Chereads / Random Stuff *_* / Chapter 266 - Don’t Be Afraid Of Taking Risks, You Can Still Change[7]

Chapter 266 - Don’t Be Afraid Of Taking Risks, You Can Still Change[7]

"While by age 30 most feel they should have their career dialed in, it is never too late to reset. The individuals that I have seen with the biggest regrets during this decade are those that stay in something that they know is not right. It is such an easy decade to have the days turn to weeks to years, only to wake up at 40 with a mid-life crisis for not taking action on a problem they were aware of 10 years prior but failed to act." (Richard, 41)

"Biggest regrets I have are almost exclusively things I did *not* do." (Sam, 47)

Many readers commented on how society tells us that by 30 we should have things "figured out" — our career situation, our dating/marriage situation, our financial situation and so on. But this isn't true. And, in fact, dozens and dozens of readers implored to not let these social expectations of "being an adult" deter you from taking some major risks and starting over. As someone on my Facebook page responded: "All adults are winging it."

"I am about to turn 41 and would tell my 30-year-old self that you do not have to conform your life to an ideal that you do not believe in. Live your life, don't let it live you. Don't be afraid of tearing it all down if you have to, you have the power to build it all back up again." (Lisa, 41)

Multiple readers related making major career changes in their 30s and being better off for doing so. One left a lucrative job as a military engineer to become a teacher. Twenty years later, he called it one of the best decisions of his life. When I asked my mom this question, her answer was, "I wish I had been willing to think outside the box a bit more. Your dad and I kind of figured we had to do thing A, thing B, thing C, but looking back I realize we didn't have to at all; we were very narrow in our thinking and our lifestyles and I kind of regret that."

"Less fear. Less fear. Less fear. I am about to turn 50 next year, and I am just getting that lesson. Fear was such a detrimental driving force in my life at 30. It impacted my marriage, my career, my self-image in a fiercely negative manner. I was guilty of: Assuming conversations that others might be having about me. Thinking that I might fail. Wondering what the outcome might be. If I could do it again, I would have risked more." (Aida, 49)