Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 325 - Battle for Life

Chapter 325 - Battle for Life

Arei could feel every nerve in his body. It felt like his synapses were firing faster than the shooting stars overhead. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, drowning out the loud chirp of the many crickets and other bugs hidden in the meadow surrounding them.

"It's getting late... We should probably head back soon." Pellas whispered as she tightened her grip on their laced fingers.

He cleared his throat, not taking his eyes from the heavens above. "Yeah... You're probably right..." He said without moving even the slightest. Several more moments passed in silence without either making an attempt to leave. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Arei finally asked thinking back to her earlier words.

"It's Athena..." Pellas said with a shrug as she finally turned her gaze to meet his. She swallowed hard as the stars reflected off his bright eyes.

Misunderstanding her reaction, Arei reached out to cup her face in concern. "Pel, you are as good as her. You have nothing to fear."

Pellas turned away from his touch, her cheeks burning from embarrassment and... something else... She peered up at him from behind thick lashes. Her cheeks heated even more as she read the desire written all over his handsome face. Instinctively she lifted her face to him, licking her lips in anticipation.

Arei swallowed past the lump growing in his throat as he returned his hand to her cheek. "May... may I kiss you?"

Pellas nodded, holding her breath as he slowly lowered his lips to hers. The little air left in her lungs burnt as he clumsily deepened their kiss. She let out a sweet sigh as she leaned into him, pressing her palms against his hard chest. "Arei..." His name slipped sweetly past her lips between kisses.

"Arei, Pel?!" Ry's voice echoed from just past the training shed they were sitting in front of.

Pellas and Arei parted in surprise, embarrassment at nearly getting caught colored their cheeks. "Over here." Arei called out as he pushed himself up from the ground before holding a hand out to Pellas. He tightened his hold on her hand when she tried to tug it away.

Ry's questioning eyes searched them as he neared. "Tri sent me to find you two. He was worried you'd gotten injured during a flight or something when neither of you returned at sunset... I guess he should be worried more about... other... things, instead." He said as he pointedly arched a brow at their connected hands.

Arei was just about to yell at his brother for saying such embarrassing things when Pellas chuckled and stepped past him. She walked toward Ry and patted his shoulder as she stopped beside him. "If dad should blame anyone it would be you and your big mouth." She sent him a playful wink. "After all, I wouldn't have known Arei's feelings had it not been for you." When Ry's mouth dropped open in surprise, she giggled and pressed it shut with one finger under his chin. "I really should thank you, Ry." She turned and sent Arei a shy wave before turning and heading back to the main house.

Ry and Arei both watched until she disappeared into the darkness. Ry turned and studied the dumb smile spread across his brother's lips. "You really like her, huh..." He glanced back to where Pel had disappeared as he blew out a disappointed sigh. "Even if Tri doesn't break your fingers for touching his oldest daughter... what about tomorrow?" He turned his attention back to Arei. "You know well, she and Athena are evenly matched. Either could win... and the winner will be... married off."

The goofy smile of a boy in love barely faded from Arei's lips as he answered. "She plans to lose, but I have a plan even if she doesn't... I'll win..."

Ry rolled his eyes. "You're not old enough to participate. You know that."

Arei's grin widened. "Yes, true... but if I challenge the winner, he'll have no choice but to fight or be disgraced for cowering to a 'boy'. No one would back down in front of such a large crowd."

Ry let out another heavy sigh. "Well, you're not wrong... but Arei... is she really worth such a risk? Even if you win there's no guarantee Tri will allow such a match."

Arei shrugged. "We shall see, I suppose." He all but skipped as he made his way to the main house.

Pellas glanced nervously around the packed arena. She gripped her arms tightly as she waited for Athena to make her way into the waiting area. She couldn't help the nervous jerk when a hand clasped her shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to wish you luck." Arei sent her his most charming smile. "May your goals be met here today." He gave her a wink as he slid his hand down the length of her arm and tugged her closer. When she stepped closer and pressed her forehead against his chest, he lowered his lips to her ear. "May I kiss you?"

His hot, whispered breath sent shivers down her arms and spine. She nodded as she lifted her gaze up to meet his. Her eyes searched his as he placed a light kiss to her lips. "Tell me this is what you want... that you will really have me once I lose here today." She whispered nervously.

He cupped her face. "Win or lose, you and I will be together for now and always."

A weak yet hopeful smile spread across her lips. "Yes, together for now and always... that sounds lovely."


"Brother..." Poseidon growled as he neared the observation box reserved for the gods.

Zeus nodded in response, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. He watched as his brother set in the seat farthest from him. He arched a brow. "I'm surprised you chose to sit here at all. I would have assumed you would have joined Triton closer to the fighting grounds.

The corner of one eye twitched with irritation as Poseidon kept his gaze trained on the grounds below. "There is only one reason I'm here today."

"And that would be?" Zeus asked with a brow arched.

Poseidon sent him a glaring grin. "Isn't it obvious? To see a child of Zeus fall to a grandchild of Poseidon." His grin widened as his desired reaction played across his brother's face.

"No one can win against my Athena. She was born to be a great warrior."

"We shall see." Poseidon said as he crossed his own arms and turned his attention back to the fighting grounds.

As Athena approached them, Arei gave Pellas's hand one last squeeze. "Don't forget what I said. Either way, we shall be together from this day on." He lifted her hand and placed a lingering kiss to the back of it before turning and leaving the girls' area.

