Chereads / Emperor was a systemholder. / Chapter 34 - Gathering

Chapter 34 - Gathering

At the main building of Akkee clan, malicious magicians from all over the place were gathering at Akkee clan. These once arrogant and prideful magicians now came praising and asking Akkee clan patriarch for protection. There were a few large sects left but they either too far or too vulnerable for attack, while Akkee sect was built on a high mountain.

The building complex was at the top of the mountain with only one way in and one way out, the steep hill at the base was climbable but the climber would fall under the heavy bombard from the person on the hill, even if the attackers could get past the base the second sector was a cliff with only the four stairs on north, east ,south, and west led to the top sector, a place perfectly for one man to guard against thousand.

At first, some of the curious magicians did not seek refuge at Akkee clan fearing that Akkee clan had negotiated with the authority since the troops around there were too low.

However, the other choices were none. While the armies got close to their place, they need to run and the more they ran the more they became exhausted. If they ran, they would wear out and became captived.

If they fought, the armies and the government magician agents did not follow the old tradition of a duel. For the quite skillful magicians, they could kill quite a number of nonmagicians soldiers, a handful of knights or exchange fire with the opponent magicians, but in the end, they would eventually fell under the second or third wave of enemy attacks. They could only run.

Some notorious and cunning magicians beware that the government had something on their sleeve but they got no card in their hands left.

Some of those that were desperate and believed that disguised themselves was enough, would found themselves wrong and instead of fallen to a more powerful magician they died by poison or died in their sleep by the common villager they always took advantage of. If it was normal they should have enough power to detoxification or wake up to resist, but some ran without sleep for a week, just survived was good in itself.

With the situation became more and more harder to run away, a number of magicians try to slip through the army that surrounds them and rushed to a safe place like Akkee clan hoping to hang on this lifeline.


In the capital, David was busy with his jobs. He did not have time to go back to the palace for a week now. The first week after he ordered the extermination of magicians was not this busy. He could slowly look only at the important document that passed the screening of Solo and his sons.

But now that the week had passed after he issued the edict, the prisoner began to flock to the designated place. Almost every day, he had to interview over 100 prisoners and passed the judgment accordingly to the prisoner deed. He could use his power to help determine the prisoner value and their nature but it still took quite a lot of time. In fact, at some point, David even thought of executed all of the prisoners and went back to rest in the palace, but he did not do. Having some people acted in his place would be good but he knew that they could be a mistake happen and result in an unnecessary kill.

At first, David readied for it but the thing with Woden made him hesitated.

The commoner who served under the magician would found themselves lucky if the commander was merciful, they could be a free person again but that was not most likely the case. Most of them would be at the whim of their enemy when their master loses, ended up as a slave after captured by the soldiers or be killed on the spot if their value was too low.

It should be good for commoner age lower than 15 since they were granted amnesty on the spot after reported to the authority. The government officer would provide them with lodging in the shelter house for unemployed and finding work for them. David knew that they still young and he could train them to work for the prosperity of the empire, he did not care even if they held a grudge against him as they were too weak.

Although, the amnesty policy would grant these people a chance to redeem themselves and behaved In the way David want there was a backfire from this policy, but most the people in David side did not seem to consider at the time it took place though.

The prisoner with magic abilities would be arranged into group sorted by their age, sex, power, and deeds. Those with age lower than 12 would be spared without any question and was the easiest group for David to judge.

Since the human in this world was the same as homo sapiens back on earth, they were a bit older than those on earth if compared by age number alone as the time between two worlds was different, 12 here would be around 15 on earth. And it should be the age limit for children, those above were old enough to know between right and wrong and at the world that considered 13 as an adult, they should accept the consequence of their actions.

Now, David was examing the magician couple of around 40 who both were archwizard, they were not a bad person just a bit overweening and seriously annoying. When they were coming in front of David, they were afraid but after saw how David did not likely to kill them but employ them in his service, they regained their old attitude thinking David was in need of their power.

"I'm bored. Hey Solo! Should I just finish them all?" David showed an uninteresting stance and asked Solo who brought another batch of documents for him today but did not go back immediately.

"Well, I don't mind. Since, a slave market is too full now and a new construction project still on hold, I think getting rid of a few would not be a problem. As for women, how's about we open a government-run brothel? A haughty lady from the magicians' house even if a bit too old may pick an interesting of people with money to spare. I believe it will surely make a profit." Solo replied.

"No! Your majesty, please spare me. I will reflect on my self, please give me a chance. I willing to work in the mine." The male magician hurriedly said.

"Your majesty, this old woman will gladly follow her husband everywhere." The old female magician supported her husband word.

"Good! And I thought I had to waste another archwizard for nothing. You two will help with the mining town, don't think of anything funny, this is your last chance, remember." David said to the couple.

[Wasted another archwizard! how many did you already sent to gallows?] The couple thought inside but too afraid to ask.

David looked until the couple was taken away, the glanced at solo asking him.

"About the brothel, are you serious? I never know you have that kind of fetish."

"Of course not!"

There still few dozens left for today, and the documents about confiscated artifacts on his desk in this temporary office room were piling up.