My name is Hazi,i been working at city seen i graduated from university.I visits my mother at the village once in a while.On my way,i miss look and enter the wrong way.While driving i saw a group of men drinking near the road and asked them "Sir did you know where is the nearest village".Then that told the way to the nearest village.I followed the directions without checking the signboard.When i was driving slowly on the village road that can only fit one car,I noticed that the road kind of quiet but I have to go back before the sun falling off.That was the time,i saw a boy sitting infront of old wooden house.Then i go near him and asked him "What is your name and why are you sitting here".That boy looking a bit messy and holding a book with black cover.Then that boy said "My name is Adib and this is my grandmother's house".So i asked him about his granny and he replied that her granny have goned.So i took him along with me and leave that gloomy village.After half and hour,i reach my mother's house.Then everything started when that boy give me that book.