Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 227 - Breaking the Lore

Chapter 227 - Breaking the Lore

"Aw, dang it! Now, look what you've done!" Cam pushed away from Ales to follow Jos and Raven.

Ales's eyes widened in shock and confusion. His hand shot out to catch Cam's hand as she hurried away from him. "Wait! You don't understand that thing you're chasing after is a beast, a monster, a cold-blooded killer! With any luck the palace guards will shoot it down-" Angry eyes met his.

"Don't speak about my friends like they are no more than animals!" Cam shouted as she pulled her hand away from him and turned toward the door again.

Ales darted forward to block the door. "That thing is no better than an animal, worse even! Most animals only kill out of necessity. It kills for sport!" He tried his best to stand firm against her growing frustration. "It's not safe, you must stay in here and allow the guards to do their jobs!"

Cam's eyes widened. "You speak as if they will kill her for no reason except for her being here!"

Ales shrugged, "More than likely, especially if they recognize it!"

Cam stomped her foot, clenching her fists by her sides. "You jerk! How dare you say such things, you know nothing of her! Nothing of the things she has been through because of ignorant people just like you! I refuse to be the princess or, the gods forbid, a queen of such stupid people!" She narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth, baring them as she said. "Now, get out of my way while I try to catch up with my friends!" When he refused to move, she pushed forcefully against him and even went as far as kicking him in the shin before he finally budged from the door. Taking the opportunity, Cam rushed from the room and caught up to Jos and Raven as they were halfway down the back staircase. "Wait, guys!"

Jos instantly turned tear-filled eyes up to meet Cam's, but before she could respond Raven grabbed her tiny hand and jerked her farther down the stairs. "Come on, these people will never change. They are all the same only ever seeing you through hate clouded lenses."

Jos pulled away from Raven and ran up the steps tripping over the now oversized clothes as she went. Cam ran forward as well meeting her halfway. Jos wrapped her arms around Cam's waist as the princess threw her arms around Jos's neck and held tightly, tears streaming down both their cheeks. "I don't care what everyone else thinks. I know you for you, and you are my best friend!" Cam sobbed matter-of-factly into Jos's shoulder.

Raven tapped her foot against the steps in irritation as she crossed her arms over her chest. "That's all fine and dandy, princess... But what should your best friend here do in the meantime while everyone on the bloody island despises her? Your friendship isn't even enough to sway one mere boy, let alone an entire village."

Cam couldn't think of a reply, instead, she only glared at the fairy knowing deep down she was right. If she couldn't change Ales's mind, then what chance did she have at changing the entire island's views of Jos? Her thoughts were interrupted when a familiar voice answered.

"What's to say their friendship hasn't changed the opinion of a boy?" Ales stood at the top of the stairs, his eyes trained on Jos and Cam. "Does the mons- the girl really mean this much to you?"

Cam turned toward Ales but refused to release her grip on Jos. "She does... And I'd thought as the only person on this island I care more for, you would understand and be supportive. She only came tonight because I want her to come to our coronation, and I wanted the two of you to finally meet and hopefully become friends as well."

Ales let out a heavy sigh as he nodded. "Come back to the study, the three of you... when you're ready... I'll wait there to hear you out this time without judgment..." He ran his gaze over the small child in Cam's arms. "In return, if I'm to know the real you and hear your story, I would appreciate meeting the real you as well. Please come to the study in whatever... form you typically take on." When Jos nodded shyly, he gave her a curt bow and turned back toward the hallway leading to his study.

Cam frowned toward his departing back, watching until it was gone from view. Letting out a heavy sigh as she released her grip on Jos, she said. "Well, it's not exactly a warm welcome as I'd hoped for, but at least it's a bit of a step forward in the right direction." She looked Jos over. "What do you say we go to my room and get you changed into something more fitting?" Her gaze moved over to Raven. "No offense."

