"Sweet, eat up, I want to know how it is" Jin Yue was quite anxious to know what she would say about the food.
Xin Yong smiled and ate a spoonful. She smiled at him and took another spoonful.
"How is it?, it must be terrible right? " Jin Yue asked picking up his spoon ready to eat.
"Haha, not at all, it's very tasty, you should eat up"
Xin Yong smiled and took another spoonful but didn't put it in her mouth, she waited for Jin Yue to eat.
Jin Yue smiled, happy that he had prepared something nice on his first trial, and happier that she had liked it. He took a spoonful of the fried rice but the taste spoke otherwise.
His face turned red and almost immediately Xin Yong who had been pretending all along reached for a glass of water and gulped the full glass.
Jin Yue couldn't speak till he had gulped about two rounds.
They both panted heavily and immediately burst out laughing.