Chereads / Kuro / Chapter 1 - The Last Day Of Lies


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Chapter 1 - The Last Day Of Lies

WARNING: This story is directed towards a mature Audience. This story will contain violent content and sexual themes. Reader discretion for under 16's is advised. i will warn before scenes with sexual themes occur however the violent scenes make up a large majority of this story. You have been warned.

ps: this is my first time writing so im sorry if the pace is too quick or if there are lots of spelling mistakes.

"Princess! Princess! There's trouble!!" shouted Tsuki as she tumbled and scuried towards Princess Akari.

"What is it tsuki?" Akari replied to her maid, turning her head away from the horizon that lay north from her

balcony, bringing her amber locks that glimered in the daylight with her. Her kimono Was colored a fair

barley with embroidered flowers that carried the colour of her glistening hair. Her pale skin reflected the sun's rays and her deep sky blue eyes softened even further when talking to her maid.

She truely was the embodiment of beauty.

"Well princess you see..... After your wedding to King Kakuri was announced to the lands over yonder, all your present and previous suitors came rushing to the estate with objections...."

"well why is that such trouble? i understand that it may be frustrating however surely they are all well behaved and well mannered?"

"well about that...."

But tsuki could say no more, for suddenly a wave of handsome princes all in their prime carrying gifts bursted out of the corner of the corridor.

"Ah! Princess Akari!!" One of the young men shouted. The mob of princes ontop of princes all stopped at the mention of her name and all of them toppled over each other. The princess gently turned her body around and with the delicay of a flower she sat on her knees and faced down at the mob of a thousand princes.

"Princess why must you get married to that slob!!" a man from the toppled crowd shouted. The rest of the crowd made noises of agreement.

"He is ugly and fat and has no sense of delicay!!" another man said. Again noises of agreement mixed with whispers of the phrase "thats right" and variations of it filled the open japanese style corridor.

In no time objections were being shouted left and right by the handsome men who were all over each other, all attempting to get up but all failing. Tsuki was behind Akari, her mouth wide open and gobsmacked. She sat with her arms behind her, supporting her and her legs bent in front of her, her feet gripping the ground that was a meter away from her bottom. Akari on the other hand just smiled cheerfully and gently and said in her soft voice

"That is what my father wanted, and if that will make him happy then i too will be happy."

the princes teared up when they heard this but before they could start sobbing tsuki regained her right mind and chased them out.

After which she turned around and sighed, inviting a soft giggle from the princess who was in the process of standing up. Tsuki then replied with a giggle of her own. Once upon her feet, Both Tsuki and Akari heard a angry grumble from the corridor perpendicular to where the princes had fallen in their mob. Then out from one of the rooms came Akari's farther himself. Tsuki immediately kneeled down towards him. The king then moaned

"What was with all the noise out here?!"

to which Tsuki replied immediately and respectfully

"The princess suitors had come with complaints, but they have all been dealt with now."

"Ah, i see well no matter" He said in his gruff voice.

"More importantly you have a guest, this is your cousin Akari, he is prince Hikaru of the west."

Then from the door behind her farther emerged a boy, around the same age as Akari; 16, blonde and beautiful. He was built well and had a enviable face.

"Hello princess" he said.

"Hello" she replied

such meetings were always a bother for Tsuki and she was amazed at how the princess never complained or flinched and always appeared to be enjoying everything she was doing - perhaps she did enjoy everything she did. A hint of proudness and admiration fluttered about in Tsuki's heart. How lucky she was to be serving such a mistress, she thought, only for then a wave of sadness to pass through her as she remebered Akari's betrothal and her leaving for king Kakuri. Twenty minutes passed and the boring discussion between Prince Hikaru and Akari finally passed, and the prince left, Only to be shocked by the thousands of sobbing princes outside the estate.

