Hi my name is Henry, I'm a 7th grader. My life is kinda stupid, no one talks to me, or are even aware of my existence. I use to be kind of popular in elementary school, I was the class clown and the kid that always gets in problem for helping others. Over the summer I start watching anime and saw how the quiet and serious characters were cool. On 6th grade I started to act very serious, you know that was a big problem. I stop talking to my friends, I say hi and other things went I saw them in the hallway, but just that. At the end of the school year, I had no friends. SO is time to start the mission "Get your friends back", yes I'm going to get my friends back. First in my list of getting my friends back is talking to them. As you expected I'm shy, went I got into school in elementary I was very shy. I got friends, because it's easier to get friends in 3rd grade than in 7th grade. All my old friends had new friends and even new best friends. Best friend from my elementary were now enemies and don't speak to each other. 7th grade is the worst for me and other people. I don't care if I'm shy, I'm gonna get friends. Tomorrow is first day of school, I'm gonna take this opportunity, and get my friends back.