Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 229 - Crowning a Princess

Chapter 229 - Crowning a Princess

Cam giggled as she pulled up the elbow-length gloves while watching Jos tug at the long flowing sleeves of the ballgown for what had the be the hundredth time. "You're going to rip the lace." Cam chuckled, too overjoyed that her friend was allowed to be a part of such an important time in her life to care that the girl was about to rip off the entire sleeve of one of Cam's favorite dresses. Cam arched a brow as Jos began nervously rubbing invisible wrinkles from the dress's front. "You don't have to be so nervous you know... The queen has extended her protection and support. Plus, you'll have Ales and I there by your side."

Jos frowned, her attention still trained on straightening the already straight dress. "It's not just that... I feel... so overdressed." Her troubled eyes met Cam's. "It doesn't suit me..."

Cam tilted her head. "Jos... have you never worn a ballgown before?"

Jos shrugged. "Not that I can recall... I've never had the occasion nor desire..."

Cam brushed away the handmaiden who had been styling her hair and pushed up from the dressing table. She walked over and took Jos's fumbling hands, bringing the girl's attention back up to meet hers. "Jos, you have nothing to worry about. You look beautiful, though I have to admit I'd been surprised to see you still maintaining this youthful form after everything..." She squeezed Jos's hands reassuringly. "You have been my dearest friend and have always accepted me as I am... My greatest wish for you is that someday you'll be able to accept yourself as completely." She bent and placed a light kiss on Jos's cheek. Giving a playful shrug as she squeezed her hands again, Cam laughed. "Besides, I'm going to look incredibly silly outside this island having a best friend who looks barely twelve." Cam gave her a wink as she released her hands and walked back to the dressing table.

The commotion outside the bedroom brought both the girls' and maid's attention to the door. "I belong here! The princess is expecting me so paws off!" Raven's voice boomed from outside. The door soon opened with Raven still arguing with the guards outside. "Go sniff each other's butts ya bastards!" She turned her attention into the room as she slammed the door closed behind her. Spreading out her arms to show off her gleaming golden armor, she asked. "Well, what do you think? I told you I could dress for the occasion myself!"

Cam and Jos both gawked in surprised confusion. "Um... Raven... That's not exactly coronation attire..."

Raven frowned. "And why not? I wore it to my own wedding, to a queen might I add." She crossed her arms over the hard chest plate. "This is the royal armor of the Light Fae." She shrugged, "Isha insisted I wear it to represent her court." A deep blush crept up the fairy's dark neck and cheeks as she looked away. "I suggested that she join, but apparently she's still pissed about certain things." She sent Jos a 'but what can ya do' look as she shrugged again.

A light tap on the door ended the awkward conversation. "The parade begins in ten minutes, Princess." Ales pushed the door open and peeked inside. A warm smile curved his lips as he took her in for the first time. Her wide, floor-length gown matched his own outfit in both color and regal appeal. His mother had gone above and beyond to impress the many elite visitors they were expecting at the palace today. "You look amazing." He said as he walked into the room and directly to Cam with one hand still behind his back.

Cam was speechless as her eyes moved over him. He was always well dressed, but today he was simply breathtaking. His dark, blonde hair was tied up in a neat fashion. His uniform-like suit was a bright royal blue depicting the colors of the kingdom. Golden buttons, tassels, and a well-placed sash adorned the well-tailored suit making him look every bit the prince he was.

"I have something for you, for today..." He brought the box he'd been hiding behind his back around and lifted the lid. The bright sun from the window reflected off what had to be hundreds of diamonds. His smile widened with the sudden inhales of Cam and the maid standing off to her side. He set the box on the dressing table and lifted the necklace from the box. "Turn around and I'll latch it."

Cam nodded as she quickly turned. She could feel the heat creep into her cheeks as he leaned close over her shoulder and rested the necklace against her chest. She rested her gloved hand against it, holding it in place as he latched it. "Thank you." She whispered, catching the amused smile of Raven from the corner of her eyes.

Ales spun her back around to face him. Studying her, he whispered. "Beautiful." He bent and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "I'll wait for you by the carriage. He nodded a greeting to Raven and Jos as he left the room. "Glad you could make it." He said as he pulled the door open and tossed them all a charming smile, his eyes trailing over Cam in appreciation one last time before he vanished.

