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the children of justin beiber and Selena Gomez

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Chapter 1 - the not so great last day of school

please leave comments to show how I can improve, or what you thought ❤🧡💛💚💙

My story of being Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez kid and my sister is delanie. And our real names are Skylar: me. And makayla: Delanie.

this was just a dream of mine that I just added into. there is some language

Skylar:Yes it's our 3rd year of running away to Colorado happy anniversary I guess, I'm kinda nervous tho

makayla: Oh my gosh all ready!!  Happy anniversary!! why are you nervous?

skylar: well I just have this feeling that dad or mom will find us soon and our lives will be back to the old life, you know flashes everywhere, yours, crazy fans, crazy fan boys of us,. the usual

makayla: oh I see, well we should be fond we lasted three years

skylar: yeah I say this every year Haha

makayla: ya we are gonna be late for class cmon

(Towards the end of school: we were at the talent show)

Principle: Pardon the interruption could Delanie and Sydney come down to their pod they'll be leaving for the day. Thankyou.

Skylar: My mom said nothing about picking me up.  

Mac: Me neither

Both: Oh well. (Laughter)

skylar: wait what of he... never mind I'm just paranoid

(We all go to our pod. Red pod. And as soon as we do we see him, I freak out scream and run, we get pretty far until one of the office ladies said, yep they're right there. Sitting and waiting for us to show up was our real dad)

Justin (dad):don't  even try to run. Go get those stupid disguises off right now. (He hands us clothes) ( in disguises he means wings, extra skin layers to have different body shapes, and for makayla have a different skin tone)

(Makayla and I walk to the bathroom and change into the clothes dad gave us and handed him the disguises)

Dad. We are leaving right now. Let's go ( while we walk by office and tells office lady's "Thank You")

Skylar. Why do we have to go right now dad, I want to finish today we still have a movie to watch.

Dad. You can watch any movie at home, and because the sooner your packed and in California the better.

Corbin. Sydney.

(I turn around)

Skylar: What

corbin: what's going on, who is he?

Skylar: My name isn't Sydney, um my real name is Skylar Bieber my mom is Selena Gomez and my dad is Justin bieber and my sister is Delanie who real name is makayla

Corbin: so does Skylar have a different personality

Skylar: yeah, I only did that so that my dad wouldn't suspect anything

dad: didnt work smart ass

Corbin. Give me ur phone Skylar ( I hand it to him him he put his number in my phone. ) I want to get to know Skylar. Also I had a crush on Sydney, so maybe I'll crush on Skylar too.

Skylar: well you can get to know her for sure

corbin: hey wanna be dating?

skylar: um ya okay

dad: well as much as everyone is mentally throwing up and enjoying this, your mom is waiting let's go

corbin: I text me back in California

skylar: ok

dad: sorry not til August

Skylar: WHAT!!! WHY???!!!


Skylar: Of course I am.

Corbin: Well don't forget me, and don't get mad at ur dad, you ran away. Sorry babe, but I can see why he's mad.

Dad: I like him. Haha

Skylar:so why can't I text him?!?!!

Dad: because I said so.

Skylar: ugh. Bye Corbin talk to you in August I guess.

Corbin:Ok see ya… Call me

Skylar: I will

Mac:  Really why haven't you two been dating all year.

Skylar: I really don't know. I think I was afraid this was gonna happen so I didn't say anything.

Makayla:Oh probably right.  

Dad: Bye Corbin.

skylar: Ugh so embarrassing

Corbin: Bye mr. Bieber

Dad: Bye Bye  

(He shoves us out the door and picks me and Makayla up after we try to run back into the school then over to the highschool and he pushes us into the car)

Us:Owwwwww, dad dont push us in the car

Dad: Sit your butts down

we both sit down and pretend to buckle and he closes the door and starts to walk to his door he gets in the car as we quietly open the door and go back into the middle school he soon noticed the door was open and dashed into the middle school he chased us all the way to 8 green into many different classroom and to other pods aswell and soon got us because he locked the classroom door we were in and hid in the bathroom til we walked out and jumped out and grabbed us around our waists

dad: REALLY !!!!!

skyalr: AHHH, how long have you been there

dad: doesn't matter

(He walks downstairs and out to the car and opens the door and puts us in the seats and locks the doors. He unlocks the drivers door, as soon as he put us in the car we got on our phones and started texting, snapping, and posting on insta so everyone knew everything and wouldn't be worried if we never came back to school, he got in the car and noticed us typing and texting super quick)

dad: give em' to me now

makayla: hold on hold on

skylar: ya one sec dad

dad: nope now

skylar: hold on I said

dad: God damn girls

he reaches back and grabs both of our phones and throws them in the passenger chair

Us: HEY!!!  

