Jacob's P.O.V.
The rest of the lunch break went quite smoothly. We just talked about random things and then William and Liz started telling me about the school, teachers and the student body.
Apparently, the teachers here didn't really care about the social life of the school. They just cared about the academics. Most teachers were good at their jobs, with two being exceptional at it, while the a few were plain horrible.
As for the students, they were your typical high school students.
I still wasn't very sure about Kyle. He hadn't really spoken the whole time so I didn't really know what to think.
The way he'd looked at me had been really scary and it still made me shiver.
After lunch was over, I had a free period. William had Physics while Kyle had art.
Liz was free as well.
"That's perfect! Let's hangout!" Liz said, super excited.
"Um, yeah? Sure!" I said, half heartedly. I loved the sound of hanging out and was happy that someone was asking me out to hangout with them, but I had actually been hoping to do some work so as to try and catch up with the school.
"Great! Will, Kyle, we'll meet after class okay?" She said.
"Yep." Will said.
Kyle was just… glaring at me.
Why was he glaring at me?
You're probably over thinking this.
I was feeling really uncomfortable now.
"I'll see you after class, Liz." He finally spoke. His gaze softened as he looked at her but hardened back up when he looked back at me.
Oh. So he likes her.
But then, is he jealous? Of me?
I could laugh.
The two boys left for their classes. Now I was left with Lizzie.
"Come on! Let's go!" She said, grabbing ne hand and pulling ne out of the cafeteria.
"Oh, just a fun a place I know. You'll like it!"
I sighed. This was going to be a long period.
William's P.O.V.
I saw Kyle glaring at Jacob.
Was he really glaring at him? Why would he be hearing at Jacob? They've barely just met. Do they know each other? Can't be, Jacob doesn't seem to recognise Kyle.
But then why?
Kyle had spoken only once, the whole time. And Even then, the way he spoke sent chills down my spine.
I should talk to Kyle.
Oh shoot. I need to speak to him about Liz too!
"Hey Kyle!" I said.
What do I say next? God! I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS.
"Um, so what do you think about Jacob?" I said.
"What is there to think?" He said. He sounded cold.
"Don't you like him?"
"He's fine. Nothing special." He simply stated. His voice indicated that he didn't want to talk about Jacob anymore.
"Umm, do you know what movie we're gonna watch today? With Liz?" I asked, seeing the perfect opportunity.
He stopped in his tracks.
"What do you mean 'we'?" He said.
"I mean, Liz said you two are going and she asked me to come too." I said, hoping I sounded innocent.
"No! Why would she do that?" He said, his face crest fallen.
"What's wrong? Were you supposed to go alone with her?"
"Was it a date?"
"I see. So you like her, right?"
He blushed. He actually blushed. KYLE JUST FRICKING BLUSHED.
I have accomplished something much harder, rarer and more extraordinary than climbing the Everest.
This would be taught in the history textbooks now.
I wanted so bad to pull out my phone and record this moment and blackmail him with it later, but I decided that this is not the right time.
"Y-yeah. I do." He said, not looking at me.
"Aww look at you all blushing!" I said, laughing a bit.
"Shut up, bro!" He said, hitting me lightly in the shoulder.
I laughed again and he cracked a smile.
"Why'd she ask you to come along tho?" He said, as he started walking back to class.
At this rate, we were going to be late.
"Thanks bro, that felt great." I said, mocking hurt.
"Hey, you know what I mean."
"Yeah, I know." I said. "I don't know, she said you've been asking her out on dates very often lately. Maybe she just isn't into you so she's avoiding them?" I said.
"I- WAIT DID SHE ACTUALLY SAY THE WORD 'DATE'? OR DID YOU JUST ADD IT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW?" He shouted, dragging attention from all students around us.
"N-no! She didn't mention the word date! It was just me who added it right now!" I lied for the sake of the boy's heart, the student's concentration and my ears.
"Oh thank god. I would've died if she would've found out that I like her or something." He said, his hand on his chest and his eyes closed, an expression of relief on his face.
I wanted to laugh so bad right now.
He was too dramatic and stupid when in love.
Did he seriously think he was being subtle enough for Liz to not notice his feelings?
I let him be in his blissful oblivion, though.
"Let's go, we'll be late." I said.
Saying so, we set off for our classes.