*seven ways to sharpen attention,insight and creativity
-attentional training
there's one very special thing that many do, religiously,that really helps push them over the edge from good to professional super power good l. and while many do it intentionally,far more don't even realise they do it.or,they don't realise how or why it works or how critical it is to their success.
I wonder when was the last time you felt any of these was?
✓moody or
reality is, everyone experience these on some level virtually everyday, but your ability to handle, quickly recover from and master these states so often makes the difference between worker bee and executive suite in the high stakes world of business. think about it, work is the corollary to the above states?
✓even- keeled and
There is a simply daily practice that has the ability to not only make the dramatic changes in mindset and operating state noted above, but alter your "attentional" abilities to literally allow you to see things others miss.
this hugely- beneficial daily practice is called Attentional training (AT) and it comes in many formats ,both active and seated( even lying down). regardless of how is it pursued,though, the critical elements always include the cultivation of high-level
of sustained focus that are required either by instruction or by the intrinsic nature of activity.