This part always gets me, even though I'm stone cold about most stuff, and I'm pretty sure you, yes you the reader, will understand why.
Well it wasn't long after Daniel had left, this raider gang had showed up and started messing with the farm saying that we owed them money for protection because where our farm was is their territory now, well my dad shot one of them and told them to get off our property and stay off, it wasn't to long after Daniel had died that those raiders showed up again, and as hard as he tried, my dad took as many down with them as he could, I had helped him but I got shot in my arm, my mother, after I was shot, told my two sisters, Ashley and Bonnie, to take me to the basement and hide, it wasn't long after we were down the we heard a door upstairs get kicked in, our mother was armed with a shotgun and took what we guess two guys with her before getting shit multiple times, after the gunshots ended, we heard one guy yell to take anything, including our family's weapons and burn down the house because the figured we were somewhere inside, so after they left, and with the house starting to burn, we dragged the corpse of our mother out of the house and placed her next to our father, I was in charge of digging the graves, after a few hours, the sun was starting to set and I had already finished digging the graves, we said our final goodbyes, we placed the bodies in the holes, and I started to place the dirt in the graves.
I was a sixteen year old and my sisters were seventeen and eighteen, we were young and we ain't supposed to see all that, especially me, getting shot and all, that stuck with me for the rest of my life.