Now pointing it's tip at the male, six grape sized sphere had merged from the shaft afore rapidly composing replicas of itself, all had followed in pursuit of the first.
" No, No, Just pin him to the ground and hold him there "
In that instant, the other six had been propelled forwards at speeds nearing six hundred miles per hour; the mere force alone was enough to put the target down; sets of two had impaled all four appendages; One could be seen impaling the target with such precision that it struck in both forearms, whilst the other had struck right through both of it's biceps, following in synchronization with the first two spear, two more had struck the male's left are, four more had processed two impale both legs at once afore striking the ground below upon impact shockwaves had ripped outwards this was produced by force of the spears and the stopping point which was the ground...
Laventis had observed in silence as he thought of a way to communicate with this target and seeing it had just attempted to blow his head off without warning, although beyond the now horrid screams and alienated language could be heard just as the smell of an organic substance that suddenly became airborne..
"T'ska Na'dar os-lusi. "
" So do you want to talk about this or do you have to meet the other two and if that's your way of talking, i do not understand. "
Screaming in pain the deity cried out, unsure if he had made a mistake or not when he attempted to take his life away, if he had succeeded in killing him. The weapons that he had scoped out for months, if sold to the right Weaponlord; Collectors of rare and unique weapons to add to their arsenals, although the weapons within their collection was capable of mass destruction; would buy him a new life or at least buy him a fresh start and now he had messed it all up by failure to excuse to target and this dumbfounded him. No creature in the world could have survived that close range shot and have their head remaining.
( C )