Akari walked about the estate, enjoying the afternoon sun, when she heard the sound of horses. She gently turned her head to see beautiful chocolate and white stallions being ridden while archers practiced their archery, which was to be displayed at Akari's wedding. The corners of Akari's mouth lifted with delight at the site of the stallions and bows. She hurried down in her feminine way to greet the archers.

"OiOi Oi!. It da P'incess!" said one of the archers to his fellow archer friend.

"Oi mate don't 'alk to the princess like dat!!" replied the other.

They both then fell to their knees in a kneel.

"...may I.."

whispered the princess in embarrassment

"May ya wut?"

"...may i ride your stallion.... and practice archery aswell..?" she whispered again, her pale as porcelain face as red as a ruby now.

Archery was a very unladylike thing to do you see, and as a princess who was praised for her ladylikeness it felt wrong to be asked that by her, she who dressed in feminine colours and delicate dresses for outings and let her hair down and put on makeup and spent hours upon hours on her looks an--

They just stared at her, confused.

Akari suddenly regretted her question.

"What if her farther were to find out?...." she thought

but before the could tell the archers to forget about it she was interrupted by a giggle.

Then the giggle turned to laughter.

soon enough the two funnily talking pair were bellowing laughter at her.

Her complexion went from as red as a ruby to a deep dark crimson. She was on the verge of tears when she heard something from their now quieter giggles and gasp for breaths.

Kay...*gasp for breath* if ya want ya highness." said one still on their knees gasping for breath.

"Its jus weird getting asked by a royal'ee" said the other who was getting up from the floor after falling from the laughter.

The man then brought his white stallion over and handed the princess his fine bow. The princess got on the horse correctly with no assistance needed, much to the suprise of the archers, and soon rode off on the stallion down the practice lane. When the target came into view without stopping she aimed her bow, and shot from a distance even the archers couldn't shoot at, and it perfectly hit right in the centre. She then repeated this feat for every target all the way through, leaving the archers gobsmacked. She then rode back, got off the white stallion gracefully and smiled cheerfully at the two archers, who had lost all sense of mind at the time.

"This is our secret okay?" she whispered happily and seductively in their ears, which shocked the archers enough to bring their consciousness back to earth. She then winked and skipped away happily. The archers then waved goodbye, completely taken by her.

The day passed by quickly and soon came the night. She bid Tsuki farewell for the day and entered her room and gently closed the door. Akari listened as Tsuki's foot steps grew fainter and fainter.

And then collapsed upon the door, hitting the floor....

This was Akari's routine. So why wasn't she used to it already? She had been doing it since the tender age of 7, so why was she still affected so? Keeping the facade of her delicacy was her life job. She couldn't express her emotions, she couldn't move to sharply. She had to be aware of exactly how her facial expressions looked. She had to talk softly. She had to agree with everyone. Keep everyone happy. Her opinion never mattered. She has to look pretty. No screaming. No loud crying. She couldn't be selfish. She couldn't fall in love. She had no support system to help her cope with faking her entire personality everyday, so in the night when no one was watching, she usually had panic attacks. Today was particularly bad, because she had done a unladylike thing such as archery. What if her father found out? What if rumours of her unladylikeness spread throughout the estate? What if the archers blackmailed her with it? She was scared, so very scared.

Her hyperventilating got worse, she held her chest in pain as her face fell to the floor. Her yukata fell of her shoulder exposing her clevage more prominently as she writhed across the floor, muffling her breath and screams with her pillow. She couldn't use any support system available to her. Drugs: No; they would ruin her complexion, everyone would know and that would ruin her reputation, her relationship with her farther who would possibly disown her and her chances of ever getting married. Self Harm: No; They would making obvious scars and people would gossip and belittle her. Food: No; Her peers would call her a glutton and she would get fat, ruining her beauty and chances of getting married. Addiction: No; If she was too caught up in something people would call her crazy and her farther would beat her. Masturbation: No; the person she wed would realise by her awareness of her own body and her insensitivity, inviting beatings, adultry and gossip. So she just let all her restrained emotions and fears build up in her, everyday, and let it kill her slowly and excrutiatingly. She had mastered the art of a fake smile, of a fake personality, In exchange for most of her sanity, that is.

