Chereads / Saiko to Maniakku / Chapter 11 - Blood || 09

Chapter 11 - Blood || 09

"This is Fucken ridiculous Vonic! Why do we have to work with these guys!? They've not done anything since they came! Can't we just tell them to fuck off?" Pinching the bridge of his nose Vonic was about done with this conversation. 

All his team was doing was whining, this is why he preferred to work alone. But with all the mass homicides, he wasn't permitted to. New laws were already being implemented throughout all task force services. 

"Go ahead, they have full clearance and special permission from higher ups. Goodluck" He said with a hint of sarcasm as another member snickered at Vonic's clear mockery. 

'Idiots' he thought as he looked at the brief case he still hadn't opened from that man. 'It's probably him' he thought back to Oryan's words. 'His boss huh?' 

Looking back at the paperwork in front of him, clear pictures showed bodies and more- Suddenly a loud clap of thunder had the building shake. 

"Jesus Christ, a storm in winter, it's going to be a harsh drive home. Say Vonic, how's the boy these days?" Asked Chris, Chris wasn't like the others in his team. His main job was the technology aspect and communications, so Chris was hardly on the field. He was probably lucky in that regard because it was rather quiet when no one else was in the office. He knew that first hand when he would pull all nighters. 

"He's doing well, he's a bit off these days though" Vonic replied as he tried to arrange his workspace a bit.

Hearing this Chris placed his hand under his chin in thought. "Oh how so? " he mumbled out loud "- Ah! Puberty?" He concluded as the others looked at Chris with stone gazes.

"What?! Fuck, no?! Christ- maybe?" Threading his fingers through his hair he sighed "-Fuck I don't know. I think he's been a little off lately, that's all I'm saying." 'Is it puberty? Do I need to have the talk? No way, he should know that stuff already.'

"Even if it was related to that, he's smart enough to figure it out. Hell the boy might even be smarter than all of us combined." The room suddenly fell silent as the others pretended to be busy at their desks.

As much as he wanted to make a joke of it, he couldn't. The way in which Riku learnt all that he knew, wasn't normal. It wasn't something one could just halfheartedly laugh on knowing the circumstances. The boy had ingrained PTSD and abuse but he couldn't understand that, even now he didn't. He simply used it in day to day which was a good way to work through un-healed trauma but Riku would never think of it in that light. 'One might even call him egotistical for it.' 

Touching his neck nervously Chris remained silent. 

"I'm heading out for the night anyway, make sure you send those files to the higher ups. Ted, Abe, tell Fred when you can to give me that report on those missing children. Also, don't you dare forget your reports either. If I don't come in tomorrow with three reports and an email response update, I'm sending in your evaluations." Walking out with the brief case in hand, Vonic had left them in their own silence.

"He's not mad at us right?" Spoke up Abe breaking the silence, as Chris and Ted both looked at him with a look that said - You are the reason he's mad. Even if he wasn't the main culprit.


It was still too hot… 

|| It burns ||

Being this hot in winter, there had to be something seriously wrong with the body. 

Riku could barely breathe, how he even managed to get from the bathroom to his bedroom was a damn mystery. He might as well become infused with his sheets! The amount of sweat was too much as he tossed and turned in his sleep eventually falling out of bed. 

But he couldn't wake up. He felt trapped in his own mind as his body struggled to regulate as normal. One could almost argue being like this was better than being fully awake but the complications and implications of what might happen were blurred. 

The body knows when it's dying. It's not a game it would play, if there's something wrong, it will send signals to the brain to help figure it out. If the body can't be healed and it knows that, it'll shut down itself. Slowly but surely shutting down everything till nothing but the consciousness remains for a little bit to accept it. 

How one comes to this point in life, can be known, unknown or sudden. 

Riku's body twisted and turned suddenly in odd angles making him dislocate and contort like that of an abstract art piece. Only instead of art mediums, his flesh, bones and even blood were on display at different places and times. 

Blood and clumps of unknown painted his room. Even those with stomachs of steel would have hurled at the sight. eventually his flesh was no more- simply scattered around the room. A simple but painful release from the confinement above muscle tissue and bone. 

However the blood beneath continued to boil until it was too much and needed to escape from the pressure building up. Blood seeped out of everyplace it could pooling around him until no blood remained. It seemed to eat his disregarded flesh on the way out.

He was no better than a drained corpse awaiting evaluation by a mortician at this point. He didn't know that though as all he thought was what his mind fed him, simply a nightmare. 

The blood now beneath him didn't cease boiling just because in was no longer confined in the body. In fact strands of blood began to wrap around each limb and more. Eventually encircling him in a casement of his own blood like that of a cocoon. 

He was blissfully unaware even though he was suddenly being put through what one would call hell. The cocoon of blood pulsed around him, glowing a bright red before being slowly reabsorbed while building his flesh and rearranging his skeleton structure from scratch. 

