Chereads / The Mob Bosses Lost Child / Chapter 6 - Father vs ‘Son’

Chapter 6 - Father vs ‘Son’

Parental advisory: graphic language and violence that may not be suitable for some readers Read at your own risk.

The guards came and formed a circle around us as if this was a spectator sport. The pain in my face was intense but I have to focus this guy was ruthless. John directed a kick to my ribs and then backed away once it landed. I could hear mom crying though I couldn't hear if she was saying anything. I seen him coming towards me again and I offered a front kick to his stomach. He caught it though and held my foot in place. Raising his elbow high, I knew what he was going to do based on every karate movie I've seen I jump just enough to swing the leg that I was using to stay standing to kick the side of his face. It landed true to its mark and he let me go allowing me to fall hard onto the tile.

John was up first and was one me quickly. I was angry and things were getting worse by the moment. I looked at my Grandpa and my mom, at that moment John had struck my back. When the hit landed I head such a loud crack that I was sure that I had broken a rib or two. I felt this sticky feeling in my throat and I let out a cough splattering blood onto the floor. I gritted my teeth and used as much strength as I could must and kicked John's shins before sweeping him off his feet. I scrambled on top of him and just started wailing on his chest. I could feel myself starting to black out but I have to stay aware. I can't let this guy take me down, to have my mom get hurt.

Struggling beneath me John tried bucking me off but only managed to irritate me further and I reached back and hit him square in the jewels. I stood up and kicked him hard in the ribs making him curl up into a ball instinctively. I kicked him again but as I was pulling back he grabbed onto my leg and while the other hand struck the back of my knees making me topple forward. Swinging my arm towards him to strike back, I was surprised that he'd grabbed onto my arm ripping my shirt slightly. Twisting around I yank myself towards him to throw him off his next move. I bit down onto whatever I could to inflict some pain onto him.

"Ah you son of a bitch, let go or I will kill you. " He snarled in my ear.

My jaw clamped down onto his flesh I was determined that he would bend the knee and back down or I will not stop. I suddenly felt a large palm grab the back of my head collecting a huge chunk of my hair yanking me away from John. subconsciously I opened my mouth out of shock, which released John from my grip. I stood there panting and side eyed the body next to me, Marcos, the guy that I was starting to get along with. Giving him a glare I stomped on his foot but Marcos was stubborn he winced but didn't let go of me at all. Shuffling steps were heard all around and there stood John, ripped shirt and a bleeding chest from where I had bitten him. His face was pale but still exuding out that frost king presence that was his.

"Put him in his room, and send his mother away. Leave Gangsa alone. He will pay with this much as his debt. " John huffed.

As I was getting ready to say something, Marcos clamped his hand over my mouth and lifted me up into the air.

"Don't take my son from me!" Wailed mom.

"Jane, I'll keep OUR son safe, but you will not come here again. Do you understand?!?" John roared.

She nodded her head and was pulled outside of the house, at this point I struggled even more. Tears streaming down my face, I just wanted to hug her to let her know that I'd be okay. Marcos' grip tightened and I went limp. Exhausted I was like a rag doll in his grip, the tears kept flowing down and the hand muffled my sobs. The muffled sound made every single guard look at me with pity, I tried to protect her and defy John the only way I could without hurting myself or her and yet I still failed. Marcos carried me back to my room without a single word, setting me on the bed. He hesitated as I had no reaction to anything that was happening at present.

"Young Master, I'm going to clean your eye and bandage you up. Be good and stay still." Marcos said softly.

I stared off to the side not reacting to what he was saying or doing. An empty shell of someone who was broken down, he unbuttoned my shirt from the bottom up and carefully cleaned my torso. He wrapped me up and cleaned my eye for me. He brought an ice pack for my eye to help with the swelling before leaving. The whole time I sat there, not speaking a word, it finally made me realize that you can't protect anyone if you don't have strength, and you have no one that you trust by your side. I looked around the room, this prison that I have to accept as my home until the day that I become strong enough to protect my family. I looked at the mirror near the desk and seen the look of utter determination in my eyes.

The entire house was filled with a silence which would make any normal household seem pleasant, though in this mansion it was like torture. There were usually sounds of guards patroling the house, or even the occasional laughter coming from the kitchen from them sitting down for a quick bite to eat. John sat in his study, smoking on a cherry flavor cigar deep in thought. He looked through the footage of the fight that had happened earlier, but kept pausing it and rewinding it only to be replayed in slow motion. He looked at the fire in Jane's eyes as she was yelling at him, then at her dead eyes when he had said that she could never come back to the house. He was not disturbed by the change nor was he pleased. Clicking the screen close, he held his chin in contemplation in regards to the punishment for Parker. He knows that he can't let it go unpunished, but this child of his showed him the loyalty to another human being that he had seen from only one man in his entire life, his father, the previous Boss.

John sat in the study for awhile before a knock disturbed his train of thoughts. He wasn't really interested in who was there,if it was important they'd be sure to knock on the door again. Looking around the study, John stood up and walked over to the chairs by the bookshelves to see that there lay a single white lily on the seat of his chair. He looked around the room and had a very concerned look on his face as if a ghost had come to haunt him.