She writhed for hours on end before the attack finally ended. There she lay in her bed, somehow she managed to keep her hair tidy, but her clothes were all creased and sweaty. That could be hidden by her morning bath though, so she sighed a sigh of relief. A real one. She pulled her falling yukata up and lay neatly in her bed. Even in sleep she had to look elegant incase a maid was to check on her. She let her eyes slowly drift to sleep.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.....

But in what seemed to be in no time but most definitely was a while she was awoken by the sound of screaming. Her head shot up and not caring for her appearance raced to open the door and face the shrieks; It sounded like death! And it was. Before she could open the door, the door opened up in front of her.

There stood Tsuki covered in blood.

She couldn't say anything. Not a noise coming from her mouth. Her body was just incapable of even screaming; Even though she so desperately wanted to.

Tsuki then grabbed Akari by the wrist and started running with her; dragging her as fast as she could.

Akari's mind fuzzed. What on earth was happening??!?!

And that's when she saw it.

Her maids and house workers corpses all across the corridor they ran down. Finally a shriek left Akari's mouth though quiet and fragile it was. Tsuki shushed her.

"You must be quiet princess or they will find you."

They? who was they? so many questions rushed her mind, but she couldn't word them from the shock of the corpses around her. A part of her didn't want to know anyway.

"wait." she managed to whisper some how.

"where is father" she carried on, still rushing for her life.


"The lord is dead."


Akari stopped. both her heart and her feet. her voice even shakier than before. But then to Tsuki's and her own disgust, the corners of her mouth lifted in a shaky smile for just an instant, before they dropped down to create the most pained face Tsuki had ever seen. Tsuki could not look her in the eyes, she only grabbed her hand and continued the run to the gate. Tsuki, in her clouded mind, didn't realise that the enemy would obviously gaurd the gate. So when she ran into prince Hikaru, who was covered in blood and had a smile on his face, she lunged back in fear and realisation. and regret filled her body.

she was going to die.

Right here. Right now and worst of all, she had mistakenly brought the princess with her. The princess was confused and horrified. She became even more torn when she saw her farthers decapitated body next to one of his subordinates

"I did it." He said with a smirk. He then followed with a laughter filled with blood lust.

Akari couldn't take it any more.

she ran straight at him in a rage, forgetting all the hard work she had put into her delicate, feminine appearance.

At that moment, she looked like a demon.

Covered in tears, her pained face scrunched up in rage and her eyes gleemed with hate and murderous intent. she screamed at him in the most high pitched and almost painful way and attacked him, biting and pulling at him. punching him with all her might. But she was so weak it was useless. He easily pushed her to the floor and drew his sword, ready to decapitate her just like her father. But in the midst of his action Tsuki pulled her off the ground and started running. His men grabbed at the girls attempting to get them. Eventually one of them caught Akari, but then Tsuki bit at his wrist and in pain the man let go. another man then used the opportunit to grab Tsuki but before Akari could help her she screamed at her.

"NOBODY IS INFRONT OF YOU! YOU CAN LIVE!! RUNNN!!!" she screached at the top of her voice

Hesitation filled Akari's body for a split secound, giving her a chance to look tsuki in the eyes with sadness and guilt; A very pained face. However Akari soon realised the chance Tsuki was sacrificing herself for and with it instinctively her feet then moved on their own accord. Her cowardice over took her, and she shamefully fled.

"DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" shouted Hikaru

but by the time he had said that she was well into the forest that surrounded her estate; her manor; her home.

"Thank god.." Tsuki whispered to herself, her voice sore from the scream, before she felt something peirce the exposed skin of her neck and fell into a deep slumber.

From which she would never wake up; death.