Cam bounced in excitement as she quickly made her way over to Jos and Raven, giving the dressing mirror one last glance before grabbing their arms and hurrying toward the door. "I'm so excited! I haven't seen my parents since the winter holiday!"

Raven glanced over at Jos with a chuckle as the excited werewolf tugged them through the hallways of the palace. "Look at it this way, if the crowds turn on you... you'll go out beautifully." She winked to the terrified Jos.

Cam glared at Raven from over her shoulder. "Stop teasing! It will be fine. No one will dare say anything to her as long as she's protected by the royal family." When Jos and Raven both sent her a skeptical look, some of her excitement and certainty faded away. "If you feel too uncomfortable, I'll not be upset if you leave early. All I ask is that you at least give the people a chance to see the real you."

Jos gave a sheepish nod, even though she could feel a building weight deep within her body continue to increase the closer to the front of the palace that they came. With each step toward the open balcony area overlooking the massive staircase of the front entrance, the more magnificent the decor became... and the more voices could be heard. As they neared the top landing of the second-story stairs, Jos tugged her hand free. "You should go down first. We will follow at an appropriate distance."

Cam arched her brows and pursed her lips. "Fine, but if you haven't begun descending by the time I reach the fourth step, I'm turning and coming back here to drag you down."

Jos swallowed hard. "I promise." With that Cam gave her a bright smile and turned to begin her descent.

Raven watched as the princess became distracted waving to several of the guests below. "As amusing as all this is, I don't understand why you let her boss you around and play dress up. You're a demi-god for fucks sakes, and an old ass one!" She watched as Jos's worried eyes followed the young wolf's descent. Puffing out a breath. "Alright, I'll give it to you, she's never boring. A welcomed change to this island, but still?!"

Jos shrugged as she stroked a hand nervously over one arm. "I like her. She's the first real friend I've ever had."

"Well thanks..." Raven said sarcastically.

Jos frowned as she met Raven's faux irritated glare. "You were forced into my company, remember." She turned her attention back to Cam, a warm smile spreading across her lips. "She sought out my friendship without fear or wanting anything from me... or being forced... I can't even say that about HIM."

Raven let out a defeated breath. "I get it... Alright, well if we're doing this let's get it done. There's not a doubt in my mind our feisty little princess won't live up to her threats." Raven plucked one of the many red roses from the arrangements littering the palace from floor to ceiling and placed it behind Jos's ear. "There, it's not fancy jewelry but it will do nicely." Raven instinctively drew closer to Jos's side as they began to descend, and the guest's attention began to shift from the speaking princess and prince to the stairs. "I'm not usually one for backing down from a crowd, but I have to admit this much attention at once is unnerving." They were instructed by some of the event planners to follow behind Cam and Ales as they made their way out to the waiting carriages and even more people.

The front golden carriage was decorated with the colors and banners of Ales's kingdom, his parents were already waiting inside. Three horses with royal blue and gold tassels hung from their intricately styled mane and lined the tapestries and saddles across each's back. Blue and golden braided reins adorned each giving them even more of a regal appearance. Next in line was a beautiful open-topped golden carriage pulled by a pair of snow-white horses. The entire carriage was covered in fresh roses. The flowers were even braided into the reins and manes of the horses. The coachman even had a red velvet suit and a rose in his lapel and the band of his top hat. Another equally stunning carriage as the first proceeded, decorated in the crimson banners of Cam's parents' kingdom. Two massive wolves one black and one white stood on either side of the carriage, golden crowns atop each's heads along with black diamond and ruby-encrusted chains hanging in layers from each of their necks. Several different clusters followed, some were pack warriors, some were marching bands, and some were extended family of each kingdom proudly broadcasting their affiliation and recognizable marks.

To her surprise, Jos was loaded into the open carriage with Cam as Ales mounted one of the dressed-up horses, but her greatest shock came when an impressive flaming gold carriage descended from the heavens above. Her mouth dropped open. "Is that..." Her words faded as her mouth nearly fell to the carriage floor.

