"This butterfly wants the flower for himself?" she softly pushed him back. " How greedy and entitled of this butterfly!" she smirked. "Let the butterfly put a fence around the flower if he wants to claim the flower..." she made a circular motion around her left ring finger. "Then the butterfly can freely enjoy the nectar of the flower, for the rest of his life," she bit her lower lip and winked.
"You little..." Arthur wasn't pleased with her answer and tried to get her.
Is she saying she won't commit to me without a ring? Can't she just say 'yes' and get on with it?
Talia ran towards the bathroom with a giggle. Realising she angered Arthur, she wanted to shut herself in. She wanted to take a shower too.
Arthur ran behind her to catch her, but the door knock was heard and so he slowed. He made a lunging motion seeing her peeking her head out from the bathroom door and mocking him by sticking out her tongue.
The bathroom door closed and he smiled pausing his actions.