Chapter 4 - Chapter 4- Tears of Fire

It has been 15 turns since Hedera had died, and 8 turns since they had entered Erebus. Now Belvragor stood at the peak of Erebus with a child in his arms.

It had not been an easy journey. If he had not once been a general, once feared by all throughout the lands, then he may not have survived all the trials that had been thrown onto him, much less stand where he stands in such a short period of time.

"We made it Aster, were here. You're safe now."

Belvragor whispered with a hoarse voice to the unmoving infant cadaver.

Taking out the severed wings, he wrapped it around the child. After all; no demon may pass through the pond whether they may be half, or even just a drop of demon blood running through their veins but it is possible to disguise them.

Using the wings of an angle, it is possible to completely conceal the demon essence of a creature with week demonic energy, in this case, a half-demon corpse.

If Aster had been alive, then this trick may not work, in a way it is a blessing in disguise.

"Let's go."

A pair of fiery red wings sprouted from Belvragor's back. Shooting off, a white light engulfed the two as they dove into the circular golden pond which seemed to float in the dark-red sky. Never to return to these wretched lands... for one of them that is.

000~~In the castle~~000

Demons were frantically running around, specifically those in the castle. Walls were crumbling, windows were shattering, and furniture was being throws everywhere.

This was all caused by the Demon Emperor Zaeblur, his sorrow over his dead son and missing wife had taken its turn into the worst.

A sevant rushed over and kowtowed. (A/N: kowtow is bowing kneeling down so your head touched the ground)

"Sire, Lady Hedera has been found."

"Well where is she?!!?!"

"S-sire. What is believed to be her ashes has been found at the far edge of Ethnadras Dessert. I have brought to your highness the empress' ring."

Presented in the center of the kneeling servant's hand was indeed the wedding ring he had given to his wife.

'w-why?' Zaeblur thought

"Who dares to murder my wife?! Answer me!!!"

"S-sire it seems that the cause of death was a poison that may only be acquired by those of the higher echelons of society. But the possibilities of who the murderer is had not been narrowed down, your majesty."

"Trash!!! Vanmar bring this trash to the dungeons! Then find them. Those bastards who dare poison Hedera. If you can't find them then capture all who you deem suspicious. I personally shall deal with the interrogations."

Vanmar was their butler, a goat-headed demon.

"Yes sire." Vanmar disappeared, and appeared behind the servant, pinning both of his hands to his back, the force causing the servant to fall forwards, violently crashing into the floor.

This action had caused a few of the servant's ribs to crack, and his jaw to have minor fractures. Blood had spewed out of the servant's mouth.

"B-but sire?! I- I did not do anything wrong" the servant screeched. His voice cracking indicating his voice box had been injured during the fall.

But Zaeblur did not bother to look at him. Instead, he turned to face away and retreat into his chambers.

The servant's voice echoing through the halls as he still continued to fight back, but it had not been long before silence returned to these halls.


Zaeblur P.O.V.


where did I go wrong?

I loved Hedera more than I have my other wives. Shui Mu and Kasai? They have only been presented to me for political reasons, all to keep those snake and dragon bastards from forming another revolution like what had happened during my grandfather's time.

Why is it that the woman I love is the one I can't have? I always thought everything I did was for her but why? why run away? Why Die!?!

Striking my fists on the hard stone wall as an outlet of my rage, led to it crumbling into pieces. But this was not enough; nothing would be enough to fix my life.

Nothing would bring Hedera back, nothing can match her worth. I look at the ring in my hand and red was all I saw. Looking up at the hideous blood-stained shy, I cried.

Fire slowly ignited from nothing as I willed it to encase every inch of my skin. Exterminating the trace of my weakness that I would not allow slip from my eyes.


I will find them, and in my hands they will suffer a fate worse than death.