Let's start with Maclin. Being the oldest of the five you would think that he's the wisest right? Well with Maclin that's not quite the case. He's bold and brash, and eager to prove himself as a leader. Since he's the oldest, he thinks that all the responsibility is on his shoulders and his alone. Through his training Maclin made it clear that he has no real strategy for combat. He basically looks at strategy and throws it out the window. He prefers to just charge in and use brute force. He relies on other people for tactics but doesn't want to rely on others. Clearly, he's got a lot to learn.
Next is Lancelot. When it comes to strategy he's the best. He can come up with a game winning strategy in mere seconds, and if the situation changes he can quickly change his strategy on a whim. But where he has brains, he severely lacks in brawn. Out of the five of them Lancelot is physically the weakest. In combat his strength is in counter attacks, using an opponents moves and strength against them. But what he lacks in strength he makes up for in his defensive skills. It also doesn't help that he has one of the most difficult weapons to master. And like his older brother he wishes to be a leader.
Next is Milena. She doesn't as many um, flaws as the others when it comes to combat. Her offense and defense are great, strategy questionable. She quickly learned how to use the dragon scythe. Her main problem was that she kept complaining that she was thirsty all throughout training. Also, she refused to drink water, saying it has no real taste. Oh yeah and she has a bit of a temper.
Next Valinteena. I'm just going to get strait to it. Good offense, good defense. Learned to use her weapon at a good pace. She is shy, but when angered has a temper much like her sister. They get it from their mother. And she doesn't care much about humanity. Wait what? Yeah, Valinteena is a huge animal lover. And she might love animals too much. In fact, the only humans that she was comfortable being around or would even talk to was her brothers, sisters, and parents. And that was only because they are her family. More on why later on.
Last and definitely the most complicated to train is Lazariss. His speed is greater than everyone else, his strength rivals his parents, and his defensive skills are great at well. Out of the five of them he could quite possibly be the strongest. Because of this Maclin became jealous and would often try to out do his younger brother. This would lead to a silent rivalry between them. Now you might be asking, well then why was he so difficult to train? Here's why; because Lazariss is so well um how should I put it? He's lazy. All Lazariss cares about is sleeping. I wish I was joking. He can fall asleep just about anywhere.
He even fell asleep while fighting with Leon, and Maclin, which lead to some harsh bruises. And yes, he annoyed everyone with his sleeping habit. Even though he's extremely lazy he comes through when he is needed. And he will in his own words, "die to protect his home and family."
In only five years, a remarkable time, all seven of them mastered their weapons. Through their training they learned that each weapon is linked to its master and are magically enchanted. By clearing their mind and concentrating they can ingulf the weapons in flame and use it in creative and unique attacks. To activate this, they simply need to say; "ignite" after focusing. Now the only question left is who will destroy what first? But we'll get to that a little later on.