NOTE: This chapter was published 1 chapter too early on April 25, thus, it was reposted here. The contents of chapter 97 have been changed to where Zhao Lifei meets her grandfather. In order to clear up the confusion and jump in events, please reread chapter 97 before you read this chapter. I'm really really sorry for the mistake and confusion!
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The first thing that Zhao Lifei did when she left the office was to call Lu Minhong. She'd prefer to tell him the truth first because he would surely find out through third-party sources.
He picked up on the first ring but what greeted her was the sound of loud explosions and gunshots.
"A squad is coming in from Northwest. Let's just stay in this house and snipe." He shouted into his headset, distracted by the challenge set before him.
She raised a brow. Why would he pick up if he was going to continue playing the game?