Raven arched a brow, her arms still crossed over her chest. "None taken." Nodding down to Jos, she added. "It's just as weird for me seeing her in my clothes as it is for you." She shrugged. "Besides, maybe if she looks cuter your prince will be more accepting. In my experience that's the way of the world. Small, cute, frail things are always more sought after and treasured than strong things that can take care of themselves."

Cam tilted her head. "It seems like there's a very personal point you're trying to make here..."

Raven uncrossed her arms as she made her way up the steps. "All I'm saying, princess, is if you want to be cherished by a man never appear stronger than they are... It's the simple way of the world..." Raven said bitterly as she walked past Cam and Jos.

Cam bunched up her brows as she followed Raven up the steps. "That's not true. Male wolves want strong females. Females are the backbone of a pack. Without strong females, the pack would have no future, no generations to carry on the name."

Raven turned at the top of the stairs as she stared skeptically down at Cam. "If that is true then why are your females sold off as no better than breeding mares while only the males can be born to lead a pack? I don't see any females declared as alpha and able to rule alone among your people."

Cam's mouth dropped, but she couldn't counter Raven's words. They were the truth no matter how much she wanted to argue against it. Forcing her mouth shut and letting out an indignant huff, she finally said. "Show me one species where those same rules do not apply."

Raven nodded toward Jos. "In gods and demi-gods for one... It's one of the main reasons people can't accept her. She's too powerful for them to control her. Even the gods themselves have little control over her when she's in full beast mode."

Cam shook her head. "I've seen you subdue her."

Raven shook her head. "You've seen me subdue a child's body before a shift. I can't fight against her in a full shift, and it would be ten times harder if she was in adult form and not also fighting against the shift." Raven turned and headed down the hall without waiting for Cam's response. The look on her face was enough to know she was confused and overwhelmed with information.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Cam yelled out as she noticed Raven making her way back toward the office instead of her bedroom on the other end of the hall.

"I'm going to have a chat with your little prince while the two of you get changed." Raven replied.

Thirty minutes later Cam and Jos were both turning back out of the study doors nearly as quickly as they'd stepped in. "Wait right there, girls. There seem to be some issues to discuss, don't you agree?" Reighley's voice called out after them.

Cam swallowed hard as she turned back into the room and studied the small, waiting crowd. Ales sat behind one of the desks in the expansive room, Raven was leaned against it with her arms crossed over her chest, and the queen sat in one of the cozy armchairs arranged near the fireplace, a tray of tea on the table in front of her. She squeezed the trembling hand in hers as she quietly led the way back into the room.

Raven's gaze met Jos's as she nodded toward the queen. "If there's any chance of this working, you may as well start with someone with actual pull on this island and not just a prince in wait. No offense." Raven sent a quick nod in Ales's direction.

"Your friend was just telling us a bit about the two of you." Reighley said as she trailed her eyes over the frightened girl. "I must admit, you're not quite what I expected when I was informed the Kraken was here and sought an audience with me."

"This isn't her only form, only her preferred one." Cam quickly chimed in. "She doesn't want to be some big scary creature, it's a curse! She can't help it, I've seen as much myself."

Reighley arched a quizzical brow. "You've witnessed what exactly?"

Cam gulped down the saliva building in her mouth from her nervousness. It was more than just their friendship at stake, so it was imperative to choose her words wisely. "I have been with her when the curse has called to her. I've seen her try to fight against the shift, and I've seen Raven," She nodded toward the fairy still leaning against the desk. "Use magic and irons to restrain her and keep her from shifting." She smiled back a Jos. "She's a good person, the people of this island just have never given her a chance to prove it." Turning sad eyes back to the queen, Cam went on. "I've seen the way the town's people stare at her and treat her!" Shaking her head, she couldn't help the passion and irritations that powered her words. "They won't even sell her food or supplies! She has to catch everything she eats by hand! She stays in a child's form because it's easier to sustain on such meager food! All because everyone is too stubborn and pigheaded to even try saying hi. They would rather refuse her business and throw out good products versus selling to her! That's not only bad business, but it's taking away revenue from the palace!"

