering, and background sound his movements were soundless as he grabbed the necessary tools from the table and went far in into the hideout, closer to the source of the sounds.

"Goodnight ladies, how you all doing in this lovely day?" The creature said, hidden in the dark, receiving terrified moans as an answer from his scared victims, all too aware not to talk anymore. "Why I'm such a good mood you ask? Well, today my father went to bring my brother back in, and we all will be reunited again! Isn't that awesome?!"

He hands, so used to it by now, did not stop for one moment as he took the used needles out and not so kindly brought the arm of one of the women forward, unceremoniously piercing her skin and filling the tube of blood.

All of that with a smile on his face. Yes… today was a good day indeed.

After taking care of the women he dropped the food in the middle of the ceil, the clattering alerting them of it as the place had no source of light to help them guide themselves.

But the hunger was stronger than the fear as they crawled to the middle of the room, more rattling resonating throughout the halls.

The creature, now thirsty, still hummed as he did the same in the men cell, biting one for good measure, and went down some more, the damp air familiar and cozy against his cold skin.

"Rise and shine family! Your feast is ready!" He said, all too happy to contain it in a calm voice, clattering his nails on the metal bars as hisses could be heard in the back, red eyes glinting as his, but with a wild untamed look to them.

The turned against their will. Not that it would matter, in the end, they would all bow down to the same father, to the same master…


Why was he taking so long to come back…?

But it doesn't matter, he thought. They would all be together again by the end of today. They had waited so long… Searching for him.

The creature smiled in the dark, eager for it to happen as he started to feed his soon to be brothers and sisters. Only if they were not as stubborn… they could come out sooner, but instead stood there, chained like animals, being… tamed.

The smell of blood hit him before the barging sounds resonated from above, making him shoot his head up in an almost inhumane way, his eyes widen as his legs took him up the steps as his mind still tried to process what had just happened.

He quickly reached the room upstairs only to have a view from hell; his master, his father, his creator, coated in blood, his own blood, being dragged by half-dead ghouls, who fell down as if having their strings cut off.

For the first time the creature walks on the light towards his father, his body coming too view to reveal his raven black hair shoulder ledge, his red bloody eyes, pointy on the ends, and his slim yet well-toned body.

He wanted to scream, but his voice ended chocked down his throat as he dropped all the instruments and run towards his master, only getting hold of his own voice as he rises his master on his arms, cradling him and noticing for the first time the missing arms, plus the numerous burn wounds along his body.

"Father! FATHER! Can you hear me? What happened?"

Without hesitation he passed his arm on the back of his master, bringing him up as he bites his wrist down hard, making a river of his tick blood flow right at his father's lips.

The amount of damage, however, was too much for this little amount of blood, only helping with some internal bleedings as his master's body was really burned, pieces of his skin visible over the black stains but, worst of all, were the missing arms.

"Father, what happened? Who did this to you?"

He could barely make out his father's eyes over the burnt skin, but it wasn't very hard to figure out who could have done this to him.

The one who he went to meet, after years of waiting, searching for.

The only one able to fight one on one with his master.

The only one who could betray them like this.

"Father, don't worry, I'll take care of you." He looks out towards the night, as if his words could be carried away into the traitor's ear. " Brother… I will find you and make you regret what you have done… I will make you pay."

The night, however, didn't respond as the two figures went deeper into the dark, embraced by the moans of pain from their numerable victims, both shattered by pain and vengeance, as they planed their next move.

It would be pretty.


Author note~~

Noow it has truly ended, hehe.

And to know what happens you guys will have to wait the spin-off to know what happens next!

The spin-off will have the characters from this and the next novel, so stay tune! (Will probably publish the next one in about 3 weeks)

Plus don't forget that the payable version has an exclusive extra with a parallel story where Dylan (Dy) is the main character (a rabbit), as Samael (Sammy) the cat loves to tease him, only for Richard (Rich) the wolf to intervene once both fell down in a rabbit hole and ended up in a parallel place where they have human forms!

But of course, the hunter Saguine is out for their blood too…

So check it out on KOBO!

(=ↀωↀ=) Sammy: With proper smut at the end, of course… *says purring*