"You didn't tell me?!", Cade rasied his voice that made Summer flinch. She wasn't expecting this kind of revelation. She meant for it to be proper and not by some accident. By accident, she meant the kind of slip-of-the-tongue accident.
No. Technically, it wasn't all slip of the tongue. It was because she and her best friend talked about her pressing issue, not realizing that one of their subject was in proximity.
Summer pursed her lips in a thin line. Suppressing her anger at the situation, at the sudden rise of the issue.
"What?! Aren't you gonna talk?! Or somehow explain why you hid this matter all these years?!", Cade angrily nudged her talk and that irked her.
The guy doesn't have the right to force something out of her mouth because he lost his right when he did what he did years ago.
Summer stood up, looking fragile and tiny against Cade's tall and brooding frame. She looked at him, her eyes never wavered and her face is now laced with eminent anger.
"Do not demand as if you still have the right. No. No one ever has the right to demand. You can ask but still, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction by explaining. Especially that you have eavesdropped into a conversation you are not part of." with that Summer pulled her best friend up and motioned for them to get out of the restaurant.
She could hear his ragged and infuriated breath, the same way she felt all the eyes in the restaurant that's on them. The man was just controlling himself and she knew that. She's changed. She is not the same person as before that is just going to let people bully or intimidate her. She grew so much and she loved the growth life has given her.
The man held her elbow, preventing her to take another step. Her jaw clenched.
"Unhand me.", she ordered without looking at him. She waited for a couple of seconds before she, herself, removed his hand on her and walked out, in the same manner he removed her from his life and walked away from her years ago.