Chapter 73 - ◇Death by Walls?◇

This time it was faster but no less draining on Lu Xing. He quickly walked to the nearest wall and leaned on it as though to rest. The others meanwhile, stared at Long Zexi who was visibly shaken from the forced breakthrough.

'It feels so weird...' Long Zexi thought as he explored the unknown energy flowing through his body, 'I'll never get use to this.'

A swirl of dark energy began to gather at his left hand's fingertips.

"Stop," Lu Xing stated, his hands coated in his blue flames as they came down upon Long Zexi's hand, causing the influx of energy to dissipate.

Long Zexi flinched startled by the sudden interruption.

Everyone had been solely focused on Long Zexi and his upgraded abilities that none had notice Lu Xing use shadow stop a catastrophe from unfolding.

"Your abilities are not a toy to tinker with at a whim." Lu Xing said, his tone harsh.

"What's wrong with you?!" Yang Jin instantly, before anyone else, even Long Zexi himself, blustered out in anger.

Yang Jin walked up to Lu Xing, and grabbed the front of Lu Xing's shirt, bringing him closer to his own face.

"If I hadn't stopped him..right now we would've been discovered or worst," Lu Xing let out a tired expression on his face, "killed."

"Explain then you bastard!" Yang Jin demanded hating the feeling of not knowing anything.

"Long Zexi's ability is C11...but his subtype.." Lu Xing held a frustrated expression as he sighed after glancing at Long Zexi, "is complicated."

'I complicated it.' Lu Xing thought troubled, a dark expression fleetingly passed over his face before he changed it to look at Yang Jin straight in the eyes, "I'm not a fan of dying, are you?"

"Tch." Yang Jin threw Lu Xing away from him.

This time Lu Xing actually stumbled.

'Damn.' Lu Xing thought as he tried to steady himself but his vision darkened..

He felt himself fall, and faintly heard someone swear.

Then he lost consciousness.


"Ugh..." Lu Xing let out feeling groggy, 'I've exhausted my limits..' He instantly acknowledged feeling disappointed by his limitations.

Eyes fluttered open, he placed his left hand to his face.

"Oh. Good, your up." Stella stated as she filed her nails on a chair next to the bedroom door.

Lu Xing briefly scanned his surrounding before ever so slightly propping himself up..

And winced.

'My body feels like a wreck.' Lu Xing thought as he heard his bones pop at the joints, and his muscles were on the verge of spasming from how tensed they were.

Stella glanced at him as she heard some odd sounds from his movements.

"You sound like an old man." She said before getting up and leaving the room.

Lu Xing flushed realizing that he had groaned at one point.

"I'm not old." Lu Xing grumbled as he stretched.

"How are ya feeling?" Li asked as soon as he walked in..

Long Zexi and Sho following behind him.

"Fine. Just drained." Lu Xing stated wearily.

"Using that ability of yours must be taxing." Li said, a look of concern on his face.

Lu Xing gave a half hearted smile as he sat up, then he looked at Sho.

"Long Zexi should be able to make a few long distance jumps now with little to no backlashes." Lu Xing said, then looked at Long Zexi, "Do you remember any particular places outside the walls?"

Long Zexi closed his eyes, seemingly to ponder on that for what felt like a long minute..

Finally Long Zexi opened his eyes and gazed upon Lu Xing, "I remember a place called Dongfanghong parents use to take me there often."

"That's great! Now we can-" Li sighed in relief only to be cut off by Lu Xing.

"Are you able to picture it clearly in your mind?" Lu Xing asked, he stared at Long Zexi not missing a single movement of the boy's face.

Long Zexi sighed, before glancing away from Lu Xing's piercing gaze, "I can't recall it very well, but if it's the storefront then perhaps there's a chance.."

"Not good enough." Lu Xing stated, then closed his eyes, a headache forming, "You could wind up getting us killed by teleporting us into a wall or into the ground even..its very risky business going anywhere blindly with your ability."

Long Zexi took in Lu Xing's explanation and realized just how dangerous his first time teleporting had actually been...he looked at Lu Xing with a sort of perplexed expression.

Seeing that look also on Li and Sho, Lu Xing half smiled as he said, "It was either death at those bastards hands or death through teleportation..I chose the possibility of the later."

'If you knew Aiken like I do...then any death other than at his hands might be blissful.' Lu Xing thought grimly.

"I see.." Li let out with a cough at the end, the fact that he could've wound up dead by being stuck in a wall didn't make him feel fond of the thought of going along with the plan now.

"The worst that could've happened was some of us getting sliced in half by a wall, or losing a torso in the ground." Lu Xing jokingly said a very serious scenario that could've matter of factly had come to be...but luckily had not.

Long Zexi paled, and then proceeded to leave the room shakily..outside the room, the sound of him vomiting could be heard.

Sho was pale but looked at Lu Xing and said, "Probably a good thing you didn't tell us this back then."

"I don't have a death wish just yet." Lu Xing stated with a sweatdrop.

'That's why I had him choose a nostalgic place that he'd remember in great detail to begin with.' Lu Xing thought guiltily.

Suddenly a rumbling sound was heard in the room...

Lu Xing looked at Sho...

"I guess we really need those supplies.." Sho said wearily as he awkwardly placed a hand on his stomach.

"Yeah, the sooner the better." Lu Xing stated realizing that all of them were very much on the verge of starving.

"You should probably go check on Long Zexi," Lu Xing said, "and bring him back, I'll need him to start practicing the visualization skill he'll need to use his powers."

Sho realized the most essential factor of their plan may have reached his limit at emptying their stomach contents and quickly left the room with a rather concerned expression.

Li also followed, a wary smile on his face.

Lu Xing scratched his head and realized there was something still that he wanted an answer too before the mission could start...

'Patience...' Lu Xing mentally calmed himself, 'There's plenty of time for that later.'

He hoped.