Dad. Ur grounded what Doesn't cross your minds about it.

makayla: well we don't know how you parent when we get in trouble

Dad: Well your about to figure that out.

makayla gulps

(My phone rings. It's Corbin and I try to reach for it but dad grabs it and Answers the phone)

Dad. Sorry she can't get to the phone right now she grounded.

corbin: well tell her she is the talk of school bc shes your kid

dad: for sure dude, bye bye

corbin: bye

he hangs up the phone

Skylar: C'mon dad you didn't have to do that.

Dad. how else would I get it through your head and his head that your ground you cant talk and whatever else, oh and he said your the talk of the school because your my child.

Skylar:What!!! dad I need to see everything they say, boi

Makayla: haha, Can I move up front.  

Dad: Nope.

Makayla: Why not

Dad. Because someone else is sitting up there

Skylar: Who?

(The door opens)

Selena(mom): hey babe did you find...

Sky and makayla. MOM!!!!!!

Mom:oh hey girls

mac: mom you will not believe what dad did in school

mom: hey whatever he did, my guess is he had a reason I would have done worse baby.

Sky: ok? So dad. On a scale of 1 -10 how pissed off are you?

Dad:more than that more like 50

Sky: Mom?

Mom: the same as your dad baby girl


dad: so girls, you do realize that when you left you gave me and your mother a heart attack right? other than that i give you a lot of credit because cmon we all know it was super clever that you stole my credit card, bought a plane ticket and new shit, then decided to get disguises and a lot bunch of other shit I mean damn

mom slaps dads arms

mom: justin that is not what you are suppose to be talking about

dsd: oh ya right sorry, anyway girls you cannot run away from your problems and talk to random people to take care of you, you should have just came home because blah blah blah blah blah

We mimic him  over and over again while he's talking and lecturing us but eventually everything turned bbn into a lot of blahs

Mom: Girls if you don't knock it off you won't like what's coming ok!!

Dad: Thanks babe

Mom: Welcome. But I'm serious girls

Makayla: Haha she said butt.

Sky: Haha,your so immature mac

Dad. ENOUGH!!!!

We all stop laughing. It's dead silence for a long while.

dad: okay you are both spending one more day here in Colorado, that day is only for packing up and saying goodbye. your mother and I are going to be in a hotel and you two are staying at your houses your at right now

skylar: ok dad I guess that sounds good, but can we at least get our phones back for that ONE day

mac: ya please

dad: sure but in the car ride home no phones

he hands us our phones and drops us off at the homes we have been staying at

I walk inside mine and dad drives off to makayla house

skylar: mom I'm home and I have some news

jamie: ( my care taker): hey honey, what's the news

skylar: so you know how I told you that I ran away and was worried about my dad and mom finding me again and my sister

jamies: wow you look different, but yeah

skylar: oh ya this is my actual look without all of the disguises

jamie: so what does the news have to do with your parents

sky: well you see um my fear that they would find me kinda just happend today at school

jamies: oh? so where are they

sky: dropping my sister off at her care takers house

jamies: so how long are you here for

sky: they are only letting me stay for the rest of today and all of tomorrow we leave the following morning

jamie: oh my gosh this is gonna be heart breaking

sky: I know right

Jamie: well let's start packing so we can be done and spend all day tomorrow or something ok

sky: ya sounds good, hey so tomorrow night can I spend the night at my boyfriend's house

jamie: boyfriend?

sky: oh ya, as it turns out Corbin likes me so... he and I are dating now Haha

jamie: oh ok then sweetheart you go girl, tomorrow night sounds good for seeing him, right before you leave and everything, but what about your dad and stuff?

sky: meh it will be a peice if cake he wont be that pissed if I'm at corbins Haha

jamie: ok then hun

we start packing and in at least 5 hours later we are packed up with all of my shit, which is a lot of misalaniouse items and stuff like that, clothes, etc.

we go to bed because it's almost 10 after we finish packing and get back from going out for dinner

we both head to bed and we sleep in her room because her boyfriend was out on a business trip and my bed wasn't put together and all of that.

