Of course,there's things I've always wanted to do but I never took the time to go out and accomplish them. I can't die,no I won't die without complete at least on thing on my bucket list. I take out the small sheet folded carefully and delicately from my backpack. I read my list over and over again. '1.Do a handstand 2. Kiss a boy 3.Sing one of my songs to someone 4. Dance with someone other than myself 5. Maybe meet BTS ,EXO or at least any of my favourite kpop groups..nevermind I'm not too interested in that; it's probably not gonna happen. I continue to talk to myself oblivious that George has heard EVERY SINGLE WORD that has come out of my stupid,stupid mouth. Time and time again I find myself looking at George,he sleeps like a pig , a cute pig...? In this world of chaos he makes me feel calm and relaxed but that can quickly turn into anger if he's not careful. What is this? Do I like him? I convince myself I don't but that comes back to bite me in the ass later.