Chereads / Guns & Gore: Exodus Book IV / Chapter 88 - Gnome Convoy ((part two)

Chapter 88 - Gnome Convoy ((part two)

The fresh scent of prairie grass carried on a gentle breeze while the knee-high landscape danced to nature's music. Ringo rode with her face up and eyes half-closed, enjoying the feel of the sun on her skin and the wind in her hair.

QJ could have been more impressed. "Prairie grass... As far as I can see." 

"Enjoy it while it lasts; you know how fast the landscape changes in GnG," Ringo replied. "We'll go through a valley in a few miles, then into the mountains."

QJ's buzzing hud stopped his reply as man's face popped up in front of him.  QJ shook his head slightly to prevent the person from speaking. "Hey Ced! It's been a while since we last talked. How's the family?"

"They are doing well. Is that Ringo with you?"

Ringo moved her horse closer and leaned. "Hi Ced."

"I will only take up a little of your time. I heard a troubling rumor regarding an imminent attack on an outworld convoy. I understand that One Problem has many Outworld friends, so I am passing it on."

"Thank you, Ced. I'll make sure to let my friends know." 

"Very well, I'll leave you to it." Ced cut comms, leaving QJ deep in thought. 

[Convoy: Ringo] Heads up, we've received word of a possible attack. 

  [Convoy: Remmy] Finally, this is boring.

[Convory: Juli] Little men with foolish ideas.

"Back in a sec," QJ told Ringo before moving to one side and slowing enough so the first wagon could pull beside him. He glanced at the space between the 1st and 2nd wagon and turned his body to shield his hands. 

[In sign]

Iminenent threat. Engage anyone who steps inside our perimeter. Otherwise, stay hidden.

QJ was heading back toward the front when he noticed that the second wagon, the one hauling the Beast, pulled up. 

[Convoy: QJ] Problem Remmy?

[Convoy: Remmy] Where's your shooters? Have them come see me.

[Convoy: QJ] You heard her,  bring it in.  All stop. 

Remmy pulled a large case from behind the driver's seat before carefully climbing to the top of the Beast's cab. She waited patiently for OP's riders to arrive. 

Remmy gestured for Chainy to join her. "Plenty of room, you guys come up." 

The pink-haired gnome slid her goggles onto her forehead before producing an oversized pair of binoculars. She faced the distant horizon for a few seconds before nodding to herself. "Want to see?"

Chainy nodded and held them to her face. "Holy shit... What's the magnification on these?"

"Gnome trade secret," Remmy replied with a smug smile. She knelt in front of the case and unlatched the clasp. With a dramatic flourish, she flung the lid back. 

"Damn... " Chainy watched as Remmy freed the sniper rifle from its case; it was at least a few inches longer than her. 

[Reaper] Legendary (Exodus Compliant)

Stats Unavailable. 

Description: Being killed by the Reaper carries a 24-hour account freeze. 

"...." Junzo. 

"....." Dunnie. 

[Convoy: Maric] Can you make that, QJ?

[Convoy: QJ] Come see me when you are level 70, and we'll talk.

Chainy looked through the binoculars again. "Two men and a woman on horseback. Not sure of the distance."

Remmy assumed a prone shooting position. "Press the blue button next to the right lens." 

Chainy found the button in question. "This is beautiful. Three stationary targets. Range 3.82 kilometers, wind 4kph NE." 

Remmy grabbed a toaster-sized ammo clip and slammed into the breach with a loud click. She operated the bolt and chambered a round. 

[Convoy: Juzo] What's the caliber on that?

[Convoy: Remmy] Fifty caliber, hardened tips. 

Remmy rotated a dial on top of the scope, then did the same with the side dial. "How's the wind?"

"Holding at 4kph NE," Chainy replied. 

The pink-haired gnome exhaled loudly, then pulled the trigger; operating the bolt action, she repeated the process twice more. 

Chainy nearly fell off the wagon's side when the head of the first target disappeared in a  red mist. The second shot took the female Rider through the chest, leaving a bloody geyser trail exiting her spine. The third shot struck the last man's shoulder, blasting his arm several meters as blood spurted into the air while his body spun like a top before crashing to the ground.

