Chereads / Echoes From The Past / Chapter 9 - The Game

Chapter 9 - The Game

"Come on Kat, give me your best shot. You're throwing like a girl" Jamie called out as he swung his bat to and fro at the base.

"Jamie we have been practising for hours. I'm hungry and exhausted. Can't we just call it a day?" Kat replied as she swiped the sweat running down her forehead.

"Tomorrow's the big game Kat and we have got to bag the championship this year. Please just a few throws more" he pleaded. " I need to practice my swing for the curve balls and you happen to throw some very good ones."

"But I'm pretty beat and my energy is gone. I think we should call it quits. Besides it wouldn't benefit the team if you exhaust yourself before the match" she pointed out.

"Kat, you love baseball as much as I do. Don't whine like a girl. Just throw the ball already." Jamie was irritated.

"But you forgot I am a girl" she stated.

"Oh really, from which angle? The way I see it you are just like one of the boys. So quit whining and start throwing"

Kat was mad as hell. Yes she was a little under developed compared to girls her age but Jamie had no right to insult her this way.

"That's it Johnathan Kingsley. I'm leaving. You and your stupid game can go to hell" she fumed.

"What did I say? Hey Kat.....Wait..." Jamie called out as Kat ran away. She didn't get far when her foot slipped and she fell flat on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" he said as he lend her a hand to get up.

"Leave me alone" she said as she pushed his hand away.

"Calm down Kat" he scolded. "Your knee is bleeding. Let me have a look."

Jamie took out a handkerchief and tied it to her knee to stop it from bleeding.

"Look I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I didn't mean to hurt you. You've got me all wrong. What I meant was that you are not just a girl to me but you are my best bud. If I can't come to you for help then who do I turn too?" Jamie explained. "Are we still friends Kat?"

"We're friends" Kat conceded. "And quit calling me that name, Kat as in a cat. Every one keeps calling me that because of you. I have a perfectly good name you could use and that is Jessica Wright or you could always just call me Jess"

"But Kat suits you. My sweet and adorable little cat. You'll always be Kat to me. I'm never calling you by any other names"he declared.

He had always called her that ever since the first day of school when he teased her for her pigtails and she scratch him on the cheek. They had been inseperable since then and were best friends ever since. He was the Mayor's son and she was orphan Anne but that never affected their friendship and their bond only grew stronger as years went by.


The stadium was packed as more than half the town turned up to witness the championship game. A thrill of excitement filled the air as the girls took their seat anticipating the biggest game of the season.

"Girls excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back" Kat said as the players lined up in the field for the start of the game.

Kat made her way to the front section as she shouted out "Jamie.....Jamie" to be heard over the roar of the crowd.

Jamie saw her and ran towards her.

"Hey Kat, whats up?" he asked.

"All the best" she responded. "The girls sent their wishes to."

"Thanks" Jamie said.

" Nervous?" she asked. "Don't be. Just play like you always do and enjoy yourselves out there."

"Thanks. I'm feeling better already. See you after the game alright" he waved as he turned and made his way back to the other players.

The game started great in the first half innings placing their home team in the lead. But it was in the second half when the game took a turn for the worse as the opposing team caught up to them in leaps and bounds striking out batters one after the other.

The crowd was so disheartened none could utter a word as compared to the roars an hour earlier. As a new batsman entered, a hush fell over the crowd as they all wondered whether he'll be able to turn the game around or to walk home defeated.

Just then the ball sliced through the air as it hit the bat going way beyond the boundary officially making it a home run. The crowd roared, once again becoming alive.

The new batsman went on to score homeruns after homeruns winning the team its much desired championship when the game was finally over.

As Kat waited for Jamie outside the boy's locker room, she saw him, the new batsman. He was surrounded by a group of jocks so he did not notice her. From the side, Kat saw that he was athletic built, had black hair and a face most girls would swoon over but she could not make out his eyes.

She got distracted as strong arms held her from behind and lifted her high above the ground swinging her round and round as Jamie's familiar voice rang out "We've won Kat....we've won. We finally bagged the title."

Finally letting her down, he engulfed her in a hug.

"A minute back there I was getting worried but my man over there saved our butts and bagged us the title."

"Win or lose its all part of the game. What mattered was that you played your heart out. I'm just happy for you and the team" Kat stated. "Anyway I'm going home with the girls. You go on and enjoy the night out with the team. I'll see you in school tomorrow okay."

"Okay see you tomorrow " Jamie waved as he walked back to his team mates.