In 1997, the Sony industrial group created the Digital Creatures Laboratory Group to launch its humanoid research program. The family of the Sony Dream Robot ( SDR ) made it possible to develop the SDR 4X model in 2002 . It measures 0.58 meters for a weight of about 6.5 kg, it can move on rough terrain and climb stairs. In 2003, the research program evolved with Quest For CuRIOsity ( Qrio). At the technical level, the new model has taken the characteristics of SDR 4X with some improvements but above all the work has been to develop communication in Japanese and English and improve its algorithm to obtain an optimization of its movements. In2006 , the development of humanoid programs was stopped, however, research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) was continued.
In France, the polytechnic engineer and Telecom Paris Bruno Maisonnier created in 2005 the company Aldebaran Robotics to embark on the development of consumer robotics . A team consists of engineers and university researchers to create in 2006 the humanoid NAO . It will sell + 5,000 NAO worldwide since its launch.
In 2009, in France a cluster " Cap Digital " brought together several companies and public institutions to create a humanoid Romeo from a height of about 1.40 meters with the task of helping the seniors in retirement homes . In 2012, the humanoid project Romeo 2 was to validate the relevance of the presence of a robot in the home of people with loss of autonomy. Currently, the technical improvements made to meet the specifications have not yet resulted in an operational humanoid.
Since its creation, Aldebaran Robotics has not been able to generate profits. Investments in research led to the acquisition of the group by the Japanese company SoftBank in 2015. Since then, the new name of the company is SoftBank Robotics Europe . In 2014, the humanoid Pepper with a height of 1.20 meters is marketed worldwide.
In the United States, in 2012 , was launched the " DARPA Robotics Challenge " competition led by Gill Pratt , a doctor in computer science and electrical engineering at MIT whose goal was to encourage American societies and universities to develop humanoids able to assist humans in disaster-related operations . The company Boston Dynamics has developed a humanoid "Atlas " height 1.88 meters with a weight of about 150 kg despite the use of lightweight materials such as aluminum alloys and titanium.
In June 2015, the final devoted the humanoid Atlas after the latest improvements. Gill Prattwas recruited by the Japanese group to open and run the Toyota Research Institute ( TRI ) where Toyota has committed to invest about $ 1 billion to develop next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. In 2017, the Toyota Group introduced the humanoid T-HR3 . It measures 1.5 meters and weighs 75 kg with two animated hands of 5 fingers. The builder develops a humanoid on a "platform capable of assisting a human safely in contexts as diverse as home, medical facilities, construction sites, disaster areas and even space "
Since 2012, the company Boston Dynamics has constantly evolve its humanoid "Atlas". The 2017 version measures 1.5 meters and weighs 75 kg . It can carry a load of 11 kg and it has a certain autonomy of operation. In June 2017 , the Japanese group SoftBank Group Corp took control of the US company.
In terms of industrial robots , the American George Charles Devol, Jr . began his career in thenascent electronics sector . After several inventions, in 1954 , he filed a patent for the 1st industrial robot in the world " Unimate Inc ". In 1956, engineer and entrepreneur Joseph Engelberger partnered with George Charles Devol, Jr to create the Unimation Company. The first manufactured robots were installed at Ewing Township's General Motors Parkway plant.The articulated arm could lift a load of 150 kgin foundry. The company has developed articulated arms to make weld seams .... In the 1970s, the " Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly " program was launched by the General Motors Group and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to finance and develop with Unimate Inc . the PUMA robotdesigned by engineer Vic Schienman .
The American company Unimate INC. was the world leader in industrial robots with its Puma range at the beginning of the robotics era. The French industrial group Renault acquired some Puma robots in 1976 to equip its car production chains.
Industrial groups in the automotive sector have contributed to the development of automated production lines. In 1971, Japan created the Japan Industrial Robot Association ( JIRA ) to develop robotics to increase the level of productivity and the level of quality of parts produced in Japanese factories. In 1979, the Japanese industry uses 8,500 robots or + 50% per world park. The United States uses about 22% and France 1.25%. In the 1970s, the Japanese government promoted the spread of new techniques related to robotics and CNC machine tools. The modernization of the production apparatus and the technical innovation allowed the Japanese industry to be exported all over the world at a lower cost. The economic growth linked to technological progress is estimated at 65% over the 1975-1982 period .