Then he signalled the other person behind him and they both started to attack again together. I defended myself but i didn't have that much time so I finished them off early. Luckily they didn't saw my face. I went off. Then i took left from the stream. After a lot of spontaneous jumps and run i reached outside a cave like structure but had very large stones and i couldn't see what structure it was making due to the darkness. Without wasting much time i went inside. I could hear tpppp..tppppp... voice of water drop hitting on a stone. As i moved inside I saw a long collidor and i had a idea that there would be some traps but luckily or strangely there were none of them. Then was a series of stairs in upward direction. I focused on moving forward due to the limited time. Then there were three subparts and each one of them had a symbol. One was flame, other was water and the third one was a lion. Now it was really difficult for me to choose one of them. But i decided on going in the one with symbol of lion. It was a dark long way i went on ahead. No traps again. Maybe it was so, so that we may relax and suddenly we may get attacked when our guard is down. Finally i reached the end and I saw....