Don slowly returned to consciousness. Every inch of his body seemed to be screaming in pain. He opened his eyes, he seemed to be in some sort of art studio, paintings and statuettes were scattered erratically. The room was cluttered, a series of bookshelves lined one wall with small drawing desk at the farthest corner. An array of tools and weaponry were scattered on nearly every available space, outside of a few paths that seemed to be purposely cleared to allow one to walk through the clutter. There seemed to be a door not too far from him.
Don was preparing to call someone when he heard two voices arguing.
"What do you mean he claimed not to be a lord?" A deep and heavy voice bellowed.
"Maersk, I am telling what he said, he just stopped talking when he noticed that accursed beam come loose." A raspy voice replied.
"It matters little if it sounded like it that; until we can confirm that he has lost his mind I will hear no more of this." With that it seemed the conversation was over. A series of heavy footsteps echoed towards him
Don recognized one of the voices as the young man from earlier, he felt relieved that the man made it out alive. Moments later the door opened and a man in his fifties looked at the room in disdain. The man's face was weathered and leathery. He radiated an aura of discipline. He was heavily built with arms that were thicker than tree trunks. He wore a set of loose-fitting clothes, made of some sort of rough material. The man saw Don and broke into a smile. "my lord you're awake!" He stuck his head through the doorway and yelled for someone to bring up water."
"Thank you." Don replied cautiously "Maersk?"
"You do remember me, I knew Torren was exaggerating…The little stain. Firstly, my lord we still have not found your sister, we believe that the scoundrels that took her are the ones that also burned the keep."
Don looked more and more confused; he never had a sister, three destructive and rowdy brothers but never a sister. He realized that the man wasn't even speaking english yet he understood it perfectly. Where the hell was he? Maersk kept rambling on about things that Don couldn't possibly understand
"Uhh, Maersk."
The wall of a man stopped talking and looked at Don with more focus and attention than he liked
"I don't know how to put this, but I do not know you. I just heard your name when I caught a bit of your conversation. I don't know how I got here but I'm not a lord of anyone. I…. thank you for your aid but if you could get me to a proper hospital or at least a clinic, I would be much obliged." Don tried to speak as polite as possible partly because this man may have saved him but also because it seemed completely plausible for Maersk to snap him like a twig.
Don watched as a series of emotions played on the mans face; fear, panic, sadness, constantly replaced each other for what seemed like an eternity. Maersk finally broke the silence, His voice was fragile, the deep and booming tone from earlier was nonexistent.
"What is your name."
"Donald Lee."
"It is not." Maersk cried. "Your name is Carthin af Marsal; The son of Ernos And Thaluna af Marsal. Please remember my lord. I beg of you please remember.
"I'm sorry but I never heard of those people, neither have I ever been called Carthin." Don replied softly. He was terrified that the man would snap or break down here; but to his surprise Maersk simple walked out of the room, uncaring if there was anything in his way and gently closed the door behind him. Moments later there was a muted thud that was soon followed by sobbing.