Dear Diary, As I lay quietly in bed,all i could think about was the face that i'd seen before it was buried. huh, Violet Tate,the girl that had "committed" I can't even write it let alone say it.She was my (BESTFRIEND),she died January 21,1998...The police claimed that she had jumped off "THE DEVIL'S DOOR",the so called huanted cliff that nobody goes to,not even Violet's crazy ass would go there. After it all happened the police found her body 3 days later and declared it, you know what.I surely wasn't buying it though,the police couldn't get their story right,Violet's parents weren't showing any emotions,It all didn't make sense and--even if Violet was thinking about committing she would have left a note or told me.I know Violet and she would tell me if she was gonna do something crazy..Huh I wanna no what really happened.So im gonna gather some people who actually care and were gonna solve this damn mystery one way or another. Until next time..
- Leah