"All three targets down," Chainy grinned at the pink-haired gnome. "That's how you do it!" 

Remmy was still looking through Reaper's scope. "Hornet nest has been poked. Here come the bees." 

A line of horses suddenly appeared on either side of the convoy route, running parallel at full gallop. 

[Convoy: QJ] Circle the wagons; all non-combatants take cover in the center. Get ready to fight.

[Convoy: Chainy] I'll stay on the Beast with Remmy. The rest of you take a wagon and get comfortable. 

Remmy shifted slightly to the left. "I'll take the left side."

Chainy nodded and assumed a prone shooting position. "Right side is mine." 

[Convoy: QJ] Target everything beyond fifty meters. Leave anything closer to the mid and close-range fighters. If our perimeter is breached, ignore it.

QJ scanned the riders. Riding single file, the group to the north suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees. Less than a mile away, it was apparent what they were doing. 

[Convoy: Junzo] They're going to surround us. 

[Convoy: QJ] Why are you talking instead of shooting? They're in your range. Fire at will. 

QJ held out a hand and focused. "Come."

A moment later, Cleo appeared. Her golden eyes scanned the enclosing circle. "Army or the Cider spiders?"


Level 72

HP 58,250/58,250

Strength 88

Agility 105

Stamina 72


"Just bring the boys," QJ replied. We won't need the army for this." 

[Cleo has cast Summons]

Two Cider Spiders appeared on either side of Cleo. 

Incider Spider

Level 60

HP 33,000/33,000

Strength 80

Agility 65

Stamina 77


Incider Spider

Level 60

HP 33,000/33,000

Strength 80

Agility 65

Stamina 77


[Convoy: QJ] Forming a Raid for all combatants. 

[Raid: Protect the Convoy]

QJ  Wrangler

Ringo  Slinger

Chainy  Rider

Dunni  Rider

Maric  Rider

Junzo  Rider

Remmy  Sniper

Juli  Knight

Dara Ghost/Melee

Juju  Ghost/Melee

Tarot Ghost/Melee

Pumsi Ghost/Melee

Zech Ghost/Melee

Tovi  Ghost/Melee

Guardsman Duncan  Melee

Guardsman Jeni  Melee

Guardsman Gerald  Melee

Guardsman Doya  Melee

Guardsman Sumat  Melee

Guardsman Nimda  Melee

Guardsman Tomas  (Archer)

Guardsman Sera  (Archer)

Guardsman Percival  (Unknown)

[Raid: QJ] We're in business. Twenty-something against a hundred-plus. 

[Raid: Ringo] Everyone kills five people, and we're good.

[Raid: Remmy] Do the three I already got count?

[Raid: QJ] No. Start over.

[Raid: Remmy] Okay, QJ. 

Ringo noticed a small gap was left in the wagon circle for them to come in, but QJ was studying the enemy riders. 

[Raid: QJ] Can you ID anyone, Chainy?

[Raid: Chainy] About three dozen RH and the rest are wearing the House of Schrae emblems.

Ringo moved her horse closer to Scorch to get QJ's attention. "Smart move is to take cover and wait for them to get in range."

QJ smiled lazily. "Is that what you're going to do?"

Ringo shrugged. "You obviously have other plans, so I'm with you.

QJ pulled his sword gun while switching the reins to his left hand. "In the rush to circle us, some gaps have formed."

  Ringo drew her revolver. "Let's go then." 

Scorched pawed the ground, sensing the incoming conflict on an instinctual level. The red horse sidestepped a few meters and then exploded forward in a blur. 

QJ couldn't hear the steady sound of their Rider's shots ringing out, but he saw empty saddles starting to appear. When he was four hundred meters from the camp and about a hundred meters from the enemy, Scorch made a hard right that resulted in them moving counter to their targets. 


[Songbird: Lark] Why do you look so miserable out there?

[Songbird: Robin] Because I was conned into door duty.

[Songbird: Lark] It's only for an hour, then you can return to our boyfriend.

[Songbird: Robin] My boyfriend.