In the end his body would lie to him like it does for women and pregnancy. The pain would be unbearable in the moment but would no longer exist in the next. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as his heartbeat re-established a steady rhythm. 

The human body is amazing at adapting regardless of the mind, if put under intense stress, pain or anything else. It will accommodate it and adapt to it before fighting it if necessary. So even though moments ago it was aware it had died, it would now hungrily latch onto life. 

Coughing up dried blood from the back of his throat, his body was back to looking normal. A nightmare was a good alibi for it, not that Riku would ever know.

In fact he subconsciously grabbed the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around himself as his temperature had finally gone down. He wasn't even aware he was on the floor still…


[Hours before, 4: 26pm, Upper floors of Vista institute, Elite staff office]

"I need you to look into someone, I believe the organisation has an unregistered Maniac in Vista" Looking up at the young miss the man she was talking to raised an eyebrow at her words. 

"If you're implying what I think you are, that's impossible." The Man shook her off looking down at the papers he was grading as his long silver hair tied in a ponytail slightly restricted his view. Gently he pushed the stray hairs behind his left ear as the female elite slammed her hands on the desk. 

"I'm not asking. I'm telling. You work for me remember? Or did you forget just because you my father's plaything." Closing a note book and shuffling the papers up till stacked in a neat pile on his desk. He looked the young miss in the eyes, his brown almost golden eyes slanted as a devious smile graced his lips. 

"His plaything huh? Is that what you refer to quarter bloods?" Standing up the young miss stepped back. The man was easily 6'1, he wore a fixed tailored white suit with his badge identifying him as an Elite teacher. 

"If I recall young miss, the blood in my veins belongs to your father. Not you, so in all reality I don't have to do anything you ask of me." Walking up closer to her he bent down and whispered in her ear, "You may be the heir but the only reason I do anything for you is because your father commanded it so." 

Clenching her fists she watched the man leave after grabbing his coat and umbrella. 

'I hate him.' She thought with pure spite as she recalled her interaction with the male student from the lower floors this morning. 

'you smell sort of like an apple being coated with sugar? before being burnt? Something like that…"'-

She'd managed to read his badge, 

'Riku Spears, who the hell are you? How can a human smell my scent?' Walking down the main hall she pondered over it. 'Could someone from a branch family have turned him? No, that is a taboo act, only the main branch families are allowed to have servants…' 

Stopping at her class she opened the door and walked in.

"Kimi, you're finally here. I was getting worried that something might of caught you~" teased a voice she was all too familiar with.

"It's Kimiko, not Kimi, Ableto." She sharply responded back while she took her seat at her desk for final period.

"Ouch~ why you gotta be so mean~" Ableto whined as it seemed it was just the two of them?

"Where is everyone?" Kimiko questioned as Ableto took his feet off his desk and walked up to her with his hands in his pockets. Ableto was a rough individual, a punk, he liked to instigate fights every chance he got. His personality complimented his past well, the family he was adopted in was a well off main family after all. So whatever he did was covered up anyway.

"Well princess, since you don't know, most of the main families are discussing the recent mass homicides related to our kinds activities~" Gritting her teeth she knew what he was trying to do and she wouldn't let him get under her skin.

"And? What does that have to do with no one else attending class right now?" She enquired as Ableto slung an arm around her. 

"They are teaching the young ones to fight, since we are already well taught in defending ourselves we weren't called. Besides it's last period, who actually sticks around for it?~" Relaxing a bit Kimiko threw a glare at him making him let her go with his hands up in defence. 

Sighing she pulled out her note book and scribbled down a few lingering thoughts. 

"Did Marshal already go home?" Thinking back to their conversation in the staff office she snapped her pen with her fingers. Whistling at the sight, Kimiko ignored him grabbing a spare one. "You know, he's basically like a parent too-" 

That was the last straw, her blood was boiling as she stood up and grabbed Ableto by the collar. Being shorter than him wasn't intimidating but her aura that was seeping out was enough to make up for it and for him to shut up. 

"If you ever try and get involved with my business, I will kill you, regardless of what the main families think. You're a half blood but I'm-" Ableto knew he'd fucked up by letting that thought slip and staring back into her eyes that were once brown. He couldn't help but swallow the lump in the back of his throat. Her eyes now resembled that of a gecko eyes but with an array of colours constantly moving within. Unmatched with the perception and more of a dragonfly's amazing eyesight. 

'A born Psycho' he thought as he pulled away. He was no match for her, she was a born Psycho, he was a made Maniac. The limitations were made clear when placed against one another. There was a reason the branch families could never become as powerful. Even if he was adopted into a main family, he was far below her in the chain. 

"My bad" he finally said, as Kimiko's eyes reverted back to normal once more. Already in a foul mood she didn't want to stick around here anymore if no one was actually going to arrive.