Chereads / Random Stuff *_* / Chapter 247 - We're All Pretty Much Average At Most Things[3]

Chapter 247 - We're All Pretty Much Average At Most Things[3]

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. But the fact is, most of us are pretty average at most things we do. Even if you're truly exceptional at one thing — say math, or jump rope, or making money off the black gun market — chances are you're pretty average or below average at most other things. That's just the nature of life. To become truly great at something, you have to dedicate time and energy to it. And because we all have limited time and energy, few of us ever become truly exceptional at more than one thing, if anything at all.

We can then say that it is a complete statistical improbability that any single person can be an extraordinary performer in all areas of their life, or even many areas of their life. Bruce Wayne does not exist. It just doesn't happen. Brilliant businessmen are often fuck ups in their personal lives. Extraordinary athletes are often shallow and as dumb as a lobotomized rock. Most celebrities are probably just as clueless about life as the people who gawk at them and follow their every move.

We're all, for the most part, pretty average people. It's the extremes that get all of the publicity. We all kind of intuitively know this, but we rarely think and/or talk about it. The vast majority of us will never be truly exceptional at, well, anything. And that's OK.

Which leads to an important point: that mediocrity, as a goal, sucks. But mediocrity, as a result, is OK.

Few of us get this. And fewer of us accept it. Because problems arise — serious, "My God, what's the point of living" type problems — when we expect to be extraordinary. Or worse, we feel entitled to be extraordinary. When in reality, it's just not viable or likely. For every Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, there are 10 million scrubs stumbling around parks playing pickup games… and losing. For every Picasso or DaVinci there have been about a billion drooling idiots eating Play-Doh and slapping around fingerpaints. And for every Leo Motherfucking Tolstoy, there's a lot of, well, me, scribbling and playing at the writer.