Isamu bent down and whispered something into Masashi's ear. A large mischievous grin formed on her lips.
Masashi nodded in agreement and walked over to Kaede while Isamu walked over to Kazuki.
Isamu held up three fingers and slowly descended,
She put down her last finger and they turned their bodies, delivering a hard slap to Kazuki and Kaede. Making a nice, loud clap sound as their hands made contact.
Both Kazuki and Kaede snapped. They started spouting nonsense. And started walking toward each other.
"I told you!" Kazuki was shouting, "I'm not going to that stupid trip!" Kazuki spun around to leave and Isamu felt instant Deja Vu.
Kazuki rammed right into Isamu, sending her to the floor, but she had learned from the last time this happened and kicked her feet up.
They landed on Kazuki's stomach and he went flying into the door.
"I'm not sure what you guys are arguing about," Isamu put her hands on her hips, "You need to make up though." She crossed her arms, "Bro hug, go on a date, just behave and be nice to each other." Isamu'svoice cracked and went to her original voice.
Masashi's jaw dropped. She shuddered as she spoke. "Y-you-you're a-" Isamu shoved her hand over her mouth.
Kazuki and Kaede's mouths were open too like they were waiting to catch some flies for lunch.
Isamu raised her hands up in defeat, "Okay, so what I'm a girl." She hung her head.
Isamu felt warmth in her shoulder. She looked up. Masashi was smiling over her.
"I'm just shocked you would want to keep this a secret." Masashi's warm smile still hadn't left her face.
Masashi led Isamu over to an empty seat to sit down. Kazuki and Kaede brought their own chairs over as Isamu and Masashi got situated.
"Well, I've always hated having my hair long or bob length, or any bright colors, I've only liked black, grey and dark blue. So whenever I went out as a kid," Isamu looked up and saw eager eyes waiting for her to continue, "Whenever I went out people would always tell my mother and father, 'You have such a cute little boy!', and other things like that so I guess I just got used to it and didn't do anything to correct anyone," She paused to take a breath, "And then once I started school, my father asked the school's principal for a boys uniform since I didn't like skirts and I found them uncomfortable." Isamu lowered the top half of her body and pleaded, "Please don't tell anyone my father would kill me and I'm not sure I want anyone else to know yet." Isamu kept her head down and prayed that they would understand.
Masashi gave her another warm smile, "We're not going to tell anyone." Masashi looked back to Kazuki and Kaede, "Right?" She added force behind the words.
The boys nodded in illusion.
A heavy sigh let out but Isamu now filled the quiet air.
"So," Isamu didn't like all the silence, "What's this trip I keep hearing about?"