Chapter 13 - Demon's history

[ In the previous chapter ]

Then suddenly a man appeared and captured Amy in a cage.


(The man is wearing a black cloak, his face is covered with a mask.)

Ronie - who are you? And why did you captured Amy in that cage.

Fem - My name is Fem and it's not a cage it's an energy barrier.

(Then suddenly someone hit the head of Ronnie on the back, he lost his consciousness and fell there. Fem took Amy and disappeared.)

[ At the villa ]

Fem - Master, I brought My lady.

Mr. Shin - Her power is awakened because she is now 15 years old.

Fem - Yes master.

Mr. Shin - Did anyone see her in her true form? Fem - Yes master, there was a Black winger.

Mr. Shin - (with a frightened look) What??? How is that possible? All Black wingers are extinct long ago.

Fem - But master, I sensed a Black wingers spirit there. Am not sure but maybe it's a 16 year old boy.

Mr. Shin - We have to eliminate him before he gain more power.

(In the morning)

Amy - Where am I? I remember that last night, I tried to kill Ronie? Last night I waschanged in a beast.

Mr. Shin - Oh sweetie, you finally woke up.

Amy - Uncle, I want to discuss something with you.

Mr. Shin - tell me, what is it?

Amy -Uncle, Last night I was changed into a beast and I tried to kill Ronie. why am I changed in a beast? I think you are hiding something from me, Uncle please tell me. Who am I?

Mr. Shin - You are a demon. Just like us, but you are not an ordinary demon. You are a demon princess.

( Amy laughed at him)

Amy - What a joke, uncle? How should I am a demon?

Mr. Shin - If you don't believe me, Then I have to show you my True form.

To be continued :-