Chereads / Grave Affairs / Chapter 4 - Help from above.

Chapter 4 - Help from above.

Taehyung turned around to see his beloved uncle and a smile paused on his face.


The excited lad run and jumped on his uncle showing great love to him. Jung Ho-Seok is Taehyung's uncle due to Taehyung's mom (Jung Ho-Sook) was Ho-Seok's sister. She married Tae's father (Kim Tae-Hyeong). Hobi is the last born of their family.

"Hyung what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my mom, I heard what happened so I had to come, are you okay Tae"?

"I'm fine hyung-sobbing-...she can't leave me like this".

"Don't worry Tae, everything is going to be okay, I'm here to help".

The reality of the matter was that Hobi was in fact a doctor by by profession. He was one of the children that his mom felt proud about, as well as his late sister Jung Ho-Sook. When ever he looks at Tae he is reminded of her sweet nature, her smile that was passed on to Tae, her ability to make a person smile even in the most dreaded situations, her laugh, her soft hugs that would melt one's heart.

"I am here to help".


"We are moving eomma to a special hospital in Seoul where we can treat her better".

The joy that came on Tae was enough to ignite the entire Eiffel tower.

"Jungkook you can't keep doing this to yourself, I mean look at yourself broken done like a baby, wasting your life on alcohol over a stupid girl who didn't deserve your time". said Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon was Jungkook's best friend since their childhood days and he and only him knew Jungkook's secret, he was also his business partner.

"Hyung why? Why did she leave me now?.....could it be that she found out that I'm....I'm....I'm not straight. Did she find out that I'm gay, a homosexual, a curved stick?"

"I doubt that kook, you've never given her any reason to doubt your sexuality, regardless of that I think she was using you, but the reason why, well kook we are yet to find out".

"You're right hyung, I can't continue like this, I too have a life, so f*ck her leaving me, I refuse to live in the shadows of myself, I'm gay there I said it, let the world judge me, I refuse to leave in the mentality of common society that proclaims that LGBT+ people are aliens, I will live my life to the fullest, explore, get high and live without the slightest regrets".

"That's my Kookie".


"You said we are going where?" asked a very shocked Tae.

"Yes Tae we are going to the grand city of Seoul".

Seoul the great metropolitan city, the capital city of South Korea, a place of dreams, the city of lights, the city of love, dreams, stars. A place that Tae could see but would never be able to touch. With a population of 9 million people. Every living being would enjoy a simple visit to Seoul.

Tae's mouth got watery upon hearing that they would be going there, his overall dream is to become a singer like his mother wanted him to be. He made it his life long mission to be a musician in the honor of his parents. Just by the thought of it his eyes got watery.

The story of how Taehyung lost his parents was indeed a sad one... That faithful day the jolly family was on their way to the monthly field trip, singing to various songs, eating snacks to their hearts content. Kim Taehyung was only 5 years old at that time. His parents were his life. His dad was the owner of a large enterprise known as THT projects that sold and supplied construction goods and services to various parts of Asia. His mother was a social worker in a children home of pediatric cancer patients.

Singing loudly and with so much joy. Suddenly.....their car lost control.

"Tae-Hyeong what is going on!!!" screamed Jung-Hosook as the car swayed from left to right.

"Mummy I'm scared".

"It's okay my child mummy is here".

Their car went left to right before plunging down the hill.

"Ahhhh!!!!!". The screams of fear was all the could be heard as their car ricochet down the hill. In the fit to save her only child, mother rapped her arms around him, tucking him strong that he couldn't even be seen. As the saw the actions before them knowing well where and how this was going to end, the couple locked their hands together as the stared into each others eyes. The last words that could be read from their lips was a simply but heartbreaking 'I love you'.

It took a whole 10 min for the incident to occur. A once happy and loving family tore apart by utter grief and sadness.

When the ambulance arrived at the scene, they were horrified. At that instant they knew they could be no survivors in this horrific titanic scene. To their greatest shock they saw a 5-year old boy tucked in the arms of a woman with blood all over her body, legs broken due to the impact of the the crash.

"Look there's a kid in here,and....he's alive....he's still alive!!!...quick bring the stretcher!!!"

Bringing himself out of his thoughts, he wiped the tears in his eyes, as Hobi stared at him knowing that he was thinking about his parents, he did nothing but have a faint smile for the helpless lad. There was a disturbing silence until Tae spoke:

"Hyung lets do it, lets go to Seoul".....