That the Prince was excited was an understatement he practically flew out of his palatial mansion and now in the car he was feeling like he was floating in the air.

Even Arjun and now the driver all noticed his happiness and they were happy for him. The Prince was a workaholic and always emersed himself in his work never allowing himself time to play let alone date, to many he led a boring life only his friend Qin Mo finds time to drag him out sometimes for outings or games. At least now he has a genuine smile on his face which made him utterly handsome. Liang his driver kept stealing glances at him from the rear view mirror, he couldn't believe how much his boss had changed since he met the Princess.

Soon they arrived at Ayanna's condominium at twelve minutes to time and he stepped out looking every inch as the Prince he was and looking like he was searching for something he viewed his environment and spotted most of his shadow guards blending into the shadows and those he made eye contact with slight bowed in greeting.

Once he got upstair, the door was opened by Hillary who covered her mouth with her hands to stop her loud scream from being heard as she stared at the Prince in his majestic entrance he was so handsome with that cold aura still surrounding him yet there was something different about him she could feel it due to her many years of studying people she could see the extra bounce and air about him, he looked like a bit nervous like the cat who stole the cannery, like a high sch kid going to pick up his prom date.

Are you going to let me in? the Prince asked. Smiling at Hilary stunned silence but she was still clutching the door thereby blocking the entrance.

Jolting Hillary out of her reverie, laughing awkwardly she said please come Prince.

Then she went to Ayanna's room to announce the Prince's presences.

Ijey quickly clasped the lock of the necklace into place, it was the make up and hair that took most of their time but the outcome was stunning.

Ayanna the Prince will be absolutely blown away by your beauty gosh but you need to see him all that is remaining is a kings horsetail to complete his kingly appearance, Hillary announced.

She grabbed her shoes and then quickly put them on and picked up the clutch then stood up and both Ijey and Hillary blew her kisses, you look dazzling they announced. Then Ijey pulled her phone out the three of them gathered one at her left and the other at her right while she took snapped shots.

Then they pushed her out to meet the Prince.

As she stepped into the sitting room the Prince stood up now their dress combination made sense kudos to Kaykay and wow! just wow! sweetheart you look superb the Prince said to her giving her a kiss on both cheeks.

You look great yourself she said looking him over up and down. Her heart picking up a beat he looked so handsome his pink lips and they way it was arc upward in a thin smile touching those his beautiful eyes.

Thanks, Ready! he asked her.

Yes! she said am ready.

And he gently led her out and to the latest edition car parked out front. Laing came out and opened the car door for them and she was so stunning he almost forgot to breath, and she carried herself so well he finally understood why his boss was enamored with her, she then thanked him just as she stepped into the car which also got him thinking she is also humble for a rich, beautiful lady and very talented.

He drove straight to the five star restaurant which was highly patronized by the very rich in society and by this time it was mostly parked full so to get a seat people book ahead of time and even at that you must be really well placed to get a seat.

Once the vehicle pulled up in front of the shining front entrance of the restaurant the valet open the car door and she stepped out one beautiful foot at a time once she stepped out gasp could be heard all around and some whispered to them selves asking who is she? she is so beautiful.

She must be a model or a star but I can't place where I have seen her before, another bystander said.

Then the Prince that was on the Phone with a business partner finally stepped out they were like gosh I want a photo of them they must be royalty right? they look soo ...oo good together.

He bent his hand and she put her hands in to the crook as they walked into the restaurant drawing attention as they were ushered to their table close to one of the corner window tables that has been kept for them he raised his head as his men quietly blended into the diners.

People tried to snap the the dress as they drooled at the couple who seem not to notice all the attention they were generating.

They placed their orders and soon their food arrived and they eat.

After dinner the Prince gave a sign and the manager dimmed the lights in the restaurant as everyone got startled and started asking what the problem was the Prince took a spoon and the win bottle on their table and gentle hit it making a ringing sound catching the attention of every one, then he said " please everyone kindly join me today as I propose to this beautiful lady who have stolen my heart to say yes to being my wife then he knelt down on one foot as he pulled out a red box and opened it at this time Ayanna stood up she was laughing in astonishment.

Then the Prince said "beautiful Ayanna will you marry this man and make him the happiest man in the whole wide world"?

Ayanna stared at him but since she didn't say yes immediately the people in the restaurant started saying say yes, say yes! say yes!!!

She finally swallowed the imaginary thing stuck in her throat and said " yes"!! yes!!! I will marry you.

The Prince then placed the diamond engagement ring on her third finger then he stood up and kissed her, before the lights came back on as some paparazzi where always loitering around the expensive five star restaurant to catch any celebrity news lots of pictures of them were taken.

Soon after, he took her out of there and told the driver to take them to the mansion. He held her hands as they stayed in compatible comfort of each others company feeling very content.