[Songbird: Lark] He said he wanted to keep me. 

Robin leaned back until the chair she was sitting on balanced on two legs, quite the feat, considering her feet were on the horizontal brace, not the ground. 

"Very impressive, Master."

Robin snorted. "I told you not to call me that, Larry." 

The small man nodded. "I keep forgetting, Robin." 

"Is there a fee to get in?" A dark-haired young man in a red jacket stopped before the Songbird.

Robin shook her head slightly. "GnG 2nd years?"

"That's right," the young man replied. "Can we go in?"

"No," Robin returned to balancing on her chair while Larry watched. 

"We want to go in, Roman." The curvy brunette who accompanied the young man tugged on his sleeve. 

Larry raised his hand to stop further discussion. "Lunch visitation is reserved for people we know, the friends of people we know, and awe-inspiring individuals."  He recited the words like he was reading them from a book. 

Roman flashed a grin at the Orange-haired Songbird. "That's me! I regularly inspire awe."

Robin chuckled. "Is that right? Have you won the Courtyard Challenge?"

"Not yet," Roman answered.

"Cleared Doubler Canyon?" Robin asked.

"We won't get our accounts until the end of this year." Roman handsome face twisted in a scowl. "Is that a reference to the 1st years? Everyone knows his family paid off the Academy to get them in the Phoenix server." 

The second female, an attractive Asian girl with long black hair that shimmered down her back, nodded in agreement. "I heard his family hired Strikers to break the record." 

"Which we'll break next year," Roman claimed. "We already made our avatars." He tapped the handgun belted to his waist. "I'm a slinger."

The door opened suddenly, and a thin blond with a perpetual frown exited. She nodded politely to Robin and started toward the gate.

"Hey!" Roman called after her. 

The blond turned toward the small group. "What?"

"Your tag says OP," Roman pointed out. 

"Congrats on being able to read. Your parents must be very proud." 

[Songbird: Robin] I love Jinn's kid, just saying. 

[Songbird: Lark] Which one?

[Songbird: Robin] The angry one. 

Roman smiled at the blond. "You must be a 3rd year?"


"A first year?" Roman countered.

"No, dumbass. Quit bothering me." 

Robin snorted. "Let's not argue. I'll let you in, Roman."

"Thanks," Roman started for the door but was stopped when Larry blocked his way.

"I'll let you in," Robin repeated. "If you beat this young lady in a quick-draw contest." 

Tai's frown deepened. "No, I don't want to." 

"There's no setup for quick-draws here," Roman pointed out.

"I'll be the judge," Robin's voice could have melted butter. 

"What's to stop you from cheating?" Roman asked. 

"Doesn't matter, I'm out." Tai flipped the GnG trio the finger and turned toward the gate. 

[Whisper: Robin/Mai Tai] Play along, and I'll have QJ make you a weapon. Even if you lose.

Tai stopped abruptly and turned around. "Changed my mind. Let's see what you got." 

Robin had them line up fifteen meters apart. By this time, Lark, Thrush, and Wren had come out to watch. "I'll count down from three; it will be 3....2.....1...Draw. Are we clear?"

Tai shrugged. "I'm ready; just go. 

Robin glanced at the 2nd year slinger. "Ready?"

Roman nodded with a wide grin. "Time for lunch."

"3....2....1.... Draw!"

Roman grabbed his six-gun, stopping in surprise when he noticed he was staring down the barrel of Tai's weapon.

"Bang," Tai said, not bothering to pull the trigger. 

Roman's tanned face darkened considerably. "Y-You threw off my timing with your count!" 

"You're an idiot... And your girlfriends look like morons."  Tai struggled to hold her temper in check as she holstered her weapon. "You say go, whenever you want." 

"GO!"  Roman grabbed his six-gun. 

"Bang," Tai said; her weapon appeared in her hand, pointed casually at her opponent before he cleared the holster. "Let's not speak again... Yeah? Thank you." 

The spectating Songbirds nearly held their mirth until Lark snorted... Then their hilarity flowed forth. 

The three GnG students stomped away to the pleasant music of Songbirds laughing.