Athena arched a brow in amusement as she watched Arei's retreating back. "What was that about?"

Pellas swallowed hard as she fumbled with a loose stone with the tip of her shoe. "Athena... don't be mad... but I want to lose this fight today..." A long silence brought Pellas's attention up to meet Athena's bright blue eyes.

Athena finally let out a laugh as she patted Pellas's shoulder. "It would appear we have the same goals for today's fight... what shall we do?"

Pel's worried frown turned up into a smile. "We do? Really?"

Athena nodded and both girls busted out into laughter. Athena pulled Pellas into a tight hug. "Then we shall put on a show until their attention has faded, and a draw is called. What do you say?"

The remaining worry faded instantly as Pellas pulled Athena into an even tighter hug. "Yes!"


With a huffed laugh and a smirk, Poseidon turned his attention away from the girls. "This is going nowhere, it's obvious they are simply having fun, neither with any intent of winning." He turned his attention to the men's matches. To his surprise, one of the twins was stepping out into the arena. "What in the..." He said sitting up in interest for the first time in over an hour. Without thinking he stood and made his way toward the stairs leading to Triton.

"Where do you think you are going?! And what do you mean there will be no winners? Of course, there will be. My daughter is a natural-born fighter. She is the best Olympus has to offer. No one can outwit her or outmaneuver her." Zeus barked out in hopes of stopping his brother's departure.

Poseidon shrugged with a chuckle. "Maybe so, but we'll not be seeing those skills today... Not from her at least." His eyes followed the boy's movements as he went up against an opponent twice his size and age.

Zeus furrowed his brows as he followed Poseidon's gaze. He'd not seen his brother so swollen with pride since his oldest son took on the title of the best trainer among the gods. Anger built within Zeus as his gaze moved from the boy who was sure to win the title of strongest warrior here today back to the girls who were still putting on an elegant dance of two individuals with matched skills and years of practice together.

It wasn't until the boy's name, Areion third son of Poseidon, was announced across the arena did he notice the slightly distracted glance of Pellas. His eyes narrowed when Athena too paused to take notice of the boy as he was ushered toward the next opponent. The bright smile on the girl's face told volumes, as did the assuring nod of his own daughter. A thought quickly crossed his mind as his daughter began to fight with less drive to win. {She is trying to lose so that Pellas will be selected to wed the boy... this was staged.} His brows knitted in raw rage. "This will not do..." With a flick of his fingers, the boy became incapacitated, frozen in place as his new opponent's sword cut into his shoulder barely missing vital areas.

Sharp gasps sounded across the arena, and as expected, Pellas's attention was immediately pulled away from her own sparing match mid maneuver. Athena caught her breath and released her weapon, but it was too late. The spear was logged into Pellas's chest, put there by a move they'd practiced a hundred times before flawlessly. "Pel!" Athena yelled as she quickly made her way to her best friend's side.

Blood oozed from Pellas's mouth. Her shocked, scared eyes held Athena's as her hand reached out for Athena's cheek.

"You'll be alright! I promise I'll help you!" Without thinking, Athena pulled the spear free causing blood to bubble freely from the wound. She hadn't realized anyone had approached them until Arei slid to their side on his knees.

"What happened?! Will she be alright?" He asked hysteria echoing in his words. When Pellas's weak eyes shifted to his, he scooped her head up in one arm and pressed his hand against the wound. He focused all his water magic on repairing the wound.

"Arei..." His name slipped past Pel's blood-stained lips in a weak whisper.

"Shh..." He murmured as he continued concentrating the flow of restorative water magic directly to the wound. "Save whatever it is you have to say, until after you are healed."

Pel frowned as her vision began darkening. Whether it was from more people beginning to gather around them or from the loss of consciousness, she wasn't sure. "I... I love you, Arei..." She whispered on a faint breath before her eyes fluttered closed.

"Let me try." Triton said, nudging his brother aside. He placed his palm over his daughter's chest... but it was no use.

The skies darkened as heavy thunderheads began rolling in. Large droplets of rain began to fall from the heavens as enormous hail balls began to pelt the ground noisily. Lightning flashed as thunder rumbled the arena. Tears fell freely from Triton's eyes as he stared down at his daughter's unmoving body still rested in Arei's lap. "She... she's gone..."

"NO! She can't be! There must be something!" Athena cried out as she flung herself atop Pellas's still body.

Arei continued to sit there, unmoving, stunned by his brother's words. He gripped her hand, feeling it go cold against his palm. He struggled to pull his shirt off and wrapped it around her the best he could. "She... she's getting cold... we need to get her inside." He stuttered.

Triton could feel more tears build in his already watery eyes as he watched the denial of his brother play out. He cupped the young boy's shoulder. "She... she's gone. There is nothing left for us to do but mourn her."

Athena let out a bloodcurdling cry as she clung tighter to the girl she'd considered a sister for such a long time. "No!!! I... I... didn't mean for this to happen! How... How could... How..."

Triton pulled the trembling girl into his arms as he nodded to his father who had appeared beside them. "Sh... No one is blaming you." His tear-streaked features hardened as he held Poseidon's knowing gaze. "The one who is responsible will pay for this... and all the other crimes against this family." He placed a light kiss to her head as he watched Poseidon lift his lifeless daughter from Arei who still sat there in a state of shock. "They will pay, I promise." His cold gaze moved up to the stands where Zeus still watched from a distance. "Even if it's the last thing I do..."