the next day we started to do all of our favorite things we have done over the years like ice skating, go swimming, to the beach, fishing, and swimming with dolphins. After the dolphins we were so tired we went and had a late lunch/dinner at olive garden and took a nap at home. When we were both awake we watch home alone 2. I then packed my bag to go to corbins and Jamie drove me over there

(my phone rings)

(I answer it)


*hey Skylar, are you coming over tonight?*

*On my way right now*

*okay, see you in a bit love you

*love you too, bye*


jamie: awww somones in love Haha

skyalr: Haha mom

jamie: we're here. bye baby, I'll see you tomorrow morning before you leave

skylar: ok bye mom, I love you

jamie: livenyou too baby

I walk up to corbins door and before bbn I can knock the door opens

corbin: hey babe

skylar: oh, hi


skylar: hello

his mom: hi I'm danielle

skylar: I'm Skylar

corbin: ok soooooo, we're going upstairs ok mom

his mom: ok honey, have fun. But not that kind if fun

skylar: you dont have to worry

we head upstairs, play on the xbox and watch TV and get to know eachother even more than before. It got really late and we fell asleep with me in bvb his arms on his couch.

the next day we aake up from his mom telling us breakfast is ready.

corbin: ok mom

Skylar: ok thankyou

I go and change into fresh clothes and do my hair and spray perfume on my clothes

we head downstairs and start eating breakfast

there is a loud knock on the door and everyone was so confused, his mom open the door and sure enough guess who was pissed off

skylar: Dad, hey

dad: dont hey me, I said stay at Jamie's not go anywhere else, so that we can get up and leave

skylar: fine, I was ready to go and everything too so that we can be on the road

corbins mom: so your saying that your dad had no idea you came over here

sky: yes, but for the past three years I have been living with my caretaker Jamie and she Saudi could come over here, soo.

dad: let's go now

sky: one minute ok

dad: no skylar, I'm sorry mrs. whatever your last name is

he stormed inside the house, ran upstairs gf grabbed my bag and things packed it in a second and came back downstairs and grabbed my wrist and walked out the door

sky: dad, stop let go

dad: your mom wants to go, now

corbin: bye Skylar

sky: bye Corbin

dad opens the car door puts my bag in and I get in the car, he closes the door and drives back to the Jamie's

when we get out at Jamie's makayla was already there waiting to go, they had pop it all of my things in a trailer and makayla thing in a trailer and they bvb hooked it to the car

jamie: I thought you said he wouldn't be mad syd

sky: yeah I didnt think he w PJ uld, but he made a HUGE SCENE.

I looked right at bvb him kinda mad

dad: I told yo ou to stay at Jamie's house and pack and catch up one more day, not go tweedaly do with your new boyfriend. You two look lo like tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb.

mac: push you got in huge trouble, more than me. Haha

dad: yeah because your boyfriend was at Katie's house, bit I still said NO BOYFRRIENDS

mac: no you didnt dad

Dad: whatever get in the damn car now

dad: Jamie thankyou so much for taking care of her, you can still call my phone or the house phone or Selena phone if you wanna talk to her.

jamie: yeah I know, your welcome.

dad: bye bye now

jamie: bye, and bye syd, I mean sky

sky: Haha bye

We start the many hours of driving back to our house in California and we all go to sleep for a long while, I fell asleep in the middle of dads boring speech about listening and what not, but whatever

(few hours later)

Dad:We are home


Dad unlocks the door and we act like we are grabbing some bags, but then we start running down the road and made it about 4 blocks or so before they saw us.

Mom. GIRLS!!!!

Dad. I got em'

We sprint as fast as we can but he is faster so we make a few turns and we lose him, or so we thought. He came up from behind a Bush and takes us to the house though a shortcut, which isn't ever short

(We get carried the entire time back the 8 blocks back to our house)

Mom: Girls I'm so tired of that stop it

Dad: Go in your rooms we will be up there in a minute.

We go upstairs and wait in Austin's room( our older brother who is at a party). Dad sees we are not in our rooms and walks into Austin's and brings us to our own rooms which connect to each other with a bathroom. So mom came upstairs and told us we were both grounded till August and she tells us all the rules of living in the house and all that stuff. Then she closed the door and went back downstairs. So we both sit in the doorway of our side of the bathroom and just sit there until dinner