Cam smiled as the beautiful sun god rode past them to take the lead at the front of the line. Her eyes took in his shimmering bronzed skin and long, freely flowing, curly blond hair. "Apollo..." She let out a sigh as she admired him. "Wait, you didn't know? How is that even possible?" Cam shot Jos a skeptical look.

Raven shook her head from beside the carriage. "What she doesn't know about the gods of the world could fill an ocean." Raven pushed away the reins one of the planners was trying to offer her. "No thanks, I have my own means of transportation." She gave Jos and Cam a wide smile. "I mean if we're showing off today..." She stepped to the side, a wide smile spread across her lips as she let her wings pop free and flapped them once to emphasize her point.

It was Cam's turn to stare in amazement as Jos looked around nervously, but the attention didn't stay on Raven for long. Out of nowhere came a beautiful woman with pale ivory skin and dark hair matching Raven's wings. She sat atop a stag who pranced proudly, his head lifted high putting his magnificent full rack on display. "Artemis..." Cam whispered leaning toward Jos. "They are considered the wolf-born god and goddess. He is the god of wolves and she is the goddess of the hunt, they have both taken part in the welcoming of a new alpha for as long as wolves have walked this earth. The courtesy has carried over to our kind as well, especially now since different factions have begun merging and breeding with one another."

Jos tilted her head. "What do you mean 'different factions'?"

Cam leaned closer as she began pointing to the different banners flying high behind them. "Each of the factions should have a representative here today. My parents' packs come from them." She pointed to the massive wolves one on either side of her parents' carriage who were now joined by a gray wolf nearly as large. "The black one is Hati and the white is Skoll. They are from my father's Nordic line. They were born demi-god wolves, grandchildren of Loki. The grey one is Sam. He is my mother's great grandfather. The lines have crossed with shapeshifters over the ages giving my ancestors the ability to shift into human form until finally, wolves like my family and I were born human-ish first with the ability to take on the wolf form." She nodded her head to the gods as they took their place in the front of the group. "Ales's family come from gods. One side was cursed by Zeus and the other originated through wolf gods similar to my parents, but I'm sure Anubius or Magami would be way too busy to show themselves here. They've more than likely sent representatives as well."

Jos's wide eyes met Cam's. "That's some pretty impressive lineage!"

Cam giggled, "Yes, why do you think Ales's parents paid so much to have me brought here? They hope by breeding the two families a stronger line will be created."

Confusion and skepticism battled across Jos's expression. "You make it sound like you're nothing more than animals being sold and bred for someone else's gain."

Cam's expression became serious as she shook her head 'no'. "It's nothing like that. It's for the wellbeing of our people... to strengthen our packs and give future generations a stronger defense against the evils of this world!"

"Welp, can't argue with that logic. Are we ready, ladies?" Raven asked as she pushed off the ground and took flight. Her armor reflecting the sun's rays, causing light to dance across Jos and Cam. She sent them a wink as she hovered overhead.

The parade moved slowly through the overjoyed town. Flags and banners hung proudly outside shops showing support for joining kingdoms along with showing recognition for some of the better-known visitors. Red and blue mixed arrangements of flowers hung from every available location, with beautiful red Begonias surrounded by aromatic blue Grape Hyacinth. Allium could be seen mixed in vases with Amaryllis in several shop windows, all representing the combining of the two families. Excited town's folk mixed with visitors in a sea of bodies lining all the available space on the sidewalks, leaving no patch of stone visible. They tossed Roses and Irises which had been tied together toward the carriages and riders as they passed. Several large bundles of flowers were tossed into the princess's carriage causing her to giggle as Jos tried her best to arrange each in the seat beside her.

"See, the town's people are too excited to even give mind who is in the carriages. Simply set back and enjoy the ride and all the beautiful decorations!" She said as she waved to the many different smiling, yelling, and waving people.

"Easy for you to say... You love this kind of thing... I would much rather crawl back into the cave I came from... maybe even hide under my bed until the sea of bodies have lessened... Hell, shackle myself under the bed just in case some of them get lost on their ways home tomorrow..." She let out an anxious sigh. "I can't smile and wave to these people knowing I've either killed their ancestors or could possibly kill them..."

Cam's eyes held Jos's. "You can't continue thinking of yourself like this."