Reighley studied the girls for several seconds before finally directing her attention to Jos and asking. "Is this true?" When Jos nodded yes, Reighley frowned. "Refusing business of one person well hardly break the crown, but I can see your overall point." She turned her attention to her son, deciding it would be a good time to test his leadership skills for the first time. "What is your opinion on the matter, after hearing your future bride's side of the story?"

Ales thought over his mother's question for a few minutes as he studied the girl clinging to Cam's arm, dressed in one of Cam's older dresses. The girl was extremely thin and had been even as a boy of about his age earlier, so being undernourished wasn't a hard possibility to imagine. When combining Cam's words with those of the Fairy's earlier, it was easy enough to feel pity for the creature still hiding behind his future bride. Ales nodded slowly. "Your guardian tells me you despise the creature you become and the acts you are forced to carry out... so much so that she has had to stop you from trying to cause yourself harm in moments of grief after an attack... a cursed shift... if you prefer..." When the slight girl only nodded as she looked away in what could only be described as embarrassment, Ales nodded toward his mother. "I believe Cam is correct in her judgments of this... girl and in the need for a re-education of the people of the island... starting with the royal family and the many individuals within the palace walls." Before anyone could reply, he added making steady eye contact with Jos and Cam both. "However, hundreds of years of fear cannot simply disappear overnight even by decree of a ruler. I am not naive enough to believe there will not be backlash for the decisions made in this room here tonight." He stood and walked around the desk toward Cam. Smiling down at her as he took her free hand, he said. "But in the end, I believe standing with my intended and supporting the one I love is more rewarding than anything that could come of going against her wishes on the matter." He shrugged, "Besides if the girl is anything like what Cam has described over the past years, I'm sure she'll be able to quickly win over the people if given a proper chance."

Cam's eyes lit with warmth and excitement. "Do you mean it? You'll help me on this? Help Jos?" She quickly moved her attention over to Reighley. "Is it alright that he does so?"

Reighley gave them a warm smile. "It is, in fact, I'm somewhat surprised and incredibly pleased with the decision. I don't even think Lyko would have been in such quick agreement with me had the situation been us instead. Your willingness to trust in her and side with her even on matters you're uncertain about will make for a strong relationship and will help ease some of the burdens of ruling... a thing that took your father years to learn."

Ales's smile moved from his mother back to Cam. "Cam always leads with her heart. I don't think that's such a bad thing. Besides if I can have the added bonus of helping someone in need and making her happy then why not take both?"

Reighley couldn't help the giggle that escaped at seeing her son so madly in love. "Well if it's settled, then shall we present her to your father? After that, Cam dear, perhaps you can lend her some more of your gowns you've outgrown, and we'll see about having deliveries set up for her until she can get acquainted with the town's people better." Reighley called for a servant to fetch her husband and shared in light conversation with Raven, Ales, and Cam as they waited. When Jos did little more than nod in response, Reighley finally added. "You don't have to be nervous here, I promise you nothing bad will happen. Lyko may have a reputation for being ruthless and cold-hearted, but assure you he's a very gentle, caring man."

"Don't go telling everyone my secrets, if it gets out that I'm a softy I'll actually have to work for their respect." Lyko teased with a wink as he walked into the room. Looking around he asked. "So, who do we have here? I've been told there was a bit of a disruption earlier. I hate that I missed the excitement. Do fill me in."

Reighley nodded to Ales to lead the conversation. Though he was obviously nervous, he led the conversation well and by the end got his father's approval for moving forward with operation 'breaking the lore'. With his parents' approval, Ales found himself overfilling with joy as he watched Cam and her dear friend chatter happily on their way to deliver the first bit of supplies to Jos's home. Seeing the excitement animate Cam's face as she rambled on about future plans made him all the more glad he would be included in those plans as well. And by the end of the night, he found he too liked the shy girl and strange fairy as well.