Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 360 - Secrets and Lies

Chapter 360 - Secrets and Lies

Naru rubbed the back of his neck as his gaze moved back and forth between Russ, Jaden, and Rin. "So… That means Shelly was a… princess… all this time too?"

Russ nodded, sending Rin a glance. "Though, apparently the title was revoked the second she and Rin were married."

Naru's troubled gaze moved to Rin. "And you knew about it the whole time?"

Rin nodded. "I did… I'd met their parents when I was younger."

His gaze moved back to Russ, pausing hesitantly on Jaden for a few seconds before asking. "And… Gigi?"

Russ blew out a sigh. "Not my choosing at any point. Last I saw her, she was being hauled off by the council." Russ could read the next question written all over his friend's face. He raised a hand. "We'll continue this later, what do you say? I got to get down and see what's going on in the training area before shit gets to outta hand."

Rin arched a brow. "When is Arei? Hasn't he been dealing with training issues for you?"

Russ sighed again. "Apparently Jos isn't being as understanding as he'd hoped she'd be… You know typical Jos things…"

Rin laughed. "Yeah, Shell said she can be quite stubborn at times."

Russ involuntarily tightened his hold around Jaden's waist. "It's hard to love someone who doesn't love themselves… She hates who she is, what she is… I don't know if she'll ever except it or anyone else for that matter…" He placed a light kiss to the top of Jaden's head. "I should be going."

"Wait! That's all you're going to say?!" Naru called out as Russ made his way from the room. "I came here expecting to see you with Jos! And what do you mean 'can't except what she is'?!?" His hand quickly cupped his own mouth as his wild gaze shot to Jaden.

Russ began to answer but Jaden spoke first. She pursed her lips. "It's fine. I already know all about it… and her. If you'd like to have a seat, I can answer most of you questions." She walked over to the seating area and took a seat, then indicated the chairs beside her.

Rin sighed as he walked over to join her. "I might as well fill in what I can. It'll probably take the both of us the better part of the afternoon to get this idiot on the same page."

Russ chuckled from the door. "Good luck on that one. I'll not bother rushing back." He raised his hand to the group. "Later."

"Hey!" Naru yelled in faux offence. He narrowed his eyes before striking a pose and fluffing his shoulder-length, curly hair. "Whatever, I'm the charm and beauty of this group anyways… I don't have to be the smart one."

Jaden tilted her head. "I'd rather believe Russ or Rin would take that title… beside… Is there a smart one?"

Rin cleared his throat. "I… would love to take that title, but it would be a lie…"

Naru walked over and took a seat. His gaze moved back and forth between Jaden and Rin. "So… How long have you known Russ? Were you guys childhood friends or…"

Jaden shook her head. "We've only known each other a few months now."

"Oh… cool… I guess…" His eyes moved nervously between the two, several more questions on the tip of his tongue. He bit his lip, deciding it was best to ask Russ directly later. "So… You're a pappa with two more on the way… who would have guess…" He glanced over at Jaden, taking in her narrow waist. "Um… you and Russ… You're…"

Jaden shook her head. "Not expecting at the moment. We hope to change that soon though." She smiled over at Rin. "Russ looks forward to the possibility of our children growing up together."

Rin chuckled. "Well, hopefully they get along better than Russ and Shelly did as children. I've heard all kinds of crazy tells on that front."

Jaden smiled back at him. "I'd love to hear them."

Naru cleared his throat. "You guys seem… close…" He looked at Rin skeptically. "And Russ doesn't get jealous?"

Rin frowned. "Regardless of what you may think, Russ isn't a jealous or volent guy… What you were seeing was the effects of Joslyn's curse."

"Curse??" Naru stuttered.

Rin nodded. "I don't know the full details myself, but yes… She had a pretty serious curse placed on her at birth. I was too young when I'd first met her to be effected and knew to keep my distance by the time I moved to the US." He tilted his head. "You never felt a strange attraction to her that you couldn't explain?"

Naru thought it over. He rubbed his chin. "Well yeah… I definitely was attracted to her… but I mean what man wouldn't be." He grinned widely. "Plus, she gives great belly rubs!"

Jaden gasped. "Belly rubs?" Her gaze darted between Naru and Rin, causing Naru's amused grin to widen.

Rin rolled his eyes. "Naru here can transform into a cat, a small panther if you will."

"Oh… Yes… Russ mentioned that." She studied the unusual man. "I will not lie… I'd be interested to see-"

"Say no more!" Naru interrupted as he popped up from the chair and began pulling his shirt off.

"Oh my!" Jaden cried out as she covered her eyes.

Rin jumped up and grabbed hold of the shirt. "She didn't mean to get naked here, moron! And I said Russ didn't get jealous, I didn't mean he wouldn't still kick your ass if he walked in on you standing naked in front of his soon to be wife OR curled up on her lap like before!"

Jaden covered her mouth. "You… on Jos's lap?!"

