Jude walked with his head low, loosing grip of his heavy bags. As he reached the school gate, Jude let his luggage fall onto the cold stone pathway. This was his usual trip to school. Carry heavy bags from his house (that was only a few houses away) to the school, and let them fall. Letting gravity do its part. Jude usually was the first person to get to school, but for some odd reason, he was not.
A tall boy with strawberry blonde hair and glowing skin was leaned across the gate. For a second, Jude locked eyes with the third year. His eyes were icy blue. Suddenly, Jude could feel his face get red and his legs turn to jelly. His mind gave a small 'Oh Lord, Help me!' before all he could think of, was that blonde boy. "Oh? Do you need help with your bags?" he offered. Jude could now SEE the blush on his own face. He sighed and let all the blush, flush away and nodded. The blonde boy came over and picked up the heavy bags with ease. Jude had spit in his mouth that was ready to drool out of his mouth, but luckily, he at least had control of that.
The school gates opened as a school bell sang, and the two walked to Jude's locker. The blonde boy set down his bags and asked, "Do you take your whole desk home?" with a small chuckle. "NO! I-Uh I don't, I just have a lot of homework ~Teehee" Jude scrambled for words, but his sentence came out as if he were speaking a different language. It seemed like the boy knew this language, as he nodded and left Jude for his locker. "Wait!" his mouth shouted before his mind could even think. He stopped and turned around. "What's your name? You know, so if I need help, I'll just call for you and you'll be there"
'OH SHIT, THAT WAS THE BEST EXCUSE YOU COULD THINK OF JUDE??!' His mind screamed. "Reece," he said. "Reece Van Tonder" The newly named Reece smiled and then retreated off the scene.
Jude's heart fell from gallops, to a chameleon's walking speed. 'Hope I'll see that Blondie soon.'