He ran his hand over his hair and back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah… I might have gone a bit too far that night…"

Her eyes widened. "I'd say so." She turned her questioning eyes to Rin. "And the three of you are friends?"

Rin and Naru nodded at the same time.

"If you say so." She responded doubtfully.


Arei found his eyes moving to Jos for what had to be the thousandth time since leaving the complex that morning. He bit back the questions that threatened to strangle him. He forced his eyes back on the road, tightening his grip on the steering wheel to keep from reaching over and touching her.

"What is it?" Jos muttered quietly, not taking her focus off the rapidly passing scenery.

He sent her another glance, hoping to meet her gaze in the refection of the glass but couldn't. With an exasperated sigh, he replied. "You've been abnormally quiet this entire trip…"


"There's no need to be… I was just wondering if something was wrong… or if you had something on your mind…"

Jos bit into her lower lip as she squeezed her eyes tightly closed. Hypnos had visited her dream, though briefly, again last night. His haunting words reverberated through her mind. 'So you can be trusted'. His newfound trust in her didn't bring the slightest be of relief, instead, it only added to her anxiety.

He arched a worried brow in her direction. "Are you worried about the evaluation? Triton can be a bit intimidating but he's always fair and honest."

{No…} She swallowed hard. "Yes… I… I don't think I did well… I still lost control a bit…" {Not a complete lie…} She bit her lip as she fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. Her eyes finally pulled away from the window and moved to her lap when his warm hand covered hers.

"I'm sure you did fine. He wouldn't expect perfection on your first mission, anyway." He sent her a warm smile as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "If you'd like, I could probably stay an extra day or so."

Jos squeezed her eyes back closed as she rested her head on the headrest. "That's ok… Russ probably needs you more…" Her eyes opened, and she studied him as a thought accrued to her. "You never did say where it was that Ry took off to…"

Arei frowned, moving his hands back to the wheel and squeezing it tightly. "You know Ry… Can't stay in one place for too long… Ry will always Ry in the end…"

Jos let out a resigned sigh as she turned her focus back to the window. "Will we ever be completely honest with one another, or will it always be like this between us?"

Arei blew out a long breath. "Listen, Jos, it's not my place to tell you what Ry does or doesn't do… All you need to know is that he made a dession and is now seeing that out."

Jos frowned. "Is it because of Artemis… or me…"

He bit back a curse. "Both… I suppose…"

Jos set forward in surprise. "You can't mean he actually went to find my mother!"

"I can and he did…" Arei murmured under his breath.

Jos clutched his thick bicep. "You can't let him do that! You have to stop him!"

Arei whipped the car onto the side of the road and pushed it into park. He turned to face Jos directly. "I can't and I won't." His expression hardened. "I love my brother, Jos… but if it means you may be freed of this damnable curse then so be it. Besides, it was his choice, and his alone…" When he could see tears welling up in her eyes, he reached out and cupped her cheek. "Do you truly believe us to be that weak?"

Jos shook her head. "No…"

Arei forced a smile. "The trust that he will do what needs to be done and return safely and promptly."

Jos's frown deepened and her throat burnt as she fought back tears. All she could do was nod.

His smile widened, and he tugged her face forward. He placed a kiss on her forehead then whispered against it. "Good… I'm glad that's settled."

"Yes… but at what expense…"

Her voice was so low, he could barely hear it. His smile faded. "He knew all the risks before he left. This is what he does… what he has done since becoming an adult… Leave it to him."

She pulled away, resting her forehead against the glass. "What if my mother doesn't have to power to break my curse?"

Arei frowned. "We've already taken that into consideration as well."

She turned slowly back to face him. She bit into her lower lip. 'Our freedom for yours' Hypnos had promised to have her curse broke the second he and his siblings were freed… but she couldn't tell Arei this. He'd try to talk her out of it. He would find a way to stop her… "I'd rather stay cursed my entire life, trade my freedom for someone else that I care about…"

He gave her knee a firm squeeze. "Trust Ry to not only find a way to break your curse but to free himself as well." He sent her a reassuring smile. "Trust me when I tell you he's been in many tighter situations and gotten out unscathed."

Jos nodded. "Alright… but you should still get back to Russ…"

He frowned as he put the car back into gear and pulled back out onto the road. "I will in due time…" He sent her a quick glance. "You know, if I stay with you a few more days we could simply attend the wedding and coronation together."

Jos shook her head. "I'm not even sure that I'll go… I don't want to make things harder or more awkward for him."

He let out a sigh. "I see… Well, if you change your mind…"

"I won't." She interrupted.

He studied her from the corner of his eyes. Concern was written in every tense muscle of her body. "Whatever you think will be best… but I know he'd like you to be there…"

She could feel the tears burn her eyes once again. "I'm sure for every part of him that wants me to be there, there are equal parts wanting me to stay away… as I'm sure the bride would want as well."

"I'll not try to convince you. Just consider it more, if you would."

"I will… How much longer do we have?" She asked, determined to shift the conversation.

Arei chuckled. "With my driving? Two hours max.